The best immortal emperor

Chapter 223 Li Ming's Suggestion

Chapter 223 Li Ming's Suggestion ([-])

A week later, Li Ming woke up from his practice.

The heart of the green-winged tiger has been completely absorbed, and the true energy in Li Ming's body has undoubtedly surged a little more.

However, there is still some distance to break through the golden core!

During this week, except for Li Ming who was practicing, the others were in charge of guarding in shifts, and some were looking for the next target!
Lu Changsheng saw that Li Ming was awake, and said, "Li Ming, Zhang Heng found a trace of a golden sparrow a few days ago, and now he has been watching it. Let's follow it quickly."

Only Lu Changsheng was left behind to be on guard, and the others followed Zhang Heng and stared at the golden sparrow secretly.

The fourth-grade golden sparrow monster is said to be a descendant of the nine-day black sparrow. It is good at flying. Whether it is speed or endurance, it is the top grade among birds and beasts. It is an excellent mount!

However, the golden sparrow is not easy to subdue.

Li Ming followed Lu Changsheng and went to join Zhang Heng, Guan Bin and others.

In a few days, Lu Changsheng found them.

I only heard that Lu Changsheng asked: "How is the situation now?"

"How do you say that?" Lu Changsheng asked in surprise.

"That golden sparrow is not an orphan, but has a companion." Zhang Heng whispered.

Lu Changsheng pondered slightly, and said: "It's really tricky. Maybe one golden sparrow can be designed to deal with it, but the two ends may not be easy."

"Indeed." Zhang Heng and Guan Bin replied.

Li Ming pondered for a while and asked, "Can you find the Golden Sparrow's nest?"

"The golden sparrow's nest is in a deep place, and we didn't dare to go deep, so we couldn't figure out the golden sparrow's nest." Zhang Heng said.

Slightly stunned, Lu Changsheng said: "Forget about the golden sparrow, look for other targets."

"Isn't this a pity?" Zhang Heng asked unwillingly, and he was thinking of capturing one to serve as a mount.

I only heard Lu Changsheng said: "It's a pity, but the Golden Sparrow dares to live in the depths of the Zhiyang Mountains, which means that it must have extraordinary abilities, and it's two ends. Although we have treasures, our strength is too weak. If there are one or two If you reach the Golden Core level, maybe there is still a chance to fight. Now, absolutely not!"

"Brother Lu is right, let's forget about the Golden Sparrow." Guan Bin also had a look of pity.

Zhang Heng looked helpless and said, "If this is the case, forget it."

Although the group was unwilling, they had to choose to give up.

Li Ming admired Lu Changsheng's calmness. He didn't ignore the difference in strength just because he was pregnant with a treasure, and he didn't feel overwhelmed with fever!

A team leader, in addition to strength, also needs a clear mind at all times, what can be done and what can't be done, you have to weigh it in your heart!

After giving up hunting the golden sparrow, everyone's interest was a little low.

I only heard Guan Bin said: "Brother Lu, the progress of hunting has to be accelerated. It is only more than a year before the opening of the ancient world. It is not easy for everyone to break through the Golden Core cultivation base. I am afraid that at least We still need to hunt and kill more than [-] or [-] golden core monsters."

Lu Changsheng nodded and said, "Indeed."

Most of the golden core monsters they hunted and killed were third-rank foundation-building peak monsters who broke through, not pure fourth-rank monsters.That's why you need such a large amount!

If one or two fourth-grade monsters can be hunted, the effect will be very different!

After all, there is an essential difference between fourth-rank monsters and third-rank monsters!
However, the fourth-rank monsters live deeper in the Zhiyang Mountains, and Lu Changsheng and his group dare not go deep.

 Announcement, five more tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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