The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1655 Don't Relax

Chapter 1655 Don't Relax

After Emperor Qin got the news that the Feng clan had retreated from the army of beasts, Li Ming sent envoys to Feng Country to make friends.

The same is true for the Ming Dynasty.

The Dajin Dynasty and the Datang Dynasty were a little restless, and they had deep grievances with Fengguo.

If Feng Nation is really strong enough to compete with Xuanshuang Beast Nation, will they still have a good life?

For a while, the Dajin Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty were panicked, and they had to form an alliance secretly again to reject Fengguo!

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and the army of ferocious beasts was as usual, drinking and having fun, it didn't look like they were fighting at all.

I only heard that the elders of the second clan suggested: "My lord, the army of fierce beasts is so scattered, why don't we take the initiative to attack and kill them by surprise."

Li Ming shook his head slightly, and said: "Our biggest enemy is the Xuanshuang Beastmaster. As for the other beasts, they are not worth mentioning. Who knows if the Xuanshuang Beastmaster deliberately lured us into the bait? Stand still and wait and see what happens."

"Yes, Lord." The elder of the second clan replied.

The army of fierce beasts had been putting on airs for half a month, and the Xuanshuang Beast King couldn't sit still when he saw that Fengcheng hadn't let up in the slightest.

The military commander asked the whole army to rest up, have barbecue and drink wine, just to make Fengcheng relax, so that he would be caught off guard.

However, Fengcheng did not slack off in the slightest.

That night, Xuanshuang Beastmaster quietly left the beast camp and flew to Fengcheng.

Xuanshuang Beastmaster couldn't hold back in the end, and wanted to attack Fengcheng.

This night, Fengcheng remained vigilant as usual, without letting up in the slightest.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, and then a chill spread throughout the city.

Li Ming, who had just settled down, woke up in an instant, and secretly said: "No, the Xuanshuang Beast King is here!"

Immediately, Li Ming ordered several clan elders to prepare to defend against the enemy.

In an instant, Fengcheng was lit brightly, like daytime.

However, looking around, there was no army of ferocious beasts, only the Xuanshuang Beastmaster.

I saw the Xuanshuang Beastmaster floating above Fengcheng, applying the origin of Xuanbing, as if trying to freeze the entire Fengcheng.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but restrain his expression.

At this time, several clan elders also arrived one after another.

Seeing the Xuanshuang Beast King urging the Xuanbing Origin, several clan elders asked in surprise, "What is he going to do?"

"Freeze my Fengcheng." Li Ming said solemnly.

Hearing this, several clan elders couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

I only heard that Li Ming sent an order: "Order all the clansmen to prepare to defend against the enemy."

"Yes." The elder of the second clan replied.

In an instant, a thick layer of solid ice formed on the periphery of Fengcheng, at least two inches thick.

The temperature in Fengcheng is getting colder and colder. Although there is a defensive barrier to isolate part of the cold, the city will soon start to freeze.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Immediately mobilize the flame array!"

"Yes!" The elder of the second clan replied.

Immediately, a ball of flames rose from the four corners and the central area of ​​Fengcheng, making the freezing Fengcheng immediately warm, and the condensed ice began to slowly melt.

Seeing this, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said coldly: "Do you think you can resist this king's origin of Xuanbing?"

The Xuanshuang Beastmaster let out a roar, the blue robe on his body burst instantly, and then a huge monster appeared in the sky above the Feng Clan.

Yes, Xuanshuang Beastmaster revealed his body.

Fengcheng is already very huge, but compared to the body of the Xuanshuang Beastmaster, it feels very small.

I saw the Xuanshuang Beast King stretching its teeth and claws, like an ancient giant beast.


Xuanshuang Beastmaster raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, a burst of blue air spewed out from his mouth.

It's nothing else, it's the origin of Xuanbing!
(End of this chapter)

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