The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1583 Cause and Effect

Chapter 1583 Cause and Effect
Later, a group of people broke in suddenly and forcibly took Li Xiaoxiao away.

Li Ming tried his best to stop him, but he was powerless. He could only watch Li Xiaoxiao being taken away.

After that, when Li Ming came back from the Tianlan Witch World, it didn't take long for the great world to undergo earth-shaking changes, and Li Ming gradually forgot about Li Xiaoxiao.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet Li Xiaoxiao again after thousands of years, and it was in the Senluo Palace.

After a slight pause, Li Ming was startled, and came back to his senses, why did Li Xiaoxiao become a ghost?
Li Ming asked nervously, "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you? How did you become like this?"

"Father, she killed me, you have to avenge me." Li Xiaoxiao pointed to Jiang Suxin and said.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback, frowned slightly, and looked at Jiang Suxin.

Jiang Suxin said bitterly, "I don't know what's going on, I don't know her at all, and I haven't even met her."

"Of course you haven't met me, so how can you know me?" Li Xiaoxiao said sharply.

"This..." Jiang Su was stunned, and said, "Since I haven't seen it before, why did you say it?"

"It was you who harmed me, it was you, I will not remember it wrong! And the blood flowing on your body is my blood, I will not feel wrong." Li Xiaoxiao said emotionally.

Although Li Xiaoxiao is just a four or five-year-old child, in fact, his mind has already matured.

Jiang Suxin smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say, she didn't know what happened at all.

I only heard Li Ming persuaded: "Smile, don't get excited, explain the matter clearly."

Li Xiaoxiao choked up slightly, but it was not a normal person's choking sound, which made people shudder.

After a while, Li Xiaoxiao calmed down, and said slowly: "It still has to start when I was captured by ghost soldiers."

"Those people who arrested you are ghost soldiers?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, and remembered that those people called Li Xiaoxiao a little princess!

Li Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Well, it's a ghost soldier."

After a slight pause, Li Xiaoxiao continued: "I was taken to the underworld by them, and I met King Qin Guang. Afterwards, I stayed by his side for a long time. I don't know what he ate for me, my body I have never grown up. Once, I overheard him talking with someone else. It turned out that he had kept me in captivity for the sake of my blood.

After learning about this, I tried every means to escape.

However, both failed.

Almost 30 years later, King Qin Guang brought me to the pool of reincarnation.

In that reincarnation pool, I saw her! "

As he spoke, Li Xiaoxiao pointed at Jiang Suxin, feeling extremely agitated.

"Afterwards, King Qin Guang forcibly ingested my flesh and blood and fused it into her body. My life was transformed from your blood essence, father, and possessed the potential of phoenix nirvana. She absorbed my blood essence and used reincarnation Chi's power, slowly awakening, but slowly dying."

Saying this, Li Xiaoxiao was sobbing.

Jiang Suxin was also dumbfounded, she remembered that she had been in the reincarnation pool.

But her father told her that she accidentally fell into it by mistake.

Li Ming was also extremely shocked, he didn't expect Li Xiaoxiao to have such energy.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought of something and said, "Wait, smile, you said you were transformed by my blood essence?"

"En." Li Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "I overheard King Qin Guang mentioning it."

At this moment, Li Ming remembered that he had angered King Qin Guang in order to save Lin Ruyu.

Later, when he went to Huaxia, he met King Qin Guang.

At that time, King Qin Guang could have killed himself, but in the end he only wanted a drop of blood.

At that time, Li Ming didn't understand at all, but now he has heard Li Xiaoxiao's words, so he can figure it out, so that's it!

At this time, I only heard Li Xiaoxiao urging: "Father, kill her and avenge me."

Li Ming looked at Li Xiaoxiao with a bitter expression, not knowing how to answer her.

"Father, what are you waiting for? Kill her and avenge your daughter!" Li Xiaoxiao choked up.

I only heard that Jiang Suxin apologized to Li Xiaoxiao: "I'm sorry, I didn't know such a thing. When I came out of the reincarnation pool, I forgot a lot of things, even who I was."

Li Ming patted Jiang Suxin's shoulder, An Wei said, "I can't blame you for this."

"Father..." Li Xiaoxiao said emotionally.

"Xiaoxiao, I really can't blame Miss Suxin for this matter, if you want to blame it, you can blame my father." Li Ming said.

"Why?" Li Xiaoxiao asked with a puzzled face.

I only heard that Li Ming said: "In order to save my beloved girl, I gave her the Resurrection Pill. This pill is not tolerated. Although I saved her in the end, it also attracted ghost soldiers from the Underworld. The old teamed up and repelled the ghost soldiers. I thought it was over, but I didn't expect King Qin Guang to come to the door.

King Qin Guang did not kill me, as long as a drop of blood, he will not pursue the previous matter.

At that time, my strength was low, and I was no match for King Qin Guang at all, so I could only obey.

So, there was what happened later, and there was also you. "

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao suddenly became emotional, and shouted: "Then what about the crimes I suffered? What about the suffering? Is it right?"

Li Ming was silent for a while, tracing back to the source, all the causes and effects are on his side.

If he hadn't given that drop of blood essence, it wouldn't have caused Li Xiaoxiao's end.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said seriously: "Xiaoxiao, I will definitely get back from King Qin Guang for all the suffering you have suffered."

Li Xiaoxiao was taken aback, then remained silent for a while, and asked, "Really?"

"En." Li Ming nodded solemnly.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, then pointed to Jiang Suxin and asked, "What about her?"

"This..." Li Ming was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"That's all?" Li Xiaoxiao asked unwillingly.

"What do you want?" Jiang Suxin asked.

"You took my life, and my blood is flowing on my body, give it back to me!" Li Xiaoxiao said sharply.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Suxin asked.

"Sure!" Li Xiaoxiao said without thinking.

Jiang Suxin shook her head and said, "You will regret it."

"Regret? How is it possible!" Li Xiaoxiao said emotionally.

Jiang Suxin didn't explain too much, but just made a hole when being chased, squeezed out a drop of blood, and hit Li Xiaoxiao.

"What do you mean?" Li Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly.

"You take a look next." Jiang Suxin said.

Li Xiaoxiao didn't think much, and reached out to catch the drop of blood.

With a snort, Li Xiaoxiao felt a burning sensation in the palm of his hand, and quickly shook off the drop of blood essence, looking at the drop of blood essence with horror on his face.

But with this slight contact, Li Xiaoxiao felt that his palm was going to be burned through by the blood.

"Do you want more?" Jiang Suxin asked.

"How did it become like this?" Li Xiaoxiao asked in bewilderment.

(End of this chapter)

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