The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1455 Anger Comes From My Heart

Chapter 1455 Anger Comes From My Heart
"Come on, drink another one." The prince was also happy today, filled another glass, and forced the dancer to drink it.

At this time, I saw that the dancer's face was flushed, and I don't know if it was really too much to drink, or it was a deliberate act.

However, the strength of this dancing girl is not considered weak, and she also has the realm of Nascent Soul.

This drink should be nothing, it should be deliberately pretended.

The prince drank a glass by himself, and pinched the dancer's waist with a smile, and the hurt dancer screamed.

After a slight pause, I heard the dancing girl say: "My lord, I don't know if I should say something or not?"

"Say, I forgive you for your innocence." The prince said.

"My lord, you have to plan ahead for miracles." The dancer said cautiously.

Hearing this, the prince immediately raised his brows.

Seeing this, the dancing girl was too frightened to say anything.

After a slight pause, the prince asked, "How do you say that?"

"For this miracle, although Your Majesty has an appointment with you, whoever can undo the miracle will get all the benefits of the miracle. But, don't forget the Seventh Prince! I don't believe that the agreement will be kept by then." The dancing girl said.

Hearing this, the prince frowned, and said in a low voice: "The Seventh Prince is His Majesty Hong Lei's most beloved prince. His Majesty Hong Lie's favoritism was already expected by this king, but it should not tear up the original agreement. After all , This miracle was first discovered by my Dongling Palace."

"My lord, the servant girl is just worried. As for how to make a decision, it's up to the lord." The dancer said.

"Okay, don't worry about this matter, this king makes his own assumptions." The prince said.

It turns out that this prince is the Tangling King among the four kings!

"Go, dance two more sex dances for this king." King Dongling said majesticly.

"Yes, my lord." The dancer replied.

Standing aside, Li Ming had a panoramic view of their conversation. It turns out that the top ten powerhouses of the Dajin Dynasty are not of one mind!

However, I heard King Dongling say that the miracle has been figured out, but I don't know what the clue is.

Li Ming was thinking about it, when King Dongling, who was drinking and admiring the dance, suddenly put down his glass and said, "You guys stay away first."

As he spoke, King Dongling threw out a treasure.

The treasure is shaped like a folding fan, and Daoguang shoots out of it, which attracts all the dancing girls into it.

Afterwards, the treasure flew back to Dongling King's palm.

At this time, only a notification came from outside the tent: "My lord, the Seventh Prince has arrived."

"Please hurry up, please hurry up." King Dongling said enthusiastically in a suit.

At this time, only one person opened the tent, and then the Seventh Prince walked in.

"Little Wang has met the Seventh Prince." King Dongling saluted.

In fact, the status of the Dajin Prince is no worse than that of the prince, and he doesn't need to deliberately salute when they meet, so he can be regarded as an equal.

However, there are always exceptions to everything.

The Seventh Prince is His Majesty Hong Lie's most beloved prince, and his status and status naturally far surpasses other princes.

I only heard the Seventh Prince said: "Dongling King, you are being polite. I heard that Dongling King, you have already penetrated into the secret of miracles. Is there such a thing?"

"There is absolutely no such thing, and I don't know which guy is slanderous, but I hope the Seventh Prince will learn from him." King Dongling said with a panicked look.

Hearing this, the seventh prince couldn't help but frowned, and said with some displeasure: "So, King Dongling didn't find anything?"

"Nothing was found." Dongling King said.

The Seventh Prince sized Dongling King up and down for a while, and said in a threatening tone: "This prince is willing to trust Dongling King, but I also ask Dongling King to remember the emperor's uncle's instructions before departure. No one is allowed to seek personal gain, let alone It is allowed to act arbitrarily, everyone should share the news and unlock the secret of this miracle together. As for the benefits of the miracle, it depends on fate!"

"I don't dare to forget, the decree of His Majesty Hong Lie has always been kept in my heart." King Dongling said seriously.

Obviously, King Dongling was thoroughly angered by the seventh prince's rudeness.

"It's best to remember!" The Seventh Prince snorted coldly.

The Seventh Prince didn't ask for a clue, snorted coldly, and walked away.

After the Seventh Prince left, King Dongling sat down again, but at this time King Dongling's complexion had become extremely grim.

The king of Dongling picked up the jug and wanted to fill it up, but he suddenly threw the jug on the ground, and then smashed the desk in front of him to powder with his palm.

Obviously, King Dongling was really angry.

Slightly stunned, he heard the King of Dongling scold viciously: "What the hell, you dare to threaten this king just because you are favored!"

Each of the four great princes of Dajin has made great military exploits for Dajin, especially King Dongling!

However, how can such an old minister not be angry when he is threatened by a prince?
At this time, there was a sound of notification from outside the tent, saying: "My lord, King Xi Chuang is here to visit."

"I don't see you." Dongling King shouted coldly without losing his anger.

"Haha, Big Brother Dongling, why are you so angry? Did that ignorant Seventh Prince offend Big Brother Dongling?" A burst of laughter came from outside the tent, and then a burly man with a beard came in. .

It is none other than King Xi Chuang!

Seeing that King Xichuang came uninvited, King Dongling snorted and asked, "What are you doing here? Seeing this king's joke?"

"How is that possible?" King Xi Chuang said immediately.

"Then what are you doing here?" King Dongling asked bluntly.

I only heard that King Xi Chuang said: "My younger brother occasionally got a jar of fine wine, and I am here to share it with my elder brother."

"Leave the wine and see off the guests!" King Dongling said impersonally.

Hearing this, the corners of King Xichuang's mouth twitched, he didn't expect King Dongling to be so rude.

However, at the moment only King Dongling has made progress on the miracle, so King Xichuang can only say cheekily: "Brother Dongling, apart from drinks, I have other things to do."

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and fart quickly if you have something to say." Dong Lin Wang said bluntly.

Don't look at King Dongling's gentle appearance, but his temper is very hot.

On the other hand, the king of Xi Chuang, who looked like a reckless man, was thoughtful and thoughtful.

Facing the unceremonious King Dongling, the corners of King Xichuang's mouth could not help but twitch, but he could only forcefully say, "Brother Dongling, I got a treasure by chance, but I don't know what it is, please invite Dongling The big one claps the eyes for the younger brother."

Hearing that there was a treasure, King Dongling's anger subsided slightly, and said: "What treasure, take it out and show it to me."

"Okay!" King Xi Chuang replied.

Then, I saw King Xi Chuang flipped his palm, and something appeared in his hand.

It was a copper-colored washbasin, which looked a bit quaint, but there seemed to be nothing unusual about it.

The King of Dongling raised his brows, looked disgusted, and said, "Is this considered a treasure? I think it's just a basin. It has some history at most, and it's not of much value."

"Brother Dongling doesn't know something, this copper-colored basin is not simple." King Xi Chuang said mysteriously.

"Why isn't it simple?" King Dongling raised his eyes and asked, but he didn't quite believe it.

I only heard that King Xi Chuang said: "Brother Dongling, don't worry, wait for the younger brother to speak slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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