Chapter 1786

I only heard Li Ming say: "I didn't find the relic of the phoenix, but I did find some phoenix fruit."

"Fengyuan fruit?" Xiaoqing was startled, and said suspiciously: "The growth environment of Fengyuan fruit is very harsh, and it usually grows in volcanic places. How can there be Fengyuan fruit here?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, he hadn't noticed this before.

Wen Xiaoqing continued: "Li Ming, take me to the Fengyuan fruit tree."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming took Xiaoqing to Fengyuanshu.

After half a day, Li Ming brought Xiaoqing to Fengyuanshu.

I saw Xiaoqing pointing to a small tree that was not too tall and said: "Xiaoqing, that is the Fengyuan tree."

"Oh?" Xiaoqing didn't pause for a moment, and then carefully inspected the Fengyuan tree in front of him.

Li Ming also released Yuanshen to investigate, but found nothing.

At this time, Xiaoqing's face became more serious, as if she had noticed something.

"Is there something wrong?" Li Minghu asked.

I only heard Xiaoqing said: "This place is unusual, you protect the law for me, I will manifest my body and investigate carefully."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Xiaoqing transformed into a chaotic green lotus, revealing her original shape.

However, the lotus leaves and lotus pieces of the chaotic green lotus were severely damaged and incomplete.

The chaotic green lotus sprouted a rhizome and took root in the soil at once.

After a while, the Fengyuan fruit tree was slowly withering.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, and said in surprise: "How could this be? Is Xiaoqing absorbing the spirit of the Fengyuan fruit tree?"

Xiaoqing was completely intoxicated and did not answer Li Ming.

Two days later, Xiaoqing woke up.

Seeing the withered Fengyuan fruit in front of her, Xiao Qing couldn't help being surprised, and asked, "What's wrong with this Fengyuan fruit tree?"

I only heard Li Ming say: "After you take root in the soil, the Fengyuan fruit tree will start to wither."

"There is such a thing?" Xiaoqing was startled, and then seemed to realize something, and said: "It should be that I accidentally cut off its fire spirit veins, so it will wither and wither."

"Fire spirit vein?" Li Ming was startled, he had never heard of it.

"Well, I found the fire spirit's veins underground, no wonder a phoenix tree grows here." Xiaoqing suddenly realized.

"Have you absorbed the fire spirit's veins?" Li Minghu questioned.

"No, the fire spirit veins are not very suitable for me." Xiaoqing said.

After a slight pause, Xiaoqing said again: "This Fengyuan fruit tree has become like this because of me, I really feel ashamed in my heart, I hope this drop of essence can help it recover."

As she spoke, Xiaoqing bit her finger and forced out a drop of cyan liquid.

The drop of cyan liquid dripped onto the Fengyuan tree, and the withered leaves suddenly turned green.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, it was rescued, otherwise my conscience would be really uneasy."

Li Ming stood aside, watching quietly, his heart couldn't help being moved.

Although this is just a trivial disappearance, it is enough to see Xiaoqing's kindness and simplicity.

At this time, Xiaoqing said: "Li Ming, let's go. Just now I followed the fire spirit veins and found a water spirit vein nearby. The water spirit veins nourish all things, so it is suitable for me to absorb."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Xiaoqing took Li Ming to Shuiling Landline.

It is said to be nearby, but the distance is not very close. It took half a day to fly.

At this time, Li Ming followed Xiaoqing to a big river.

(End of this chapter)

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