The best immortal emperor

Chapter 1965 The Curve to Save the Nation

Chapter 1965 The Curve to Save the Nation
"Huh?" Hearing this, Brother Zhu couldn't help but stared at Li Ming suspiciously.

Xiaoqing on the side was also puzzled, not understanding why Li Ming left like this.

However, since Li Ming said so, Brother Zhu and Xiaoqing didn't want to ask more questions now, and left with Li Ming.

Surprisingly, King Behemoth let Li Ming go just like that, without mentioning anything about Shenbao.

After leaving the palace, the group left straight away.

Brother Wen Zhu asked, "That's all?"

"Of course it's impossible." Li Ming said firmly.

"What are your plans?" Brother Zhu asked.

I only heard that Li Ming said: "In the case of a direct conflict, if you don't use the Book of Conferred Gods, it may be difficult to make the Bimeng people succumb. However, once you use the Book of Conferred Gods, I'm afraid it will arouse the idea of ​​​​Gong Gong. If it exposes Brother Zhu, you Unfinished news is not worth the candle."

Hearing this, Brother Zhu nodded and said, "That's true, but you plan to force the Bimengs to submit?"

"We can't touch King Bimon, but we can start with his people." Li Ming said.

"Oh?" Brother Zhu paused and said, "Let's hear it."

At that moment, Li Ming just stated his thoughts.

Hearing this, Brother Zhu nodded and said, "It sounds like it should work!"

"Try first and then talk, if it doesn't work, then find another way." Li Ming said.

"En." Brother Zhu responded.

Afterwards, Li Ming and his party raised their hands.

A few days later, King Beamon received a message that a tribe in the north had mysteriously disappeared.

King Behemoth was very surprised when he got the news, why did he suddenly disappear?

Immediately, King Bimon sent someone to investigate.

However, within a few days, a Beamon tribe in the west also disappeared without leaving any clues.

For a moment, King Behemoth couldn't help panicking, and immediately asked all the elders to rush back to their respective tribes as a precaution.

All the Bimon elders also panicked and rushed back to their tribe.

The Bimon people were broken up into parts and scattered into several tribes in order to prevent the encirclement and suppression of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox.

However, these Bimon elders rushed back to the tribe, but nothing changed, and the tribe continued to disappear.

King Behemoth panicked. The Behemoth had already been hit hard, and living in a difficult place, the population had continued to decline for several years.

Now, six or seven tribes are missing at the same time.

This is undoubtedly worse for the Bimon people.

On this day, an elder came in a panic.

Seeing this, King Behemoth quickly asked, "What's going on?"

"It's Li Ming, Li Ming did everything." The elder said quickly.

"Li Ming?" Hearing this, King Behemoth's expression darkened, and he scolded, "Damn it!"

I only heard Elder Beamon said: "King Beamon, Li Ming left a message saying..."

"What?" King Behemoth asked eagerly.

"He said that if we Bimons don't keep our promise, he will let our Bimons be wiped out." Elder Bimon said.

"Arrogance! He dares to say such big words?" King Behemoth said coldly, and then said: "If my brother hadn't been charmed by Jiutianhu, how could the Japanese king let him go away so easily?"

Indeed, according to King Behemoth's original idea, he would work together to seize Li Ming's magic treasure after his elder brother was born.

It's a pity that the elder brother was under the charm of Jiutianhu, and he still didn't wake up, so he let Li Ming go.

However, King Behemoth never expected it to become like this.

For a moment, the hall couldn't help but fell into silence.

After a slight pause, Elder Behemoth asked, "King Behemoth, what should we do now?"

King Behemoth couldn't help but freeze, and said: "Call the remaining tribes and quickly gather in the canyon. I don't believe that Li Ming dares to come here to do anything wrong."

Hearing this, Elder Beamon couldn't help feeling suspicious, and said worriedly: "All the tribes gather here, what should we do if the nine-tailed sky fox gets into trouble?"

King Behemoth couldn't help but freeze, he didn't consider this just now.

Now being reminded by this, I suddenly feel inappropriate.

After a long time, King Behemoth said unwillingly: "Is it really necessary to throw a mouse at Li Ming and help him enter the realm of nothingness in advance?"

"This seems to be the best choice. After all, Li Ming helped us rescue the old Beamon King. And he said that as long as we keep our promise, the missing Beamon people will be sent back unscathed, otherwise..." Elder Beamon gave a slight smile pause.

"Otherwise what?" King Behemoth asked eagerly.

"Otherwise he will tear up his ticket, and he will join forces with the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox to attack our Behemoth tribe." Elder Behemoth said.

"How unreasonable, how unreasonable!" King Bimeng said angrily.

The tribes of the Bimon people are still missing. In just seven days, two tribes disappeared completely.

King Behemoth finally couldn't sit still anymore, and expressed his goodwill to Li Ming, expressing his willingness to fulfill his promise.

When Li Ming heard the news from King Behemoth, he couldn't help but sneered and said, "King Behemoth finally gave in."

Hearing this, Brother Zhu nodded and said, "Saving the country with curves is also saving the country!"

On this day, Li Ming and his party returned to King Bimon's palace.

Outside the palace, Brother Zhu only heard a reminder: "Be careful of fraud."

"En." Li Ming responded.

At this time, King Behemoth walked out of the palace with a sullen face, followed by the few remaining elders.

It was only heard that King Bimeng asked, "Li Ming, where are my people?"

"Your clansmen are safe. As long as you help me go to the void world, I will release your clansmen immediately." Li Ming said.

"No! You must release my people first, otherwise you will never want me to help you go to the void world." King Behemoth shouted coldly.

Hearing this, Li Ming snorted and sneered, "King Bimon, do you still have the credibility to negotiate terms with me?"

"You..." Old Behemoth couldn't help but blushed.

I only heard Li Ming say: "King Bimon, if you want peace talks, you have to listen to me, otherwise I will go to Tianhu City! I believe that the nine-tailed Tianhu will be happy to get rid of your Bimeng clan!"

"You..." King Bimon was angry, why was he ever persecuted by others like this?
However, isn't he asking for it all to fall into the current situation?

If he had kept the agreement from the beginning, how could there be so many things?
After a while, King Behemoth gritted his teeth and said, "Li Ming, I will help you enter the realm of nothingness. You must release my people safely. Otherwise, this king will surely tear you to pieces!"

"Naturally, I, Li Mingsu, say nothing!" Li Ming said proudly.

"Okay!" King Behemoth replied solemnly.

Immediately, King Behemoth took out something, which was a triangular metal, dark gold.

Then, King Behemoth threw the object high.

"Open!" King Behemoth yelled loudly, and saw the dark golden three-horned thing split open, and a burst of golden light shot out.

There was only a humming sound, and the whole world trembled a bit.

Then, the golden light turned into a golden gate.

I only heard that King Bimeng said: "After the golden gate, there is the world of nothingness!"

(End of this chapter)

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