The best immortal emperor

Chapter 207 Take the mission

Chapter 207 Take the mission

Indeed, the cost of using a teleportation array is very high. The closer the distance, the less tens of thousands of middle-grade spirit stones, and the farther, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of middle-grade spirit stones, which is far beyond what Li Ming can afford now.

However, if you accept the mission, you can use the teleportation array for free.

Of course, the reward after completing the task will be discounted, but this part is far less than the high usage fee of the teleportation array!

In the sect, only those favored ones of heaven would throw out hundreds of thousands or even millions of mid-grade spirit stones without even frowning, and use the teleportation array.

As for those elite disciples, those who are richer also have that capital, but they are still a little bit reluctant.

The rest of those who are weak in financial resources are also like Li Ming who take some side missions from the mission hall.

However, such side-by-side missions are not common.

Sometimes you may have to wait, ranging from a month to as long as half a year.

Early the next morning, Li Ming went to the mission hall.

Quests like going to the dynasty are usually for big figures, but Li Ming actually found a few missions to go to the Tang Dynasty.

However, the minimum threshold for accepting the task is Jindan cultivation base, and one of them is Nascent Soul cultivation base!
Li Ming sighed, with helplessness on his face, and said in his heart: "We can only find a way to break through the Golden Core Realm first, and then think about cultivating the Primordial Spirit!"

Helpless, Li Ming could only find some tasks that the Foundation Establishment Realm could accept.

However, the tasks in the foundation building are all prepared for low-level disciples, and the rewards are limited.

If you want to rely on completing the task to obtain a sufficient amount of spirit stones to break through the golden core, there is no five or six years, and it is almost impossible.

Li Ming doesn't have that much time, and it will be less than three years before the opening of the ancient world. Li Ming doesn't want to miss this opportunity, otherwise he will have to wait another 30 years!

Knowing that even the emperors of the dynasty would not be able to obtain the Resurrection Pill, Li Ming felt pressured and anxious.

Even if he has a cultivation base against the sky, he is unparalleled in the world, far better than any emperor.

However, that must be something after eternity.

After all, Emperor Qin, the youngest of the four dynasties, was over [-] years old.

On the other hand, the average lifespan of humans on Earth is very difficult to reach one hundred. Even with the rapid development of medicine in the next few decades, it is impossible for the lifespan to exceed 120, and even if it reaches 120, it is impossible to reach two hundred.

It is hard for Li Ming to imagine whether his wife and children will still be alive on the day he returns to Earth.

From this, it can be seen how anxious and helpless Li Ming was.

However, after anxiety and helplessness, there is hard work.

After all, no matter how anxious you are, it won't help at all.

Moreover, since you have chosen this path, let's go on.

Maybe, maybe a miracle will happen!

Li Ming walked out of the task hall and decided to go out to practice.

Only by going to the outside world will there be more opportunities.

However, there is no rush to start now, Li Ming still needs to prepare.

First of all, you have to choose a suitable grinding place.

Otherwise, if you don't enter the area where big monsters run rampant, there will be mid-to-late Jindan or even Nascent Soul level big monsters everywhere, let alone experience, you will lose your life.

Therefore, it is very important to choose the location of sharpening!

After leaving the mission hall, Li Ming did not return to the cowshed, but left the sect.

After all, yesterday promised the three-eyed musk ox to see the little three-eyed musk ox today.

Of course, Li Ming did not forget to take on a simple task and play cover.

With the help of the task, Li Mingqing easily left the sect.

After hunting and killing ten second-rank monsters, Li Ming flew to the western prairie.

(End of this chapter)

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