The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1558 Choose 3 of 1

Chapter 1558 choose one of three

On this day, the elders of the second clan finally arrived at the city of monks.

Entering the inner city of Daqin, you will come directly to the posthouse to meet Li Ming.

Seeing that Li Ming was safe and sound, the elders of the second clan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I only heard that Li Ming said: "The leader of the Five Poison Sect will never let it go after he finds out that I am playing tricks on him. Moreover, he is good at using Gu, and knows our aura, so he can definitely find us easily with the wind-smelling Gu. Before it is resolved, you must not return to the Feng Clan."

"Understood." The elders of the second clan replied.

Then, Li Ming said again: "After escaping, I will join Great Qin and seek asylum from Emperor Qin."

"What are the conditions of Emperor Qin?" the elder of the second clan asked.

"Take out a treasure that can impress him." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan frowned and fell silent.

I only heard that Niu Wudi said: "Brother, I will take this guillotine. This is a magic weapon that can kill gods and demons. It will definitely impress Emperor Qin."

Li Ming shook his head slightly, and said, "Invincible, this is your only weapon, keep it away."

"Brother, you and I are brothers, why bother to get involved." Niu Wudi said.

Li Ming shirked again and said, "At present, I have three treasures on me, and I haven't figured out which one to take out. I'm waiting for you to come, and I want you to help me refer."

Except for Jiang Suxin, everyone present was Li Ming's confidant.

I only heard that Jiang Suxin got up and said: "I'll go around the city, you can discuss."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Suxin left, she was avoiding suspicion.

I only heard Li Ming said: "The three treasures are the Dragon Emperor's Floating Pearl, Qi Luck, and the fragments of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao."

"A fragment of the Pillar of Heavenly Dao?" The elders of the second clan couldn't help being surprised. They had never heard of this treasure, nor had they seen the patriarch use it.

I only heard that Li Ming explained: "The fragments of the Pillar of the Heavenly Dao are not magic weapons, but the fragments left after the collapse of the Heavenly Dao. It contains the ultimate principles of the Dao of Heaven, and one of the fragments was given to me by the old man."

Hearing this, the elders of the second clan suddenly realized.

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "The Dragon Emperor's floating and sinking abacus calculation is a supernatural object. Although I have only refined the first layer, its defensive power is not bad, and it can withstand the blow of the Venerable Realm. If it is not for this Waiting for the treasure, I am afraid that it has died tragically in the hands of the leader of the Five Poison Sect."

After a slight pause, Li Ming said again: "Qi Luck does not exist, but it really exists. There have been several times when danger has come, and I have a special feeling."

"As for the fragments of the Dao Pillar that day, Brother Zhu said that it can be used to comprehend the Venerable Realm, but I have never been able to comprehend it."

After finishing speaking, Li Ming waited quietly for what the elders of the second clan wanted to say.

I only heard Tuntian Shengou said: "Master, if you want me to see it, hand over that luck. The Dragon Emperor Floating Pearl can resist the blow of the Venerable Realm, and the fragments of the Heavenly Dao Pillar can comprehend the Venerable Realm. As for the luck It has no real effect. When the master breaks through the Venerable Realm, what danger is there to fear?"

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded slightly, looked at the ancestor of Longyu and asked, "Longyu, what do you think?"

Arowana stared at it for a while, and said: "These three treasures are all rare things, no matter which one it is, it is hard to give up. However, when it comes to practicality, Tuntian's words are not bad."

"You also agree with Tuntian's approach?" Li Ming asked.

"Everything is up to the master." Ancestor Arowana said.

Li Ming nodded, and then asked: "Second Clan Elder, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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