Chapter 2073

"If it's light, it will abolish your cultivation, and start over again, if it's heavy, it will die on the spot, and it will be wiped out." Shenwu Dragon Emperor said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded, and said, "I see, you can give me the Ultimate Profound Lightning Fire Creation Art."

"Aren't you thinking about it?" Shenwu Dragon Emperor said.

"Don't think about it, I've made up my mind!" Li Ming said firmly.

Once Li Ming has made up his mind, he will not change it easily. Although this Ultimate Thunder Fire Good Fortune Art is dangerous, the benefits it brings are quite considerable, so it is worth taking the risk to try!
"Okay!" Shenwu Dragon Emperor smiled heartily and said, "I really did not misunderstand the person!"

With that said, the Dragon Emperor of Divine Martial Arts passed on to Li Ming the Xuanleihuo Fortune Art
The amount of information in Zhixuan Leihuo Fortune Jue is huge, and it took a whole day and night to pass on the Jue.

It is also because Li Ming's strength is low, otherwise it would not have taken such a long time.

When Li Ming finished receiving the fairy formula, it was dawn.

Li Ming didn't care about trying the fairy formula, so he had to rush to pick the fairy water, and he might not be able to pick it if it was too late.

In the past few days, something happened in Lingyu Xianmen, and the fairy water was only available for a limited time.

It is said that it was because a certain immortal elder wanted to practice swords in this fairy river.

Li Ming came to Xianhe in a hurry. At this time, there was already a long queue by the river, and there were at least 200 people in front of Li Ming.

However, everyone is relatively orderly, no one jumps in line, and no one dares to jump in line.

After all, there are Lingyu Immortal Sect disciples on duty here.

After about two cups of tea, it was Li Ming's turn.

I saw the Lingyu Immortal Sect disciple on duty pointing to the middle of the Immortal River, then with a flick of his wrist, a stream of clear water jumped out of the Immortal River, like a blue dragon absorbing water, and fell into Li Ming's bucket.

In an instant, the two buckets were full.

"Next." Lingyu Immortal Sect disciple said.

However, at this time, a long rainbow came down, and an old man, disillusioned with reality, stood on the fairy river.

Seeing this, the disciple of Lingyu Immortal Sect hastily saluted and shouted respectfully: "Master Uncle."

"En." The old man responded lightly, then sacrificed his precious sword, ready to practice the sword.

Seeing this, the disciple shouted: "It's all gone, don't disturb the fairy master's sword practice."

Hearing this, all the slaves dispersed, except for the one who carried the water.

I only heard that person tremblingly asking: "Shangxian..."

"Huh?" The disciple of Lingyu Immortal Sect's face darkened, his tiger eyes stared, and the house slave collapsed to the ground in fright.

I only heard the disciple of Lingyu Immortal Sect yelling: "Don't you hurry up?"

At that moment, the house slave scrambled away.

Li Ming, who didn't go far, had a panoramic view of all this.

After a while, the man walked over with a disheveled face, with an expression of lovelessness.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help persuading: "It's just a load of water, just come and line up early tomorrow."

The man shook his head and said, "The Jade Blood Immortal Tang cannot live without fairy water for a day, and a leaf will drop if it is not watered for a day. Now it will be the day when the Jade Blood Immortal Tang will germinate. If it is because of this If the seeding fails, the lord will definitely beat me to death."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help showing some sympathy in his eyes.

Everyone is suffering from the same disease, and their lives are involuntary.

Li Ming looked at his two buckets of immortal water, and then at the other party.

In fact, Li Ming couldn't use up two barrels of fairy water, one bucket was enough, and Li Ming used the other bucket to water Kanda.

It was also because He Jiu was not around that Li Ming dared to do this.

Otherwise, I wouldn't dare borrow ten of Li Ming's guts.

After a slight pause, I heard Li Ming say: "My dear friend, let me give you a bucket, I hope it can solve your urgent needs."

(End of this chapter)

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