Chapter 22 Siming
Thousands of miles away, there are continuous mountain peaks and lush greenery, but the sky is gloomy, with dark clouds everywhere, as if it is about to rain a thunderstorm.

On a mountain path, a young mother led a child and hurried to the top of the mountain.

The child was very young, about three or four years old. After walking for a while, he couldn't walk anymore, so the young mother walked with him on her back.

The young mother was a little weak and out of breath, and couldn't walk even halfway up the mountain, so she had to put the child down: "Siming, mom can't carry it anymore. It's going to rain soon. Why don't we go back today and come back tomorrow?"

"No, the radar must be installed today. Otherwise, what if Dad sends a signal from Mars today and I can't receive it?" the little boy named Siming said stubbornly.

"But it's going to rain soon, and it's very dangerous to climb the mountain in a thunderstorm." The young mother looked worried.

"I don't care, I want today, I want Dad." The little boy looked stubborn.

When the young mother heard this, her nose turned sore, and there was something glittering and translucent in her eye sockets, but she still held back it.

"Mom, why is Dad going to Mars? Don't you want us?" The little boy named Siming raised his head and asked pitifully.

"No, why would your father not want us? He went to Mars to maintain the peace of the universe. Your father is a great hero!" the young mother said hoarsely.

"Oh." The little boy named Siming was stunned, then cheered, and ran towards the top of the mountain, shouting as he ran: "My father is a great hero! My father is a great hero!"


That night, the little boy named Siming had a high fever and was admitted to the hospital, probably because he had caught a cold in the mountains during the day.

But even if this drop is lost now, the little boy still asks obsessively: "Mom, did Dad send a 'signal' to come back?"

"Sent." The young mother coaxed her eyes.

"What did Dad say?" the little boy asked innocently with his big eyes.

"Father said you have to be strong, don't be afraid of getting water from injections, and get well soon," said the young mother.

"Ah? Dad knows that I have a cold?" The little boy was surprised, with a pleasant look on his face.

"Of course I know, your father's skills are astounding, and your every move is under his nose, so you have to be obedient and be a good baby in the future." The young mother taught kindly.

"Well, I will be obedient and be a good baby." The little boy said seriously, then tilted his head and asked expectantly: "Mom, I'm going to celebrate my birthday soon, will Dad come back to spend it with me?" Birthday?"

"Your father is very busy, and he has to do a lot of things. Maybe he can't spend your birthday with you." The young mother said.

"Oh." The little boy was very disappointed.

"But your father said that he will send you a special birthday present from Mars." The young mother said, patting the little boy on the head.

"Birthday gift? What birthday gift?" The little boy suddenly became excited.

"This mother doesn't know either, you will know when you receive it." The young mother said.

"Great, Dad is going to send me a birthday present." The little boy was very happy, "I want an Ultraman from Mars."

"You have to go back and send a 'signal' to tell Dad, so he knows how to send Ultraman on Mars." The young mother said.

"I'll go home and send the signal." The little boy said excitedly.

"No, you have to finish the IV first, or your father will be unhappy to see that you haven't recovered from your illness." The young mother said.

"Oh." The little boy was a little disappointed, and then said seriously: "Mom, I will eat more Mimi in the future, so that I can grow stronger and never get sick again."

"Well, Siming is so good." The young mother took the little boy into her arms, her nose sore, and tears almost fell down.

She is none other than Tan Xiaoling.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open, and a young man came in with a thermos, "Sister, Mom made some ginger soup, and fed it to Siming while it was hot."

"Bitter, I won't drink it." Siming called out.

"Be obedient, you'll get better sooner if you catch a cold, and you can go home and send a 'signal' to Dad when you get better sooner." Tan Xiaoling said earnestly.

"Oh." Although Siming was reluctant, he still gritted his teeth and drank the ginger soup.

(End of this chapter)

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