The best immortal emperor

Chapter 180 Rebellious Son, You Rebellious Son!

Chapter 180 Rebellious Son, You Rebellious Son!

However, at this moment, a voice came from outside the city, "Yes, Xia Xiaoman was rescued by them. But, now it's in my hands!"

Li Ming and the others turned around to see, no, Xia Xiaoman was being captured by a man.

Seeing this, Master Lei Shan was neither angry nor frightened, instead he laughed and said: "Ming'er, you did a good job, you are worthy of being a good son of your father! Come, push Xia Xiaoman over!"

It was none other than the young master of Leixing Mountain, Lei Ming!
"Go away, who is your son? I don't have such a greedy old man like you!" Lei Ming shouted coldly.

"You..." Lei Shan was speechless, looking at Lei Ming with a look of surprise, unbelievable.

"You forced Yunrou to marry because of Jin Jianzong's "Golden Spirit Sword Art". Besides, don't you know that I have liked Yunrou since I was a child? Have you ever asked me how I feel?" Lei Ming said emotionally.

Lei Shanzhu was trembling with anger, and kept cursing: "Nizi, you naughty son!"

"Hmph, even if I'm a rebel, you forced me!" Lei Ming said emotionally.

Li Ming looked at Lei Ming, couldn't help thinking of Zhu Wei and others besieging and killing him, and couldn't help asking: "You are Lei Ming?"

"You know me?" Lei Ming asked back, startled slightly.

"I don't know." Li Ming said.

"Go aside." Lei Ming shouted, and said to Xia Yunrou in a blink of an eye: "Yunrou, now Xiaoman is in my hands, you marry me!"

"Lei Ming, you..." Xia Yunrou didn't know how to answer.

"Don't you agree? Believe it or not, I will kill her with one palm!" Lei Ming raised his palm high and shouted coldly.

"Sister, save me." Xia Xiaoman was so frightened that he had never encountered such a thing before.

Xia Yunrou suddenly became nervous and shouted: "Lei Ming, don't hurt my sister!"

"Yunrou, as long as you promise to marry me, I won't hurt Xiaoman." Lei Ming seemed to have lost his mind, probably he didn't even know what he was doing.

"I promise you." Xia Yunrou said without thinking.

Miss Qin paused, and teased, "Master, it seems that your sweetheart doesn't have you in his heart."

Li Ming smiled wryly, not knowing how to explain it.

When Lei Ming heard Xia Yunrou's agreement, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Go, you come with me now."

"Nizi, do you want to piss off daddy? The Golden Sword Sect's team to pick up the bride is coming!" Lord Lei Shan was so angry that he couldn't understand.

"Go away, I don't have an old man like you!" Lei Ming roared frantically.

"You..." Lei Shanzhu stomped his feet angrily, several tiles on the floor were cracked!

"Yun Rou, follow me." Lei Ming urged.

Xia Yunrou was helpless, turned her head to look at Li Ming, and apologized, "I'm sorry!"

Afterwards, Xia Yunrou walked towards Lei Ming.

When Lei Ming saw Xia Yunrou walking towards him, he was filled with joy at you, and he held Xia Xiaoman and slowly retreated out of the city.

After a while, Lei Ming and the Xia family sisters disappeared into the forest.

"Nizi, Nizi!" Thunder Mountain Lord was so angry that he immediately chased him out.

Li Ming was also full of helplessness, he didn't expect that leaving Xia Xiaoman alone in the mountains and forests would cause such trouble.

Miss Qin was completely in the mood of watching a play, seeing Xia Yunrou walking towards Lei Ming like this, she couldn't help shaking her head, feeling that she didn't deserve Li Ming.

I only heard Miss Qin say: "Let's go too."

Li Ming was slightly stunned, and begged: "Miss Jiu'er, can you help me hold Master Lei Shan?"

"Is it necessary?" Miss Qin asked back.

(End of this chapter)

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