The best immortal emperor

Chapter 226 Eat a head and see!

Chapter 226 You Eat It First!
Just when those few monsters were about to break through the line of defense, Lu Changsheng's aura suddenly rose, followed by a long howl. There is no doubt that Lu Changsheng broke through and officially entered the Jindan realm!
Seeing Lu Changsheng's breakthrough, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

I only heard Zhang Heng yelling: "Brother Lu, hurry up, there are several golden core monsters coming to attack!"

"It's just in time, step back and let me practice!" Lu Changsheng shouted, pulled out his halberd, and jumped towards the monsters.

Obviously, Lu Changsheng didn't pay attention to these monsters!
But Zhang Heng still reminded: "Brother Lu, be careful!"

"Don't worry!" Lu Changsheng laughed for a while, not taking it seriously.

Li Ming stood aside, watching quietly.

It has to be said that there is an essential difference between Jindan and Foundation Establishment.

Although Lu Changsheng had shown extraordinary power before, it definitely cannot be compared to this time, it is like a firefly and a bright moon!
Li Ming secretly said in his heart: "When I break through the golden core, I should have such power, right?"

At this time, Lu Changsheng had already jumped in front of those monsters.

Those few monsters were stunned, then let out a long howl, and rushed towards Lu Changsheng!

"It's just in time!" Lu Changsheng was not surprised but delighted, he saw him swinging a long halberd in his hand, stabbing at the leader monster!
Breaking through the golden core, Lu Changsheng's strength and speed increased dramatically, and the power of this stab was also several times that of before.

The golden core monster couldn't dodge in time, and was stabbed in the throat by Lu Changsheng's halberd!
Immediately, Lu Changsheng pulled out his halberd, and hit the monster on the head again.

Immediately, the monster was killed on the spot!

Seeing this, the other monsters immediately turned around and ran away.

"Want to escape? No way!" Lu Changsheng chased after him with a halberd in his hand.

These monsters were not stupid either. Seeing Lu Changsheng chasing them, they immediately separated and fled.

As for who Lu Changsheng pursues, it depends on their own luck!

I saw Lu Changsheng smiled, waved his hand, and a net of heaven and earth was thrown out, trapping a golden core monster.

Then, with another throw in his hand, the halberd pierced directly through the abdomen of a golden core monster, nailing him firmly to the big tree.

Of the remaining two, one was lucky enough to escape, and the other was beaten to death by Lu Changsheng!
Everyone was stunned and amazed. Is this how powerful the Golden Core Realm is?In the blink of an eye, four golden core monsters were beheaded!

This is something that no one could have imagined before!
I saw Lu Changsheng clapping his hands, with a look of unfinished expression, and said: "Really, I haven't had a good time yet."

"Brother Lu, when you go deeper into the Zhiyang Mountains, there is a place for you to use it!" Zhang Heng said with a smile.

Lu Changsheng smiled and said, "Bring these four monsters over here."

"Okay." Zhang Heng and others responded, and then resisted the four golden core monsters.

Lu Changsheng gathered everyone together and asked, "Which one of you is about to break through?"

Although everyone is at the peak of foundation building, their situations are different, and the number of monsters required to break through the Golden Core is also different.

Everyone was silent for a while, no one spoke, obviously no one could break through!

Lu Changsheng asked, "Li Ming, how many golden core monsters do you need?"

"This..." Li Ming thought for a while, and said helplessly: "Brother Lu, I'm really not sure about this. Except for the heart of the green-winged tiger and a leg of a fire-armored wolf, I have never eaten a whole one before." Jindan monster, so I don't know how much power a Jindan monster can provide."

"Oh, that's it." Lu Changsheng paused slightly, and said directly, "Eat one end first and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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