The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1842 I am a big fish

Chapter 1842 I am a big fish

Opportunities in the new world are very rare, but not completely absent.

After Li Ming left Hongze Great Marsh, he searched around for news of chance, and at the same time used the characteristics of the map of mountains and rivers to search.

The map of Shanhe Sheji did search for some exotic plants, but they were all innate creatures with low talents, and their uses were not very great.

After searching for it for half a year, the only thing that made Li Ming a little satisfied was a golden ambergris, but it didn't help Brother Zhu's injury much.

In the end, the Ambergris Golden Grass fell into the mouth of Shenwu Dragon Emperor.

Originally, Li Ming promised to kill the blue-eyed golden-scaled crocodile to Shenwu Dragon Emperor, but now the blue-eyed golden-scaled golden-scaled crocodile is in the pocket of others. Although the value of this ambergris golden grass is far less than that of the blue-eyed golden-scaled golden-scaled crocodile, it can barely It's a consolation prize!

Shenwu Dragon Emperor swallowed the Ambergris Golden Grass and refined it.

The spiritual liquid of Ambergris Golden Grass exudes a refreshing fragrance, which makes people unable to extricate themselves. I saw that the severe injury suffered by Dragon Emperor Fuchenzhu before slowly healed, and the spider web cracks on the light curtain were also repaired.

Shenwu Dragon Emperor took a deep breath, and said with a satisfied face: "Excellent!"

Then he said: "It's a pity that there is only one plant. It would be better if there were ten plants and eight plants."

"Just be content with it! Weeds are very scarce now, and it is already very good to find one. How dare you ask for more?" Li Ming said angrily.

Shenwu Dragon Emperor curled his lips and said indifferently: "It's just talking, what's more true."

Li Ming didn't pay any attention to the Dragon Emperor, and continued to search for the strange grasses in the world with the map of mountains, rivers and land.

In fact, if Li Ming hadn't had an intersection with Chaos Qinglian before, she would be a good healing medicine.

Moreover, with Li Ming's strength, he can definitely succeed.

It's a pity that everything is already doomed in the dark.

However, at this moment, a huge bright spot suddenly appeared on the map of Shanhe Sheji.

Seeing this, Li Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said happily: "There is a treasure!"

Immediately, Li Ming followed the guidance of the Shanhe Sheji Map and searched for it.

According to the description on the map of Shanhe Sheji, the light spot appeared in a big river.

Not long after, Li Ming came to the big river.

The current in the big river is very fast and very muddy.

Li Ming released Yuanshen to investigate Dahe.

It stands to reason that with Li Ming's current strength, he should be able to see everything at a glance.

However, there is a place in the river that is vague and difficult to explore.

Seeing this, Li Ming said secretly: "It seems that that place should be the place where Chongbao is, but I don't know what kind of foreign object it is?"

With that said, Li Ming jumped into the river.

The water flows extremely fast, and falling rocks are difficult to sink.

However, with a little exercise of Li Ming's skills, he was able to drain the rushing river water.

I saw Li Ming sinking straight to the bottom of the river like a stone statue weighing ten thousand jin.

The place where the Yuanshen is difficult to explore is right next to Li Ming. Li Ming looked around and saw a mass of seaweed floating in front of him.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but startled, and said in surprise: "The river is so fast, not to mention river sand, even stones of average weight are hard to sink, and this seaweed can take root and sprout, and it grows so luxuriantly."

As he spoke, Li Ming swam towards the seaweed with curiosity.

The seaweed fluctuating with the current sensed hostility and immediately became alert.

I saw that the soft seaweed suddenly changed and stood up straight, like a fried cat.

Li Ming sensed the hostility of the seaweed, and he was also on guard.

This thing can stand out in the map of mountains and rivers, and there must be something extraordinary.

However, before Li Ming could make a move, the seaweed took the lead, and the seaweed turned into thick long whips and whipped towards him.

Seeing this, Li Ming's expression couldn't help changing, and he immediately used the source of flames.

(End of this chapter)

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