Chapter 1680

"Is this the Deity Extinguishing Gu?" The envoy and the deputy envoy asked in astonishment as they looked at the unremarkable Deity Extinguishing Gu.

They haven't seen the God Extinguishing Gu, or to be precise, few people in the entire Beiling Wu Kingdom have seen the God Extinguishing Gu with their own eyes.

They only know that Mie Shen Gu is very powerful, and it is said that it is used to deal with God Gu insects.

Tan Siming snorted and sneered, and said arrogantly: "What else can it be if it's not the God Extinguishing Gu?"

The envoy's face changed, and he didn't know if it was because of Tan Siming's attitude, or because of the intensification of Mie Shen Gu's poison.

I only heard the envoy say: "Wu Jiuchong, today we fall into your hands and accept death. If we want to kill or cut, we will do as you please. Don't think that we will surrender to you!"

"Really?" Tan Siming looked at the envoy playfully, then looked at the deputy envoy and asked, "You would rather die than submit?"

"I..." Although the deputy envoy was arrogant, he was very reluctant to die. He didn't want to die like this.

Seeing this, I only heard Tan Siming say: "If you want to survive, I will offer you a wisp of soul."

"You..." The corner of the deputy envoy's mouth twitched, looking extremely angry, offering a ray of primordial spirit meant putting life and death in the hands of the other party.

"I don't want to? Then I can only let you die from poison." Tan Siming said coldly.

"No, I'll offer it." The deputy envoy said hastily.

"Deputy envoy!" The envoy shouted coldly.

"I want to live." The deputy envoy said helplessly.

As he spoke, the deputy envoy pulled out a wisp of Yuanshen and handed it to Tan Siming.

I saw that the primordial spirit was black, like smoke, as if it would disperse when the wind blows.

This is the soul unique to witch cultivators, and it looks very different from the soul of monks, at least in appearance.

The same is true of Tan Siming's Yuanshen.

However, Tan Siming's primordial spirit is much more solid and powerful than the envoy's primordial spirit.

This is all thanks to Wu Lingzhu!

Tan Siming accepted the soul of the deputy envoy, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Yes, today you are the number one general under my command!"

Tan Siming has always been a polished commander, and this is true.

At this time, I only heard that the deputy envoy asked for orders: "My lord, this envoy of He Yun will never submit to you. Let the subordinates relieve him and share the worries of the Lord."

"You..." The envoy was stunned, pointing at the deputy envoy and yelling, "Little man, Zhang Yuanshang, you despicable little man!"

"He Yun, this is called knowing current affairs!" Deputy envoy Zhang Yuanshang said blushingly.

"Despicable, despicable!" Envoy He Yun scolded.

"Okay, shut up!" Tan Siming said tirelessly.

Then, Tan Siming picked up the black Gu worm in the last iron box.

Seeing this, Envoy He Yun's expression changed again, and he looked at Tan Siming in horror and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't do anything, I just want to try my Gu worm's control ability. I want to see if your bones are hard, or my Gu worm is stronger." Tan Siming said unhurriedly.

"You..." Envoy He Yun glared at Tan Siming angrily.

Tan Siming snorted and said, "Everyone is a wizard. When you sent the golden thread bloodthirsty Gu to my father, you should have thought that you would end up in the same way."

"Who are you...?" Envoy He Yun asked in astonishment.

"Is it important?" Tan Siming smiled coldly.

As he spoke, Tan Siming pried open He Yun's mouth.

Then, with a flick of his finger, the black Gu worm was directly thrown into He Yun's mouth.

As soon as the black Gu worm entered He Yun's mouth, it immediately became active and crawled along He Yun's acupoint towards Tianling Gai.

"Don't, don't..." He Yun stretched his hand into his mouth, trying to pull out the black Gu worm.

However, that black Gu worm had already entered his Tianling Cap.

(End of this chapter)

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