Chapter 1686
Lie Luo looked helpless, and said: "Master Li, I don't want to do this either. Who knew that such an accident would happen halfway? The only one to blame is the Dajin Venerable who sneaked in."

Li Ming narrowed his eyes and said, "If it was really the work of Venerable Dajin, would he leave any clues? Would he still let these people report the news alive?"

"What does Lord Li mean?" General Lie Luo looked at Li Ming hesitantly.

Li Ming stared at Lieluo with a pair of tiger eyes, hoping to see some clues from his eyes.

However, Lielo always looked innocent, without any abnormality, as if he really didn't know anything.

Li Ming narrowed his eyes and said fiercely: "I will personally interrogate these people. If I find out that this matter is related to you or your Beiling Wu Kingdom, I will ask Heavenly Sword Master to come out of the mountain again to seek justice. !"

"Even if Li Guozhu is taken away, I also hope that Li Guozhu will find out the truth and return me and even my Beiling Wu Kingdom!" General Lie Luo said sonorously.

Immediately, Li Ming left with the few remaining members of the escort team.

General Lie Luo also rushed back to Beiling Wu Country, this matter must be investigated thoroughly.

Not everyone can bear the divine power of the Supreme Master!

In a few days, Li Ming returned to Fengcheng and handed over the few remaining members of the escort team to the elders of the three clans for interrogation.

Afterwards, Li Ming left Fengcheng.

Where there is no wind, there is no wave. Since the people in the escort team said that it was the Venerable Dajin who did it, Li Ming must go to the Dajin Dynasty to find out what happened.

Along the way, Li Ming tried many times to contact Tan Siming, Ancestor Longyu, and Tuntian Shengou, but all the rumors about Lingzha disappeared without any response.

Li Ming had imagined several possibilities, the most likely one being that Beiling Wuguo had directed and acted out the hijacking, and the purpose was self-evident, keeping Tan Siming's trump card to restrain him.

After all, the strength shown by the Heavenly Sword Supreme is really shocking!
Second, someone pretended to be the Dajin Dynasty and hijacked Tan Siming, with the purpose of framing the Dajin Dynasty.

Third, it is really what the Great Jin Dynasty did.

Li Ming thinks that the first possibility is the most, and the last possibility is the least.

After all, only Beiling Wuguo and the others know the escort route.

Li Ming asked about the current foothold of the Dajin Dynasty through Emperor Qin, and rushed there quickly.

A few days later, Li Ming came to the planet where the Dajin Dynasty was located.

Today's Dajin Dynasty has long since lost its glory in the past, curled up on this small remote corner of the planet.

Li Ming arrived here, releasing a monstrous majesty.

After a while, a figure flew out.

It was none other than Jinhuang Wanyan Honglie!
Wanyan Honglie was startled when he saw Li Ming, and asked gloomyly, "Why are you here?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "Of course I came to settle accounts with you!"

"You know everything?" Wanyan Honglie's eyes flickered.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but sink in his heart, and said to himself: "Isn't it really Wanyan Honglie?"

At that moment, Li Ming's face darkened.

Wan Yan Honglie said: "Li Ming, I did this alone. If you want to take revenge, just attack me! Don't hurt my people."

Li Ming narrowed his eyes, and said gloomyly: "Wanyan Honglie, if you dare to do it, you have to think about the consequences!"

"Li Ming, don't think that I'm afraid of you because you have the support of the Heavenly Sword Master. I believe that the Tianjian Master doesn't bother to make a move for such a trivial matter! As for you, even though you have comprehended the source of flames and stepped into the Supreme Master, you are still in this state. The Emperor's Thunder and Lightning Origin is not a vegetarian either!" Wanyan Honglie said coldly, releasing the Thunder and Lightning Origin.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, feeling that what Wanyan Honglie said and what he said seemed to be different.

I only heard that Li Ming asked: "Wanyan Honglie, what are you talking about about the sesame mung bean?"

"Tell Xuanshuang Beast King Jiang Suxin about being taken away by King Qin Guang." Wanyan Honglie said.

"Only this?" Li Ming asked with a frown.

"Is there anything else?" Wanyan Honglie asked puzzled.

"The matter of Wu Kingdom in Beiling." Li Ming reminded.

"Beiling Wuguo? What's the matter?" Wanyan Hongliehu questioned.

Li Ming kept staring at Wanyan Honglie, it seemed that he didn't know it.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Wanyan Honglie, if I find out that the hijacking of my son has anything to do with you, I will give up everything I have to wipe out your Dajin Dynasty! I will settle the matter with you in the future!"

"Your son was hijacked?" Wanyan Honglie was taken aback, but then he laughed loudly and said, "Okay! Okay!"

"Hmph!" Li Ming snorted coldly, then turned and left.

At this time, Li Ming suddenly thought of two people, He Yun from Beiling Wu Kingdom and Zhang Yuanshang's envoy.

One of them sacrificed their primordial spirit, and the other was poisoned by Siming's Gu. Finding them might give them some useful clues.

Immediately, Li Ming turned around and headed for Beiling Wu Kingdom.

I just don't know where He Yun and Zhang Yuanshang are at this time?

Li Ming didn't care so much for the time being, let's talk about it after arriving at Beiling Wu Kingdom.

For He Yun and Zhang Yuanshang to act as envoys to visit Feng Kingdom, they must have an extraordinary status in Beiling Wu Kingdom.

At that time, as long as you inquire carefully, you should be able to find them.

Along the way, Li Ming didn't take any rest, and traveled day and night, rushing to Beiling Wu Kingdom at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Li Ming tried many times to contact Tan Siming, the ancestor of Longyu, and Tuntian Shengou, but all failed.

Now, the only thing that is certain is that the Dragon Fish Patriarch and Tuntian Shengou are still alive, because the strand of Yuanshen they dedicated to Li Ming is still there.

If they fall, that ray of primordial spirit will also collapse and be wiped out.

In a few days, Li Ming arrived at the border of Wu Kingdom in Beiling.

Li Ming landed on a nearby planet.

There are cities on this planet, the kind of very small cities that look like a market place.

Li Ming knew almost nothing about the Beiling Wu Country, only that they must all be in the Wushen Star.

As for where the Witch God Star is, Li Ming doesn't know.

Now, Li Ming came to this small town like a market to inquire about the capital of the Beiling Wu Kingdom, and it would be best if he could buy a map of the Beiling Wu Kingdom.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming came to the gate of the city.

The city gate was wide open, and only two soldiers stood guard.

Li Ming paid the corresponding fee and entered the city.

In a small town like this, the security is generally not strict, as long as the corresponding fees are paid, they will generally not be questioned.

After entering the city, Li Ming quietly released Yuanshen to explore the layout of the city and find the market.

There are not many people in the market, and there are not many high-end products for sale, just in twos and threes.

Li Ming came to the market, wandered around a few times, but did not see any shops with maps.

At this time, one person noticed Li Ming, and he couldn't help but stepped forward to say hello: "Guest officer, what do you need? Whatever you want, as long as you pay the starting price, I will definitely get it for you!"

"Oh?" Li Ming paused and asked, "Who are you?"

The man smiled shyly and said, "I'm not talented, I'll take care of everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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