The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1628 Destruction

Chapter 1628 Destruction
"Retreat?" Li Ming was startled, his face full of suspicion.

Lei Wanli turned his palms and took out a jar of Wuliangye fine wine, drank it and said: "This is the frontier of chaos. In addition to the aura of Yuanshi you are looking for, it is also a place where the sky is clear and the earth is clean. Seeing the nature clearly, a better physical body is in retreat.”

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but nodded, expressing his understanding.

When you reach the Venerable Realm, if you want to be more diligent, you can't do it simply by retreating, you need epiphany.

At this time, Du Yueya and Jiang Suxin flew over to greet Lei Wanli.

After a slight pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Senior, I have entered this chaotic border, but I can't tell the north from the south. Is there a way to tell?"

Lei Wanli shook his head, and said: "There is no reference in the border of chaos, and the direction cannot be identified with the naked eye, only by feeling."

"By feeling?" Li Ming was taken aback for a moment, and became suspicious. Can he leave the border of chaos by feeling?

Only Wen Lei Wanli continued: "If you feel it calmly, you will still find that there are differences in the chaotic border. The deeper you go, the more chaotic, and the more you go outward, the more stable it is."

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized, and immediately closed his eyes and meditated to understand.

Sure enough, as Lei Wanli said, there are differences.

After a slight pause, Lei Wanli asked, "Are you going to continue searching for the Qi of Yuanshi?"

"En." Li Ming replied without thinking.

"You can't force anything, and remember not to go too deep into the chaos, where chaos storms are very frequent." Lei Wanli warned.

"Thank you, senior." Li Ming thanked.

Afterwards, Li Ming bid farewell to Lei Wanli and continued to search for the spirit of Yuanshi.

And Lei Wanli also began to retreat again, and then the lightning flashed and the thunder roared.

Li Ming flew towards the chaotic border based on his feeling. He was lucky along the way, and he didn't encounter the chaotic storm mentioned by Senior Lei.

It's just that in this gray and chaotic borderland, it's really a bit boring, you can't see anything, and you don't have anything.

monk city.

The four dynasties sent envoys to the Xuanshuang Beast Country.

The situation was urgent, and the envoys were on their way day and night, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

Yu arrived at the border of Xuanshuang Beast Kingdom half a month later.

Xuanshuang Beast Kingdom had just ended a siege battle, and suffered heavy damage, one of the seven great generals was injured.

Now, the flags and drums are dying down, and it is being repaired in the Luoyun area.

When the monk city mission arrived, it was immediately discovered by the ferocious beasts patrolling the border.

After expressing their intentions, the envoys were taken to the palace of the Xuanshuang Beast King.

It was an ice city, but it was opaque and blue.

When they arrived at the gate of the hall, the envoys were shivering from the cold.

You know, the envoys on this trip are all in the half-honored state.

Entering the Xuanshuang Palace, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster is sitting on the throne and resting.

Hearing the sound, Xuanshuang Beastmaster opened his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

I only heard the fierce beast leading the envoys come in and said: "Beast King, this is the envoys from the monk city, and they want to see you on something important."

"Important matter?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster narrowed his eyes slightly and swept towards the messenger group.

The messenger group suddenly fell into an ice cave, and their whole body became uncomfortable, and they dared not even breathe. The high-ranking Xuanshuang Beastmaster seemed to see through them.

After a while, Xuanshuang Beastmaster regained his majesty and asked, "What's the matter?"

The power was withdrawn, and the envoys were able to breathe.

The leader of the envoy stepped forward and said, "Dear Xuanshuang Beastmaster, in the name of the Four Great Emperors, we have come to discuss with you about peaceful coexistence and common prosperity."

"Four Great Emperors? Which Four Great Emperors?" Xuanshuang Beast King asked.

"It's the Qin Emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Golden Emperor of the Great Jin Dynasty, the Tang Emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty, and the Ming Emperor of the Ming Dynasty." The leader of the envoy group said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Emperor Qin? Emperor Jin? Emperor Tang? Emperor Ming?" Xuanshuang Beast King was stunned and said, "I've never heard of it."

Hearing this, the leader of the envoy group couldn't help being stunned, and could only introduce the four emperors in detail.

How could the Xuanshuang Beastmaster not have heard of the prestige of the Four Great Emperors?I just said this because I wanted to know more about the four emperors.

I only heard that the leader of the waiter team concluded: "My monk city is guarded by four great emperors, and half a hundred masters under his command control several surrounding planets. We are willing to trade with the Xuanshuang Beast Kingdom and make friends with each other."

"Trade?" The Xuanshuang Beast King couldn't help laughing, and said: "My Xuanshuang Beast Kingdom was founded on plunder. When you say you want to trade with us, are you actively inviting us to plunder you?"

Hearing this, the leader of the envoys was dumbfounded, and the other envoys were also speechless.

After a slight pause, an envoy from the Tang Dynasty stepped forward and said, "Senior Beastmaster, you have already occupied the southeast corner of the interstellar world, with countless planets under your control, and countless minerals and crystals. Why do you need to plunder again? It will only increase casualties ?”

"I have to listen to what you mean?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked with narrowed eyes.

"The junior dare not, the senior Beastmaster has his own holy judgment." The envoy of the Tang Dynasty said hastily.

On the way here, the envoys had already inquired into the Xuanshuang Beastmaster's disposition, irritable, killing, and human life was nothing in his eyes, not worth mentioning.

"Holy Judgment?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster chuckled, and said, "Go back and tell you what bullshit the four emperors are. If you are sensible, open the city gate and welcome me. Otherwise, I will directly destroy your monk city!"

Hearing this, the messenger group suddenly panicked.

The envoy of Daming quickly said: "Senior Beastmaster, once a war starts, the consequences will be disastrous. Don't you think about your people?"

"I see that you don't want to live anymore!" Xuanshuang Beastmaster snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes, and exhaled cold air from his mouth.

As soon as the envoy of Ming Dynasty touched the cold air, he immediately turned into an ice sculpture, without any breath of life.

Seeing this, the expressions of the other envoys changed drastically.Although I heard that the Xuanshuang Beastmaster has a tyrannical character and kills people, but I didn't expect it to reach such a point.

The two countries are at war, do not cut it!
I only heard the Xuanshuang Beast King yelling: "Get out, don't dirty my Xuanshuang Palace."

A group of messengers were so frightened that they were as quiet as a cicada, and retreated tremblingly.

However, at this time, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster suddenly said: "Only one person is enough to inform the messenger, and leave the rest as rations for the people of this king!"

"Yes!" The guard at the gate of Xuanshuang Palace responded, and immediately captured all the envoys.

How could the messenger be willing to be captured like this, he could only resist.

However, Xuanshuang Beastmaster took a breath and directly froze them into ice sculptures, leaving only one.

I only heard that the Xuanshuang Beast King said to the only remaining envoy: "You are lucky, this king spares your life, go back to your monk city and tell those **** four emperors, my army will kill you soon."

"Yes, yes." The emissary who survived by chance was already frightened, so how dare he say a few more words?Run away immediately.

Xuanshuang Beastmaster looked at the emissary who was so frightened that his ass was pissed, and burst out laughing, very proud.

(End of this chapter)

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