The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1726 Stealing the Dragon Tail

Chapter 1726 Stealing the Dragon Tail
After a while, the Sky Eater came back to his senses, and said excitedly: "My lord, I have found out everything."

"Let's listen to it." Li Ming said.

"My lord, the Nine-Headed Lion Emperor somehow found a few big mountains and formed a circle, and its lair is right in the center," said the Sky Rat.

"What about the dragon tail? Any news?" Li Ming continued to ask.

I only heard Biting Kongshu say: "There is a clue, the Nine-headed Lion Emperor will go to the corner of the mountain to patrol every day besides healing."

"Oh?" Li Ming couldn't help but said, "It seems that the corner of the mountain is very likely to be the place where the dragon's tail is hidden."

"Yes, the mouse thinks the same way," said the Sky-eating Mouse.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded and said: "Mice, the beast king and I will go to lure the nine-headed lion king away later, and you take Xiaobai to steal the dragon's tail."

"Ah..." The Sky Eater was startled suddenly, looking very frightened.

Li Ming said in relief: "Don't worry, we will lure the Nine-Headed Lion King away this time, and you will not be in any danger at all. And, don't forget that you also have a share of the dragon's tail."

Hearing this, the Chikongshu nodded fiercely, and replied: "The mouse must live up to the expectations of the lord."

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Afterwards, Li Ming called out the White Jade Jinglin Jiao from the Evergreen Basin.

After Xiaobai came out, he asked, "Master, what are your orders?"

Immediately, Li Ming told Xiaobai about the theft of the dragon tail in detail.

Xiaobai nodded and said, "Master, Xiaobai understands."

"Well, remember, the speed must be fast." Li Ming repeatedly urged.

"Understood, Master." Xiao Bai replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and the Xuanshuang Beast King flew to the territory of the Nine-Headed Lion King, while the Sky Eater and the White Jade Jinglin Jiao lurked on the side, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.

As soon as Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beast King stepped into the territory of the Nine-headed Lion King, the Nine-headed Lion King immediately noticed it.

Then, there was a loud lion roar in the distance, and the nine-headed lion king flew over.

Seeing this opportunity, the Sky Devouring Mouse and the Baiyu Jinglin Jiao immediately sneaked into the nest of the Nine-Headed Lion King.

At this moment, the Nine-headed Lion King flew up to Li Ming and shouted majestically: "You guys are so brave, you dare to break into my territory? Do you want to die?"

I heard Li Ming quickly said: "Don't blame the Lion King, don't blame the Lion King, we have something important to report to each other."

"Important matter?" The Nine-headed Lion King paused and asked majesticly, "What is it?"

"Lion King, we heard a piece of news after we left your territory. This news had nothing to do with us, but thinking of breaking into the Lion King's territory last time, instead of offending us, the Lion King let us leave, so That's why I risked my life to report to you." Li Ming said affectionately.

Seeing this, the Nine-Headed Lion King couldn't help being startled, and actually believed Li Ming's words.

Not to mention the Nine-Headed Lion King, even the Xuanshuang Beast King almost believed it.

Now, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster admires Li Mingna, and his acting skills are almost perfect.

The Nine-Headed Lion Emperor's face softened a little, and he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Lion King, we heard that Qiongqi, a strange beast, is coming to offend you, saying it's because of the dragon corpse." Li Ming said.

"What?" Hearing this, the Nine-headed Lion King was startled, and asked in disbelief, "There is such a thing?"

"It's true, and I also heard that Qiongqi, a strange beast, has contacted many strange beasts, and wants to attack you together." Li Ming said.

The Nine-Headed Lion Emperor's expression gradually darkened.

At this time, the Sky Devouring Mouse and the Baiyu Jinglin Jiao had succeeded in stealing the dragon tail.

The Nine-Headed Lion Emperor's attention was all on the news about Yishou Qiongqi, and he didn't know that the dragon's tail had been stolen.

At this time, Li Ming said: "Lion Emperor, we have delivered the news, so don't bother me any more. You should make preparations earlier."

Hearing this, the Nine-headed Lion Emperor came back to his senses and said, "Thank you."

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster escaped.

The Nine-headed Lion King flew back to the nest worriedly, but along the way he always felt that something was wrong.

It's just that the Nine-Headed Lion King was only thinking about how to deal with Qiongqi, and he didn't take that problem to heart at all.

The Sky-eating Mouse and the White Jade Jinglin Python stole the dragon's tail, and quickly joined Li Ming.

I only heard the Chikongshu asking for credit: "My lord, the mouse lived up to expectations and succeeded in stealing the dragon's tail."

Li Ming nodded and said, "I remember you doing a great job."

Afterwards, Li Ming said again: "You advance to the Evergreen Basin, and once the Nine-Headed Lion King realizes that the dragon tail is missing, he will definitely chase after it."

"Understood." Air Devouring Mouse and Baiyu Jinglin Jiao responded.

Immediately, the Sky Devouring Mouse and the White Jade and Golden Scale Dragon entered the Evergreen Basin.

The Evergreen Basin is an independent small world, completely isolated from the outside world, and others cannot detect the situation inside the Evergreen Basin from the outside.

Li Ming put away the evergreen basin, and ran away with the Xuanshuang Beastmaster.

The nine-headed lion king returned to the lair worriedly, just got down on the ground, as if realizing something, his face changed instantly, and he roared: "Not good!"

Immediately, the Nine-Headed Lion Emperor went to check in a corner of the mountain where the dragon tail was hidden.

However, the dragon tail had already disappeared.

"No, I've been tricked!" The Nine-headed Lion King's face changed instantly, and he roared, "Damn Li Ming, you actually moved the lion away from the mountain and stole my dragon tail!"

Immediately, the Nine-headed Lion King flew out of the lair and chased in the direction Li Mingdun was going.

After Li Ming joined up with the Sky Eater, he immediately used the Phoenix Golden Wings to escape as fast as possible.

Because Li Ming knew that once he was caught up by the Nine-Headed Lion King, it would be a terrifying battle.

Moreover, the result is almost conceivable, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money!

It is lucky to be seriously injured, and it is very likely that you will lose your life, let alone enjoy the dragon's tail.

Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster fled quickly, but they didn't keep running in one direction, but kept changing directions.

The nine-headed lion king smelled the breath and chased after him, but the breath became weaker and weaker, so weak that it was difficult to track.

"Damn it! Damn it!" The Nine-headed Lion Emperor roared, he bought that dragon tail with half his life.

But now, it was stolen by Li Ming.

I only heard the Nine-headed Lion Emperor say gloomyly: "Li Ming, don't let me find you, or I will definitely swallow you alive!"

Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster had been running away for more than a month, and they were secretly relieved when they saw that the Nine-headed Lion King hadn't come after them.

I only heard that the Xuanshuang Beast King said with lingering fear: "It's dangerous, fortunately the nine-headed lion king didn't catch up, otherwise it will be troublesome."

Li Ming nodded and said, "Indeed."

After a slight pause, Li Ming said again: "Let's go, let's divide the dragon's tail."

Immediately, Li Ming turned his palms and took out the evergreen basin, and flew in, followed closely by the Xuanshuang Beast King.

In the evergreen basin.

Chi Kongshu and Baiyu Jinglin Jiao kept guarding the dragon's tail. Although they were very greedy, they didn't dare to eat half a mouthful without Li Ming's permission.

At this time, the Sky Eater saw Li Ming coming in, and quickly asked: "My lord, can I share the dragon's tail?"

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

"Great!" The Sky Devourer jumped up excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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