The best immortal emperor

Chapter 189 The Murderer Dies

Chapter 189 The Murderer Dies
"Nobody cares? Then I will!" Miss Qin shouted coldly.

"You care? Who do you think you are?" The disciple of a certain elder's grandson sneered, and the others also laughed.

Miss Qin's complexion did not change, she said to herself: "Qin Emperor has an order, the disciples of the sect who bully the weak will be punished fifty times, and those who bully men and women will be punished a hundred times. You must have violated both, right?"

Miss Qin didn't act recklessly just because she was the Great Qin Princess, but moved out the Qin Emperor's laws in an orderly manner!
The elder's grandson said disapprovingly: "So what? Not only did I bully people and bully men and women, I also disregarded human lives! What can you do to me?"

"The law of the Great Qin states that the murderer dies. Human life is ignored, and if you plead guilty, you deserve to die!" Miss Qin said seriously.

"Yes, I'm damned, but who can control me?" the grandson of the elder said arrogantly.

Miss Qin ignored his arrogance, but asked again: "Bullying the weak, bullying men and women, disregarding human life, these three crimes, do you have any objections? Are you familiar with them?"

"There is no objection, everything is true." The grandson of an elder in Changqing was still full of arrogance.

"If that's the case, then I will be responsible for one hundred and five according to the Great Qin Law, and then I will take your life!" Miss Qin said.

"It's up to you?" said the arrogant Changqing disciple: "I tell you, if you dare to hurt a single hair of my hair, I will prevent you from leaving this Evergreen City!"

"Hmph!" Miss Qin snorted, and she raised her hand and took out a torture stick.

This is a torture stick unique to Daqin, only the legal departments of each city have it, not even the city lord!

The Department of Law is subordinate to the Ministry of War of the Great Qin Dynasty, and is directly responsible to the Ministry of War. It is not under the jurisdiction of the city lord, and has absolute law enforcement power locally.

The city owner only has the right to rule, build, and foreign affairs, but has no law enforcement power.

Unless you are a disciple of the sect or a servant of the city lord's mansion, there are no exceptions!
When the originally arrogant Changqing disciple saw the torture stick, his face couldn't help but change, and asked in disbelief, "Are you from the Department of Law?",

Obviously, he himself knew that he was too arrogant!

Torture instruments are not allowed to be made privately. Each torture instrument is issued by the Ministry of War, has a specific number, and is distributed to the target.

Once discovered, there will be no mercy!

The one in Miss Qin's hand was undoubtedly bestowed by the Emperor Qin, so the two ends of the torture stick were inlaid with gold wires to show the emperor's prestige.

Miss Qin didn't answer the other party's question, but said: "Execute the punishment according to the laws of Daqin."

Saying that, the torture stick in Miss Qin's hand was struck down.

Li Ming watched all this quietly, and he praised Miss Qin in his heart. She did not abuse her power because of her status, but had reasons.

It's just that it would be a bit arbitrary to impose punishment based on the other party's words alone.

If this is placed in the earth's officialdom, it is easy to be bitten back by the other party.

However, Miss Qin is the Great Qin Jiu Princess, the jewel in the palm of the Emperor Qin, who would dare to bite her back?Unless you are tired of living!

The Evergreen Sect disciple wanted to resist, but his strength was there, it was only at the Foundation Establishment level, and he couldn't make any waves at all!

Just like that, Miss Qin took the responsibility 150 times!

At the end, I only heard Miss Qin say: "One hundred and fifty battles are over."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Murder pays for life, death penalty!"

Looking at the torture stick in her hand, Miss Qin said casually: "Let's kill!"

As for the punishment of killing, Da Qin did not expressly stipulate that unless the people of great evil, the others only need to be beheaded.

At this time, the faces of the disciples of Changqing changed greatly, especially the grandson of a certain elder who was extremely arrogant.

Only one of them shouted: "Wait a minute!"

"Get out of the way!" Miss Qin said impatiently.

 The weather has been abnormal recently, everyone should keep warm, the hero accidentally caught a cold while laying down on the gun.

(End of this chapter)

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