The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1640 Ruin Palace

Chapter 1640 Ruin Palace

Li Ming was flying aimlessly, he didn't know where to go, he just knew to fly to the depths of the chaotic border.

But not long after flying, Li Ming was shocked by the sight in front of him.

I saw a ruin not far away. Looking closely, through the gray chaos, Li Ming could see that the original shape of the ruin should be a palace.

Li Ming has been in the border of chaos for several years, but he has never seen a thing, not even a meteorite, let alone any traces left by human activities.

But now Li Ming suddenly saw such a ruined palace, how could he not be surprised?

After a slight pause, Li Ming came back to his senses and flew towards the ruined palace.

The palace collapsed completely, with broken walls and ruins, and almost no complete bricks and tiles could be seen.

However, Li Ming saw a relatively intact plaque in the ruins, at least the large gold-embedded characters on the plaque can be seen clearly.

I saw the three words above: Wu Wanggong!
"Wu Wangdian?" Li Ming was slightly taken aback, and quickly searched for relevant information in his mind.

During these years, Li Ming has traveled the world, explored the stars, seen and heard many capable people and strangers, and read many classics, so he has a basic understanding of ancient and modern capable people.

However, after careful thought, there was no clue of "Wu Wanggong" in my mind.

After a slight pause, Li Ming secretly speculated: "Could it be that the Wu Palace accidentally fell here when thousands of worlds merged? Wu Wanggong?"

However, no matter what the situation is, what makes Li Ming feel strange the most is why the ruins of this palace can always exist?

It looks like it should have a lot of history.

But you must know that this is the frontier of chaos, and chaos storms may appear anytime and anywhere.

With the power of the Chaos Frontier, it is only a matter of minutes to smash this ruin into powder!
With this curiosity, Li Ming carefully explored the ruins.

However, apart from the clearly visible plaque, none of the ruins are intact.

Li Ming found many utensils in the ruins, but these utensils were all broken, and with Li Ming's eyesight, he couldn't tell what material they were made of.

After thinking for a while, Li Ming searched for some relatively intact utensils and put them away, and then slowly studied and explored after leaving the border of chaos and returning to the Feng clan.

Li Ming searched through the ruins of the palace, but did not find anything of value, so he was about to leave.

However, the intact plaque remained.

If one day the owner of this palace comes back, he can still recognize that this is his own palace!

After a while, Li Ming left the Wu Palace.

Just now Li Ming went through a careful search, but it was not completely fruitless. At least from the traces left in the ruins, it could be discerned that it should be man-made destruction, not a chaotic storm.

Leaving the ruins of the Wu Palace, Li Ming embarked on the road of continuing to search for the Qi of Yuanshi.

The borderlands of chaos are boundless, and Li Ming doesn't know when he will reach the depths of the borderlands of chaos, and when he will find the Qi of Yuanshi.

However, Li Ming was more worried about the safety of Du Yueya and Jiang Suxin, as well as the current situation of Xingyu.

The heroes are fighting together, and the battles continue. It is not known whether the Feng Clan can avoid this war.

Right now Li Ming doesn't care so much, he can only find Yuanshi Qi as soon as possible and get out of here!

Du Yueya and Jiang Suxin left the border of chaos and hurried to the Feng Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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