The best immortal emperor

Chapter 220 Benefit Distribution

Chapter 220 Benefit Distribution
Seeing that Li Ming agreed, Lu Changsheng smiled and said, "Welcome!"

"Wait." Suddenly, one said.

Lu Changsheng frowned, stared at the man, and said, "Guan Bin, what do you want to say?"

"Brother Lu, don't be angry. I didn't mean to target anyone, and I didn't want to give you face. It's just that it's better to make some things clear in advance, so as to avoid unpleasant troubles when the monsters are divided up." Guan Bin was not in a hurry. Said.

"Yes, we have to make it clear about the division, otherwise we will think we are bullying him!" Another said.

Although Lu Changsheng is the boss of this group, he cannot take sides when it comes to matters of interest.

Otherwise, people's hearts will definitely be chaotic, and once people's hearts are chaotic, it will be difficult to lead the team!
I only heard Lu Changsheng say: "Guan Bin, if you have something to say, say it directly, don't hide it."

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight." Guan Bin was not polite, and said directly: "The six of us formed a group to kill the golden core monsters, and each of them showed a certain ability, and the monsters divided up were all We got it based on our ability. Originally, the six of us were enough to hunt the golden core monsters, and there was no need for more people. However, since Big Brother Lu opened his mouth, we can't say no. However, I just want to ask Li Ming, Why do you have a share of the pie?"

Lu Changsheng had long expected that Guan Bin would say this, and said directly: "I know you have objections, your share remains the same, and Li Ming's share will be divided from mine!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Brother Lu to say these words at all.

Li Ming was also startled, and he didn't expect it, but he couldn't accept it calmly.

He already owed Lu Changsheng a favor, so there was no need to owe him any more.

I only heard Li Ming said: "Since everyone wants to ask why, how about when you hunt down the next golden core monster, let me lead it into the game with your layout?"

"Okay!" Guan Bin seemed to be waiting for Li Ming's words, and reminded: "Golden core monsters are not easy to deal with. If they die, there will be nothing left."

"Brother Guan, don't worry about it, I know it well." Li Ming said calmly.

Bullying exists everywhere!Even in Star Continent, it's the same!
Afterwards, Lu Changsheng and the others divided up the golden core monsters they had just hunted and continued to search for targets.

Although Lu Changsheng and the others had treasures in their bodies, they didn't dare to go too deep, and they were only active in the periphery of the Zhiyang Mountain Range.

Going deeper, it is very likely to encounter a big monster in the Nascent Soul Realm.

In the face of the big monster in the Nascent Soul Realm, no matter how powerful the magic weapon the Foundation Establishment cultivator possessed, it would be useless.

After searching for two days, the group finally found a suitable target, Jindan Qingyihu!
As the name suggests, the green-winged tiger is covered in blue fur and has wings under its ribs. It is agile and difficult to deal with.

Seeing this blue-winged tiger, Li Ming couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said in his heart: "The world is really small, we meet again!"

It turned out that Li Ming had encountered this blue-winged tiger earlier, and was quite embarrassed by him chasing it.

If it wasn't for the fact that Li Ming's true essence was not equipped with the lightning attribute, which could have the effects of numbness and short-term dizziness, he would have died under the sharp claws of this blue-winged tiger long ago!
Li Ming looked at the Green Winged Tiger who was sleeping on his stomach, and said in a low voice, "You guys plan, I'll lure him here."

"Wait." Lu Changsheng reminded: "Li Ming, the green-winged tiger is dexterous, and its attacks are hard to defend against. Do you want to change to a bulkier one?"

"No, that's the end!" Li Ming said.

(End of this chapter)

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