Chapter 1689

That night, Li Ming quietly entered Zhang Yuanshang's mansion.

Admiral Zhang Yuan first gave the soul to Tan Siming. As long as Zhang Yuanshang is still alive, Tan Siming must be still alive.

As for He Yun, he was just bewitched by Tan Siming's Gu, there are variables.

After entering Zhang's mansion, Li Ming quietly released Yuanshen to investigate the situation in the mansion.

There are no real masters sitting in the house, only two and a half masters.

One of them was Zhang Yuanshang.

As for the other one, Li Ming didn't know who it was.

Seeing that Zhang Yuanshang was still alive, Li Ming couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, at least his son Tan Siming was still alive.

Afterwards, Li Ming quietly came to Zhang Yuanshang's room, opened the door and entered.

"Who?" Zhang Yuanshang, who was sitting quietly, was startled, and immediately became vigilant.

Li Ming said in a low voice, "It's me."

Then, he closed the door smoothly.

Zhang Yuanshang saw Li Ming's face clearly, and then secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Li Ming asked, "You should have heard about my son, right?"

"This is not a place to talk, follow me." Zhang Yuanshang said.

"En." Li Ming nodded heavily.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuan was seen pushing open a cupboard.

Behind the cupboard is a stone door with organs on it.

Zhang Yuan pressed the switch, and the stone door opened, revealing a secret room inside.

"Please." Only Wen Zhang Yuanshang invited.

Li Ming nodded, then walked in, followed by Zhang Yuanshang, and closed the door of the secret room smoothly.

I only heard Zhang Yuanshang said: "My lord, you should have come here for your lord's business, right?"

"En." Li Ming replied noncommittally, and then asked: "Do you know what happened?"

"My lord, my lord is fine now." Zhang Yuanshang said.

"En?" Li Ming was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Do you know where he is?"

"En." Zhang Yuan nodded in response.

"Where is it?" Li Ming asked eagerly.

I saw that Zhang Yuanshang first set up a magic circle in the secret room, and then said: "My lord is placed on the nearby Wuyun star by me."

"Wu Yunxing?" Li Ming was taken aback, took out the map and quickly found Wu Yunxing near Wushen Star.

After a slight pause, Li Ming came back to his senses and asked again: "What happened?"

I only heard Zhang Yuanshang said: "After Tianjian Shangzun showed his strength, Beiling Wu Kingdom was in jeopardy, so there were differences in the court. One advocated repairing with Feng Kingdom, and the other encouraged Tan Siming to blackmail Feng Kingdom. .”

"Later, General Lie Luo's Lingzha came back, and Tan Siming had to be released.

Because everyone knows that if he doesn't let him go, General Lie Luo will not come back.

General Lielo is one of the three pillars of the Beiling Wu Kingdom, and has a very high prestige in the army, so no matter what, it is necessary to ensure that General Lielo is safe and sound.

However, some disagree.

So, they discussed secretly hijacking the lord. "

"Who are there?" Li Ming asked gloomyly.

"A group of people headed by King Junning." Zhang Yuanshang said.

After a slight pause, Zhang Yuanshang continued: "Later, when He Yun heard about this, he informed the lord. After thinking about it, the lord decided to use the plan as soon as he came out."

"So you arranged those people who were hijacked?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Exactly." Zhang Yuan nodded in response.

Hearing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Zhang Yuanshang, I will rush to Wu Yunxing tomorrow, if you and He Yun want to leave Beiling Wu Kingdom, then clean up tonight, and I will take you away tomorrow morning. "

(End of this chapter)

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