The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1729 The Birth of Different Weeds

Chapter 1729 The Birth of Different Weeds
The chaotic green lotus and the bodhi tree are rare treasures of heaven and earth, even less than the kingdom of trees in the sky.

It has been a while since the new world was born. Before Li Ming entered the new world, various disputes had already begun.

The true dragon fell, and the tree of the sky was cut down.

These are only known by Li Ming, and there are more that Li Ming does not know.

A few days later, the Sky-eating Mouse got a piece of news and hurriedly reported it to Li Ming, saying, "My lord, in the northwest direction, a strange weed has emerged."

"Strange grass?" Li Ming was stunned and asked, "What kind of grass is it?"

The Sky Devouring Mouse shook his head, and said, "I don't know yet, I only know that the sky and the earth changed suddenly when the strange grass came out, and the sun was shining brightly."

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, and then said: "It seems necessary to go and have a look."

Immediately, the Sky Eater took Li Ming to the place where the weeds appeared.

Going to the northwest corner now, it presents a completely different world.

Mountains, rivers and waterfalls are beautiful, and birds and beasts sing together.

It was completely different from the desolate world Li Ming lived in before, like two worlds.

However, this beautiful back is brutal killing.

These mountains, rivers, vegetation, birds and animals are all made of the bones and flesh of those top innate creatures.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

This is an eternal truth, even the most top-level innate creatures cannot escape.

A few days later, Li Ming went to the place where the vision appeared under the leadership of the Sky Mouse.

I only heard the Chikongshu said: "My lord, that strange weed was born in this area, but it disappeared without a trace after it came out, and its whereabouts are unknown."

Hearing this, Li Ming released Yuanshen to investigate.

The Sky-eating Mouse returned to the Evergreen Basin, and continued to sleep soundly to refine the dragon meat.

Li Mingyuan scouted for a week, but found nothing.

I only heard Xuanshuang Beastmaster said: "My lord, why don't you catch two little monsters and ask them."

Li Ming nodded and said, "Alright."

Immediately, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster captured two little monsters.

I only heard that the Xuanshuang Beast King asked majesticly: "This king asks you, is there any strange grass around here?"

"Yes, yes." The two little demons answered quickly.

"What kind of strange grass is it?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster continued to ask.

"Go back to the king, the little demon doesn't know." The two little demons said timidly.

"You don't know?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked with a blush on his face.

I heard the little demon said hastily: "When the strange grass came out, it was so bright and mighty. A little monster like us can only run away as far as we can, for fear of being affected by the power."

Hearing this, Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked unwillingly: "Then do you know where that strange grass has gone?"

The two little demons shook their heads, and replied fearfully: "My lord, the little one doesn't know."

"I don't know?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster's face darkened, looking very annoyed.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Beastmaster, don't embarrass them, it's normal for them not to know."

"Yes." Xuanshuang Beast King replied, and then said to the two little monsters: "You are lucky, I will let you go. If there is news about that strange weed, report it immediately, and this king will definitely reward you."

"Yes, yes." The two little demons responded repeatedly.

"Leave quickly." Xuanshuang Beastmaster shouted.

Hearing this, the two little demons ran away quickly.

However, one of them took a few steps and turned back.

"What are you doing back?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked.

"My lord, I don't know what to do with this little one." The little monster said tremblingly.

"Say." Xuanshuang Beastmaster said majesticly.

"My lord, a group of people came here to look for that weed not long ago," said the little demon.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help becoming interested, and asked, "Who are they?"

"Xiao Yao doesn't know him, but it seems that he has quite a background." Xiao Yao said.

"Where did they go?" Li Ming continued to ask.

"Going to Longkou Waterfall." The little demon said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded, took out a treasure casually, threw it at the little demon and said, "Your reward."

"Thank you, my lord, thank you master." The little demon quickly thanked him after he got the treasure.

"Go." Li Ming said.

Afterwards, the little demon happily ran away with the treasure.

Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster immediately set off for Longkou Waterfall, but they didn't expect that someone had already entered the new world to hunt for treasure.

Brother Zhu is right, once the news of the new world spreads, everyone will come rushing to it.

There are many innate beings in the new world, and the innate beings with high talents will comprehend their origin and become venerables upon birth.

However, most of the talent is medium or low.

These innate creatures with medium or low talents are not high in strength, and they are not proficient in any secret techniques.

However, they themselves are rare 'treasures'.

The monks ate the meat and gnawed at the bones, so as to improve their cultivation and strengthen their strength.

These things have long been commonplace to Li Ming, so they are not worth mentioning.

However, for those ignorant creatures in the new world, it is undoubtedly a natural disaster.

Weak inborn beings are either looking for attachments, or hiding in deep mountains and old forests, hiding underground, not daring to go out.

A few days later, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster rushed to Longkou Waterfall.

I saw the waterfall hanging upside down from the mid-air. The mouth of the waterfall looks like a dragon's mouth from a distance, with majestic heights on both sides.

If you want to come to the name of Longkou Waterfall, it is because of this.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Look around."

"Understood." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster looked around.

It's just that the primordial spirit swept over, but there was no one.

After a while, Xuanshuang Beastmaster came to join Li Ming.

Li Ming asked, "How's the investigation going?"

"My lord, there is not even a single person in this place. Could it be that the people who came here have already left?" Xuanshuang Beastmaster asked.

Li Ming pondered slightly, and said, "It is possible that he has already left."

Slightly startled, Li Ming suddenly pointed to the waterfall and said, "There seems to be something behind the waterfall."

"I'll go and have a look." Xuanshuang Beastmaster said.

Immediately, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster plunged into the waterfall.

After a while, the Xuanshuang Beastmaster flew out of the waterfall and said, "My lord, there is actually a hole inside."

"Oh?" Li Ming paused and said, "Go, go in and have a look."

"Yes." Xuanshuang Beastmaster replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster plunged into the waterfall and entered the entrance of the cave.

The entrance of the cave is narrow, only allowing the next person to enter sideways.

However, the further you go, the more spacious the cave becomes.

This hole looks quite deep, and the end can't be seen at a glance.

Li Ming couldn't help releasing the Yuanshen, but the Yuanshen couldn't reach the end.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and said in surprise: "What a deep cave."

"It's really deep, and I don't know where it leads." Xuanshuang Beastmaster said.

"Go in and find out, maybe those people also entered the cave." Li Ming said.

Xuanshuang Beastmaster nodded and said, "It's possible."

Immediately, Li Ming and Xuanshuang Beastmaster walked deep into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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