Chapter 1417

"No?" Li Ming asked.

"Yes, yes, how many plants do you want?" The boy came back to his senses and said immediately.

Li Ming thought for a while, and asked instead: "How many plants do you have in your store?"

"What are you doing?" The servant immediately became vigilant, obviously treating Li Ming as a colleague.

Li Ming smiled and said, "I want a lot, and I'm worried that your store doesn't have enough stock."

"Not enough?" The boy was startled, and the fox asked: "Guest officer, how much do you want?"

Li Ming thought for a while and said, "Let's come to [-] plants first."

"What? One hundred thousand plants? Did I hear correctly?" The boy was really taken aback and asked in disbelief.

Although the profit of the spirit grass is far less than those of the elixir, but one hundred thousand plants can make a lot of money.

Immediately, the servant became more enthusiastic and said, "Guest officer, please come to the inner room."

"No need, you just take out the spirit grass. I have other things and I don't want to delay too long." Li Ming said.

"This..." The servant couldn't help but hesitated.

"What's the problem?" Li Ming asked.

"Guest officer, Qilingcao is not a best-selling herbal medicine, and we don't have that many stocks in our store." The boy said awkwardly.

"How much is that?" Li Ming asked.

"Forty to fifty thousand plants." The boy said.

"Oh, then I want them all." Li Ming said.

"Okay, okay." The little servant responded repeatedly, and then said: "Guest officer, our shop will have the remaining spirit herbs within three days, and we will give you a [-]% discount."

Li Ming shook his head and said, "No need."

Hearing this, the boy felt a pity in his heart.

After leaving this elixir shop, Li Ming went to the elixir shop on the next street.

That store had a slightly larger stock of spirit grass, with [-] plants, which were also swept away by Li Ming.

To be on the safe side, Li Ming went to the third elixir shop and bought [-] plants.

After all, Daoist Yuanzhen had been practicing Tianmo Jue for a while, and his nature was so lost. One hundred thousand spirit grasses was only a conservative estimate by Li Ming.

After buying the spirit grass, Li Ming and his party prepared to leave Xia Xuecheng.

Just as I was about to go to the pharmacy, it suddenly snowed heavily in the sky.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, very surprised.

You must know that the climate in the city is not considered cold, about ten degrees Celsius, which is far from meeting the conditions for snow.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper of the pill shop couldn't help explaining: "Guest officer, are you new to Xia Xuecheng?"

"Well, I just came." Li Ming said.

"No wonder." The shopkeeper continued: "Snow is the weather in our Xia Xuecheng, on average, there will be a heavy snowfall every three days."

"En?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and asked curiously, "How could this be? The temperature in this city is far below the conditions for snow."

"It's thanks to the boundless mana of our city lord, otherwise it wouldn't snow every now and then." The shopkeeper said.

"Oh?" Li Ming paused and asked, "Does your city lord like snow very much?"

"Not only the city lord likes it, but almost everyone in the city likes it." The shopkeeper said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being stunned, and said, "This is interesting."

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "Guest officer, if you have time, you might as well live in this city for a while, I think you will also fall in love with the heavy snow here."

"Oh?" Li Ming was startled, then smiled and said, "I hope so."

Afterwards, Li Ming and his party braved the heavy snow and left the pill shop!

(End of this chapter)

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