Chapter 1924
Immediately, Xiaoqing took Li Ming to the land of rocks.

Li Ming changed his face, concealed his aura, and tried his best not to leave any traces.

On the way, I only heard Xiaoqing say: "It's been so many years, and the New World has experienced several wars. I don't know if the rocky land is still there."

"We'll know when we get there." Li Ming said.

"Yes." Xiaoqing replied.

Along the way, the two hardly had any delays.

After flying like this for four months, Li Ming came to the land of rocks under the leadership of Xiaoqing.

I saw the chaotic rocks scattered everywhere, but each one was like an Optimus Prime, not angry but mighty.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help asking: "Is this the rock?"

"Yeah." Xiaoqing nodded, and then hesitated: "It's just when did these rocks become so tall? I remember that they were only one or two meters square at the beginning, but now they are a full hundred meters high. .”

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and asked in surprise: "Could it be that this stone pillar has become a spirit, and will it grow?"

Immediately, Li Ming released Yuanshen to investigate.

The world is mysterious, and all things have spirituality, such as every plant, every tree, every mountain and every rock.

After Yuanshen's investigation, Li Ming found that these chaotic rocks were lifeless, let alone enlightened.

Li Ming shook his head for a while, he didn't know what happened to these stone pillars.

After a slight pause, I heard Li Ming say: "Look around, these stones turned into stone pillars, there must be a reason for him."

"Yes." Xiaoqing replied.

Immediately, the two flew towards the stone pillar.


After hearing two bangs, Li Ming and Xiaoqing felt their foreheads go black, as if they had hit something hard.

However, there was nothing in front of him.

"What's going on?" the little green fox asked.

Li Ming stretched out his hand to touch it, without any hindrance.

Seeing this, Li Ming also looked bewildered.

"Could it be that we were attacked by surprise?" Xiaoqing asked in surprise.

Immediately, Li Ming released Yuanshen to investigate carefully again, but still found nothing.

Li Ming frowned involuntarily, and secretly said: "Could it be that the person's strength is higher than mine? Can't detect it?"

Li Ming clasped his fists and said: "Senior and junior, both of you have no intention of offending, both of them are bothering you, please forgive me."

Xiaoqing looked around vigilantly, and asked cautiously: "Li Ming, are there any masters here?"

"I'm not sure either." Li Ming said.

The loud voice echoed in the chaotic stone pillar, but no one answered.

"Senior, please show up." Li Ming said seriously again.

However, still no response.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Li Ming shook his head, his face full of helplessness: "I don't know either."

Li Ming released Yuanshen to investigate again and again, but still found nothing.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Be careful, go to the chaotic stone pillar first, maybe you can find the original one."

"Okay." Xiaoqing replied.

Immediately, the two flew towards the chaotic stone pillar again.

"Bang... bang..."

With two muffled sounds, Li Ming and Xiao Qing's foreheads hit each other hard, and they became dizzy.

I only heard Li Ming say again: "Senior, please show up and see."

However, still no one answered.

At this time, Li Ming couldn't help thinking to himself: "Could it be another mystery?"

Because there was no sign of the impact, nor any energy fluctuations, as if it was a glass mirror that appeared out of thin air.

Li Ming and Xiaoqing flew towards the rocks carefully again, this time Li Ming deliberately slowed down.

However, there is an inexplicable feeling of being stuck in a quagmire.

Xiaoqing looked strange, and looked at Li Ming puzzled.

However, at this moment, Li Ming seemed to realize something.

Wen Xiaoqing asked, "Li Ming, do you know what's going on?"

"Not sure, but this phenomenon is very similar to a fluid in my hometown." Li Ming said.

"Fluid?" Xiaoqing looked at Li Ming puzzled.

I only heard Li Ming said: "That is a strange fluid, called a non-Newtonian fluid, which is the main material used to make bulletproof vests."

"This... I don't quite understand." Xiaoqing looked at Li Ming in a dumbfounded manner.

Li Ming continued to explain: "Simply put, the faster the fluid enters, the stronger the fluid will be."

"So?" Xiaoqing looked at Li Ming in confusion.

"That's why we can't fly to the chaotic stone pillar." Li Ming said.

"Can't fly? Then how do you get there?" Xiaoqing asked puzzled.

"Swim over." Li Ming said.

"You?" Xiaoqing was a little confused by Li Ming's words.

I only heard Li Ming said: "You just do as I do."

"Okay." Xiaoqing replied.

Immediately, Li Ming made a swimming posture and swam towards the chaotic stone pillars.

Although Xiaoqing felt strange, she still followed Li Ming's example.

Sure enough, the two did not hit the wall again.

After a while, Li Ming and Xiaoqing came to the chaotic stone pillar.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Search closely to see if there are any other discoveries."

"Okay." Xiaoqing replied.

The two split up and searched for the chaotic stone pillars.

After a while, Li Ming came to the tallest stone pillar.

According to Li Ming's visual inspection, this stone pillar is at least 60 meters long.

Just now, Li Ming has used Yuanshen to investigate it, but found nothing.

At this time, Li Ming observed with the naked eye, and found that the stone pillars had strange lines.

I don't know whether it exists naturally or is formed by the influence of the later environment.

This pattern is similar to that of a tree, and it is rugged.

At this time, Xiaoqing suddenly shouted: "Li Ming, come and see."

"What's the matter?" Li Minghu questioned, and flew towards Xiaoqing.

This flight directly hit his head black.

Li Ming rubbed his head and couldn't help cursing: "This is a damned place."

Then, I saw Li Ming slowly swimming towards Xiaoqing.

Xiaoqing pointed to a stone pillar and said, "Look, Li Ming."

Li Ming looked and saw a hole in the stone pillar, it was dark and he couldn't see what was inside.

Li Ming remembered that there was no such hole when Yuanshen explored it just now, so he couldn't help asking: "What's going on?"

Wen Xiaoqing said: "Just now I accidentally touched this stone pillar, and such a black hole appeared on the stone pillar, and it has a strong attraction, almost sucking me in."

"There is such a thing?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised, and reached out to touch the black hole on the stone pillar.

"Li Ming, be careful." Xiaoqing reminded.

"Well, I know." Li Ming nodded in response.

Li Ming carefully approached the black hole on the stone pillar with his hand. About half an inch away from the black hole, a strong suction force suddenly emerged from the plain black hole, pulling Li Ming's hand towards the black hole.

Li Ming's expression changed, and he immediately withdrew his hand.

But the suction force of the black hole is not small. Li Ming exerted force twice in a row, but he couldn't retract it.

"Give it to me!" Li Ming gritted his teeth and used all his strength to successfully withdraw his hand.

Seeing this, Xiaoqing asked with concern: "Li Ming, are you okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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