Chapter 1678

In an instant, the red Gu worms bit the silkworm-like Gu worms to bloody flesh.

I only heard that Tan Siming asked proudly: "How?"

"This is only the first match, what are you proud of? Come again!" the deputy envoy said angrily.

"Okay, let's continue the comparison." Tan Siming said unhurriedly.

At this time, the deputy envoy said: "This time it is better than the latent ability!"

"Anything you want." Tan Siming said lightly.

Speaking of fighting Gu, Tan Siming has never been afraid of anyone.

After that, Tan Siming took out the yellow Gu worm and put it in the ruins.

The deputy envoy also took out a Gu worm and placed it in the ruins.

Then, the two Gu worms searched for a safe place by themselves.

After a little effort, the two Gu worms disappeared.

I only heard the Deputy Messenger say: "For the sake of fairness, please be the Messenger to be the judge."

"I don't care." Tan Siming looked casual.

I only heard the envoy said: "Although I and the deputy envoy are colleagues and friends, but you can rest assured that I will be very fair and will never show any favoritism."

"I know." Tan Siming said.

Immediately, the messenger released the primordial spirit to investigate the two Gu worms.

With a little bit of effort, the emissary gained something, as if he had found one of the Gu worms.

However, it was followed by a frown.

After a long time, the envoy shook his head and asked wonderingly, "Wu Jiuchong, is your Gu worm in the ruins? Or has it gone to another place? Why can't I find it?"

Tan Siming smiled and said, "You can tell someone to remove the big rock in front of you."

"Come here, move this big rock away for me." The messenger said majestically.

"Yes." The accompanying followers immediately moved the big rock in front of the envoy.

The envoy searched left and right, but couldn't find any clues, so the fox couldn't help but questioned: "Wu Jiuchong, there is nothing."

"Master Messenger, look." Tan Siming pointed to the back of the boulder that had been removed.

The messenger took a closer look and saw something tied to the back of the big stone, which looked like a small stone.

I only heard Tan Siming say: "Come on!" "

Then, the stone-like thing squirmed, and the color of its body also changed.

If it wasn't the yellow Gu worm that disappeared without a trace, what else could it be?
Seeing this, not only the envoy was shocked, but even Jieao's deputy envoy was also shocked, and said in disbelief, "How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible. My yellow Gu worm can change color, is good at hiding, and can completely restrain breath, like a dead thing. Therefore, no matter how powerful the opponent's soul is, it is difficult to detect it." Tan Siming said proudly.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" The messenger couldn't help but praised.

Tan Siming looked at the deputy envoy and asked, "Is there any more competition?"

At this time, the deputy envoy withdrew his concealment Gu, shook his head and said: "No comparison, the Gu you raised, I will obey!"

"Thank you." Tan Siming said.

"Tell me, how do you sell this Gu?" the deputy envoy asked.

"Sell?" Tan Siming feigned surprise and said, "No."

"Not for sale?" The deputy envoy narrowed his eyes, revealing a fierce expression.

"You can buy it if you want, unless you can do one thing." Tan Siming said in a mysterious way.

"What's the matter?" the deputy envoy asked.

I only heard Tan Siming say: "Among the ruins, I am cultivating a new Gu, a Gu that combines killing, lurking, and controlling. If you can find it, I will take the three A Gu worm is sold to you."

(End of this chapter)

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