The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1937 Qinling was destroyed

Chapter 1937 Qinling was destroyed

"I can't say for sure, but Kong is the surname of Shengtian Palace. Seeing that Kong Xuan is so concerned about the silver armor, he is probably a member of Shengtian Palace." Li Ming speculated.

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued: "Let's go, let's go to those blessed places first."

"Okay." Xiaoqing replied.

Immediately, Xiaoqing took Li Ming to the nearest Qinling Mountains.

The Qinling Mountains stretch across half of the new world, majestic and majestic.

Li Ming has been to the Qinling Mountains, but he didn't know that there are underground rivers in the Qinling Mountains.

Leaving Holy Infant City, Li Ming and Xiaoqing hurried on without stopping, almost without any delay.

A few months later, the two arrived in Qinling.

When they arrived at Qinling Mountains, Li Ming and Xiaoqing couldn't help being dumbfounded. Is this still the Qinling Mountains in their minds?

The Qinling Mountains is majestic and lush, and it looks like a giant verdant dragon lying on this land.

But now, the giant trees collapsed, the vegetation withered, and even the majestic mountains collapsed in many places, with potholes.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help saying: "Looking at it, there should be strong people fighting here."

"Li Ming, look." Xiao Qing suddenly pointed to the distance.

Li Ming looked in the direction Xiaoqing pointed, and saw a wisp of black smoke slowly rising.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and said in surprise: "Why is there a wisp of black smoke? Go, go and have a look."

"Okay!" Xiaoqing replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Xiao Qing flew towards the black smoke.

As it approached, Li Ming saw clearly that it was a huge pit, and the black smoke came out of the huge pit.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming and Xiao Qing fell into the giant pit.

Wen Xiaoqing said in surprise: "What a huge amount of heat, this huge pit seems to have been burned by a raging fire."

"It's not fire, it's thunder and lightning." Li Ming said.

"Lightning?" Xiaoqing couldn't help being surprised.

I saw Li Ming pointing to a stone in the corner, and said: "That stone still emits this zesty electric glow."

Xiaoqing saw that it was indeed so.

I only heard Xiao Qinghu questioning: "Who is fighting here? It almost destroyed the entire Qinling Mountains."

"It's definitely a super existence!" Li Ming said.

Suddenly, Li Ming thought of a person, and couldn't help being surprised: "Could it be the Blue Winged Thunder Bat King?"

"Blue Wing Thunder Bat King?" Xiao Qing was startled, and asked, "He fled to Qinling?"

Li Ming shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm just guessing, there are very few people in the world who practice the way of thunder and lightning, and there are even fewer people who can destroy the Qinling Mountains."

Hearing this, Xiaoqing nodded and said, "That's true."

"Look around, maybe there will be other discoveries." Li Ming said.

"Yes." Xiaoqing replied.

Immediately, the two searched.

Suddenly, Xiaoqing shouted: "Li Ming, come here."

"What's wrong?" Li Ming came after hearing the sound.

"Look." Xiaoqing pointed to the deep pit not far away.

I saw a pool of bright red blood in the deep pit, and some fluff fell beside it.

Li Ming picked up the fluff, took a closer look, and said, "It looks very much like the fluff of a bat."

"Could it be that the Blue Winged Thunder Bat King really fled here?" Xiaoqing was startled suddenly.

"It's very possible." Li Ming said.

Just now Li Ming wasn't sure yet, but seeing this tuft of bat fluff, he was basically sure.

"Then where is he now?" Xiaoqing asked nervously.

The Blue Wing Thunder Bat King is the existence of the peak of the Great Venerable, if he is not accidentally provoked, he will be doomed.

Li Ming looked around and said, "The traces of fighting run from east to west. It seems that the Thunder Bat King Qingyi should have left the Qinling Mountains."

(End of this chapter)

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