The best immortal emperor

Chapter 176 You Saved My Sister?

Chapter 176 You Saved My Sister?

Invisibility is nothing more than a blindfold.

It has no effect in front of monks of the same cultivation level, or slightly higher cultivation base.Because, even if the other party can't see it with their naked eyes, their spiritual consciousness can feel it.

Miss Qin was startled when she saw Li Ming walking towards the second floor with a blindfold, but she didn't say much.

Although Miss Qin hadn't been in contact with Li Ming for a long time, she knew that Li Ming was a steady person and would not do anything that was not sure.

However, Miss Qin was very curious about how Li Ming could avoid Master Lei Shan's perception?

Although Li Ming's strength is not bad, he is at the Foundation Establishment Realm after all, and the Master of Thunder Mountain is a Jindan cultivator.

Miss Qin couldn't figure it out. With Li Ming's background, it didn't seem like a magic weapon with a hidden aura.

You know, the treasure that hides the breath is a treasure, and it will cause a commotion once it appears!
In fact, Li Ming did not have such a treasure.

As for why Li Ming dared to do this, it was because Li Ming had already cultivated the Jade Mansion.

Moreover, the divine consciousness has been conceived in the Yufu for a while. Although there is still a certain distance from turning into a primordial spirit, it should not be underestimated.

Lord Leishan is only at the early stage of Jindan, and his spiritual consciousness has not yet fully transformed into the primordial spirit, so Li Ming boldly used the invisibility technique!
Li Ming cautiously went up to the second floor, searched for a while, and found the room where Xia Yunrou was.

Only heard in the room, Xia Yunrou said: "You go out first."

"Miss Xia, the Lord of the Mountain asked me to take care of you, and you can't leave for half a step." The servant girl said.

"What else do you want? Imprison me? My sister is still in your hands." Xia Yunrou said angrily.

"This..." The servant girl didn't know what to say.

"Get out!" Xia Yunrou shouted sharply.

"I..." The maid wanted to say something else.

"Get out!" Xia Yunrou shouted again.

The servant girl had no choice but to go out.

Xia Yunrou was very annoyed, she resisted this marriage for more than half a year, but in the end her arm couldn't twist her thigh, so she had to agree!

At this time, the closed door was pushed open again.

"I said it, don't you understand?" Xia Yunrou asked.

"It's me." Li Ming whispered, closing the door behind him.

"Who?" Xia Yunrou immediately became vigilant.

"It's me." Li Ming withdrew his invisibility technique, revealing his true self.

Xia Yunrou was surprised when she saw Li Ming, and said in disbelief, "Why are you here?"

"Just passing by." Li Ming smiled honestly.

"What a coincidence." Xia Yunrou couldn't believe it.

"Uh, actually, I don't know how to explain it." Li Ming couldn't say much about Miss Qin, but said: "Your sister is safe, I rescued her from the dungeon in Leiyun City, and at the moment, she is in the dungeon outside the city. In the forest."

"What? You saved my sister?" Xia Yunrou was taken aback again.

"Yes." Li Ming replied, and then said: "If you don't want to pick up this relative, run away now."

"Escape?" Xia Yunrou paused, "But how will Master Lei Shan deal with him? He is a Golden Core!"

"It's just the early stage of Jindan." Li Ming imitated Miss Qin's tone and said disdainfully.

"Ah..." Miss Qin was stunned again, and asked in disbelief, "Are you also a Gold Core cultivation base?"

"Uh, no, it's just foundation building." Li Ming was embarrassed.

"Then how do you escape? Even if you can escape from Thunder Cloud City, you will be caught back." Xia Yunrou worried.

"Everything is easy to talk about outside the city." Li Ming said.

"Then I'll listen to you." Xia Yunrou said.

Immediately, Li Ming whispered into Xia Yunrou's ear, and Xia Yunrou nodded frequently, before saying: "I understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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