Chapter 155
Immediately, Li Ming sat on the ground and began to memorize the contents of the "Longevity Sutra".

"Longevity Sutra" is a jade slip, Li Ming poured his spiritual consciousness into it, and then a huge amount of information flooded into Li Ming's brain.

Among them, including the origin of the exercises of the "Longevity Classic", it was created by the habits of the sea turtles in Shangshang Mountain.

In addition, it is the key and method of cultivation!
Li Ming's memory is extraordinary. After going through such a huge amount of information in his mind, he remembered it all.

Afterwards, Li Ming withdrew his consciousness, and saw the jade slip instantly turned into powder with a buzzing sound.

The carrier of this kind of rewarding technique is usually a one-time jade slip. After the spiritual consciousness sweeps it, it will be automatically turned into powder, in order to prevent the disciples from reselling the technique.

Whether it is in the God of Medicine Sect or other sects, reselling exercises is a felony, and there is no mercy!

Li Ming got up and patted the dust off his body.

I only heard the elder of the Wudian tell him: "Li Ming, the Wudian has lectures on the last three days of every month to solve doubts. It will be of great benefit to listen to them when you have time."

"Yes, elder." Li Ming replied. "

"Go! Remember, you must be careful when doing things in the Moon Palace! You have to be careful in everything." The elder Wu Dian repeatedly urged.

"Yes, Elder, I will remember." Li Ming replied.

Afterwards, Li Ming left the Martial Hall.

The robes of pre-selected elite disciples are far more high-end than those of low-level disciples. Not only the workmanship, but also the level, it is not the same level, but a middle-grade magic weapon!

Middle-grade artifacts are not considered rare, but if you want to get one, you have to pay a lot of money!Let alone millions of middle-grade spirit stones.

And when you officially become an elite disciple, you will receive a robe of a top-grade magic weapon, or even a top-grade magic weapon!

It's a pity that the God of Medicine Sect only distributes robes, not magic weapons.

Putting on the robes exclusive to pre-selected elite disciples, Li Ming's aura suddenly changed drastically.

Especially the word Xiujing on the chest, although it is only the periphery of the word and not filled in, it is still full of momentum.

Only true elite disciples are qualified to fill in the word elite.

In the Medicine God Sect, there is only one way to become an elite disciple, stepping into the Golden Core Realm!
The golden core is a gap, above the golden core, people are masters, and they have great rights, but under the golden core, life is like grass, and they will be killed at any time!

Li Ming changed into his magic robe, patted the dust on it, and walked towards the bullpen of the Spiritual Beast Garden in a hurry!
On the way, when some low-level disciples saw each other, whether they knew each other or not, they had to respectfully shout: "Senior brother!"

The God of Medicine Sect, quickly come to respect the idea that those who are masters are respected, and those who are strong are elders and brothers, and it has nothing to do with the time of entering the door!
Along the way, Li Ming was unsmiling, and whenever a low-level disciple called him a senior, he would just give him an indifferent expression of grace, without any other expression, let alone talk, and he felt a burst of enjoyment in his heart.

From the perspective of this earth, it is extremely rude.

But this is the Star Realm, there is no need for those hypocritical appearances, because here, everything only depends on strength!

If it is powerful, it is above everything!
Back in the bullpen, Li Ming put aside his distracting thoughts and devoted himself to practicing!

There is no difficulty in attacking the late stage of foundation establishment, everything will come naturally.

Five days later, Li Ming left the customs and successfully broke through the late stage of foundation establishment!
I saw Li Ming let out a breath slowly, and secretly said: "Finally reached the late stage of foundation establishment!"

(End of this chapter)

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