Chapter 210
First of all, the first thing to do is to plan the route, the alternate route, and the daily rush to the city, when to rest, and a lot of food and water.

Instead of slapping your forehead and not thinking about anything, it's like flying in the Fuyang Mountains.

After all, Li Ming was born as a soldier king, has received relevant training, and has a strong overall planning ability.

In the Continent of Stars, many monks slapped their heads, thinking that this could be done, so they did it.But often the result is backfired, a mess.

In addition to some basic budgets, there are also some accidental events, which Li Ming has considered.

For example, natural disasters such as fire and rain.

Everything was almost ready, and it was half a month later that Li Ming set off.

Before leaving, he naturally had to declare his experience to the mission hall, and with approval, Li Ming could leave the sect for a long time.

Otherwise, if the disciple is not in the sect for a long time, it is very likely that the corresponding status will be cut off.

Of course, this is only for bottom-level disciples and pre-selected elite disciples, but not for elite disciples!

Before departure, Li Ming also went to Baiyu Peak, intending to say goodbye to Qin Yue.

However, Qin Yue was in retreat, and Li Ming couldn't see her, so he told Zhuo Yue about his life, so that Qin Yue would not find himself when he suddenly wanted to eat barbecue!
After leaving the God of Medicine Sect, Li Ming followed the established route.

Drive during the day, rest in the evening, continue on the road at midnight, and take a rest at dawn.

Such an arrangement is not random, but deliberate.

The big carnivorous monster usually rests during the day and goes out to hunt in the evening.

And at dusk to twilight, Li Ming chose to rest, which was a good time to avoid the hunting of monsters.

After midnight, most of the monsters had eaten and returned to their nests to sleep, while Li Ming continued on his way.

These are only formulated according to the living habits of most carnivorous monsters, of course there are exceptions!
As for exceptions, it's just a matter of luck.

Hit, a battle of wits, a fierce battle.

If you can't hit it, good luck.

After leaving the Zongmen, Li Ming was full of energy.

Because monsters and beasts are rampant in the mountains, and sometimes there will be big monsters haunting them.

So, be very careful.

On the first day, Li Ming rushed to the pre-established foothold before sunset, took protective measures, and then lived in a cave to meditate and rest.

Not only Li Ming was preparing for entering the ancient world, but other disciples were also preparing.

Everyone wants to enter the ancient world to take a look. Even if they don't get a big chance, they will have more talk when bragging with others in the future.

Entering the ancient world, it sounds like a cow!

Nothing happened in the middle of the night, with occasional roars of beasts.

At midnight, Li Ming left the cave and continued on his way.

Before leaving, Li Ming hid the cave well, and it might be useful when he returns from the experience in the Fuyang Mountains!

The news of Li Ming's departure from the sect reached the ears of Elder Sun of the Spirit Beast Hall. Elder Sun thought about it and always felt that something was wrong.

The Elder Wu Dian's evaluation of Li Ming is not generally high. It seems that he intends to cultivate it well, and it is very likely that Li Ming will be given a place to enter the ancient world.

If Li Ming got a chance in the ancient world, he would be in trouble at that time.

After all, Elder Sun didn't think that [-] middle-grade spirit stones could completely calm the anger in Li Ming's heart. Back then, he beat Li Ming half to death.

Elder Sun believes that when Li Ming has enough strength, this account will be settled with him sooner or later!

Slightly startled, Elder Sun's face became more and more gloomy, and he said to himself: "Li Ming, if you stay in the God of Medicine Sect, I can't do anything against you. But, if you dare to go out to experience the sect now, don't blame me!"

(End of this chapter)

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