The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2081 Six Immortal Stones

Chapter 2081 Six Immortal Stones

After a slight pause, I heard the Dragon Emperor of the Divine Martial Arts said: "Forget it, it's not a big deal, just pay attention to the seeding of the Jade Blood Immortal Tang next time."

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

The matter of seeding is not a big deal, after all, the flowering period of Jade Blood Immortal Tang is not long, there are basically two flowering periods in a year.

A few days later, Ying Jindou stopped Li Ming and said, "Li Xianyou, the price is not very high, only three immortal stones."

With that said, Ying Jindou turned his palms and took out six fairy stones and handed them to Li Ming.

"Thank you." Li Ming thanked.

"You're welcome. If you need help with anything in the future, just tell me. If you need any resources to sell, you can also find me. I'll help you connect." Ying Jindou said.

"Win immortal friends to fight for justice!" Li Ming clasped his fists and said.

"Where, we are house slaves, and we are in danger. Only by uniting and sharing resources, can we cultivate into immortals. Otherwise, we will only be trampled under the feet of others for the rest of our lives, and we will never stand up." Ying Jindou sighed.

Hearing this, Li Ming was silent for a while.

After a slight pause, Ying Jindou said: "Okay, I'll go first. By the way, Elder Li recently imposed slavery. You can talk to your master and see if he is willing to let you go."

"Slavery?" Li Ming couldn't help being startled, and said, "Friend Yingxian, please explain it to me carefully."

"I heard that Elder Li is refining a treasure and needs some handymen to help him, so he confiscated domestic slaves from all his disciples. I don't know the details, I just heard about it." Ying Jindou said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded, secretly remembering this matter.

Later, the two said goodbye and went back to the small courtyard.

Li Ming got six fairy stones and was very satisfied.

This is a complete immortal stone, not comparable to the broken immortal stone given by He Jiu before.

The next day, Li Ming took out a fairy stone and bought some river mud.

Last time, Xiantang was simply built, but now that it is rich, it has to be rebuilt.

However, Li Ming still underestimated the purchasing power of a fairy stone.

A few days later, Lu Guishan gave himself two big jars of river mud, plus a second-grade fairy grass seed.

Li Ming was inadvertently happy, and after returning to the small courtyard, he began to rebuild the fairy pond.

The river mud is sufficient, and Li Ming plans to expand the Xiantang.

The original fairy pond was only two meters square, but now Li Ming expanded it to a full three meters square.

Afterwards, Li Ming took out the river mud and began to rebuild the Xiantang.

The smell of river mud is not very good, exuding stench of stars.

Li Ming could only close his nose and build a pond.

After about half a day, Li Ming finished building the pond.

Then, pour fairy water.

Now, the fairy water has completely submerged the rhizomes of Jade Blood Immortal Tang, leaving only a few leaves exposed on the water.

However, this will not affect Jade Blood Immortal Tang at all, but will make Jade Blood Immortal Tang more prosperous.

The Jade Blood Immortal Tang is an aquatic fairy flower, which should have grown in water.

It's just that some immortals have limited conditions and can only be planted on land, relying on daily watering of fairy water to support them.

Li Ming finished his work, looked at the muddy fairy pond, and murmured, "We must try to raise a few fish, shrimp and crabs to maintain the nutrients in the river mud. Otherwise, the nutrients in the river mud will be absorbed sooner or later."

It's just that the fish, shrimp and crab that can catch Li Mingfa's eyes are not cheap, and they cost 20 yuan fairy stones at every turn.

Li Ming only had five fairy stones left in his hands, so he was very short-handed and really poor.

As for the remaining five Jade Blood Immortal Tang seeds, Li Ming has no plans to make a move yet.

After all, several shriveled Jade Blood Immortal Tang seeds popped up at once, so it was inevitable that it would not attract the attention of others.

(End of this chapter)

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