Chapter 2266
Not long after, these people caught up with Li Ming again.

Li Ming fought with each other as much as possible, the senior brother and the second senior brother were already on their way.

Once the senior brother and the second senior brother arrive, Li Ming will not be afraid of them!

It turned out that when he was besieged by these people, Li Ming had already quietly issued a letter to the elder brother and the others!

Li Ming's realm is comparable to theirs, but because he has practiced the Xuanleihuo Fortune Art, his strength is stronger than theirs, and with the addition of the Golden Immortal Treasure, Lietian Axe, he has been able to deal with the opponent until now.

Otherwise, if it were someone else, they would have already been beheaded or captured by these people.

However, even though Li Ming had all kinds of means, he was still outnumbered and fell into a disadvantage.

Suddenly, the person in charge made a heart-pounding thrust.

Li Ming hurriedly avoided dodging, but other people's fairy treasures and spells blocked Li Ming's escape route.

Li Ming could only hold Lie Yantian Ax horizontally in front of his chest, abruptly blocking the thrust of the leader.

However, Lie Yantian Ax cannot eliminate all the power of the gun.

Li Ming only felt his chest sink, and a tyrannical force surged into his heart, like a sledgehammer.

Feeling depressed for a while, Li Ming couldn't help but spit out blood with a wow.

Seeing this, the leader snorted coldly, and said: "Li Ming, you have been seriously injured, stop fighting trapped beasts, just obediently let go and capture you!"

Li Ming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, gritted his teeth and said, "If you want my life, Li, you should use all your skills, don't rely on lip service!"

"Looking for death!" The leader shouted coldly, and said, "Our brothers wanted to leave you a whole body for a few days, but since you don't know what to do, don't blame us brothers!"

Immediately, these people were the killers and rushed towards Li Ming.

Li Ming fought bloody battles, becoming more courageous as he fought.

Although under the siege of the opponent, Li Ming was seriously injured, but the opponent was not much better.

One of them even had a leg chopped off by Li Ming's Lie Yantian Axe.

However, Li Ming was eventually outnumbered and was captured by several people.

I only heard the leader snort coldly and said: "Li Ming, I told you a long time ago that you are not our opponent. If you are told to just hold your hands and refuse to listen, why are you still being captured by our brothers?"

"Hmph!" Li Ming snorted and sneered, and said, "So what if the two of you team up and beat me? Are you capable of fighting alone? What's more, ask your brother if his arms and legs are safe?"

Hearing this, the two who had their arms and thighs cut off immediately flew into a rage.

It was only heard that the two shouted in unison: "Li Ming, I will kill you!"

"You don't want to be reborn with severed limbs?" Li Ming asked suddenly.

It is not difficult for immortals to regenerate limbs, but they were injured by the golden immortal treasure flame axe, and the wounds are still faintly burned by immortal flames, so it is impossible to regenerate limbs.

Hearing this, the two couldn't help but froze, and asked: "Do you have a way to regenerate our limbs?"

"The Flame Opening Ax is a fairy treasure specially refined by me. Naturally, I know how to remove its damage and regenerate its severed limbs!" Li Ming said proudly.

Hearing this, the two looked excited, and shouted: "Quickly tell me, how to get rid of the fairy flame that is faintly burning on the wound!"

"It's okay to tell you, but you must let me go!" Li Ming said.

"Impossible!" The leader shouted angrily.

At this time, a person next to him pulled the leader's arm and gave a slight hint with his eyes.

Seeing this, the leader immediately understood, and changed his words: "It's not impossible to let you go, as long as you heal my two brothers' injuries and give you another 9000 million immortal stones, we will let you go!"

"Okay!" Li Ming said without hesitation.

Hearing this, the leader hummed and laughed in his heart, and said to himself: "Idiot, after you cure my two brothers and get the immortal stone, I will take your head and go back to Yulan Market to collect the money, both ways!"

However, why was Li Ming not delaying time?Waiting for the arrival of the senior brother and the second senior brother.

Li Ming pretended to heal the wounded two immortals.

At this time, a woman suddenly flew towards this side.

I saw the heroic woman, dressed in a red robe, and took a closer look, it was not the sunset cloud red robe unique to the Chiyan Xianmen!
Seeing this, the leader couldn't help being startled, then his face sank, and he shouted: "How dare you call in reinforcements?"

Apparently, the leader regarded the flying woman as a rescue soldier invited by Li Ming.

It's true that Li Ming called for reinforcements, but it wasn't this woman.

I only heard the leader say: "Old Wu, look at Li Ming, the others follow me!"

Immediately, the leader flew towards the woman.

As soon as they met, before they had time to ask questions, they heard the leader shout: "I would like to see how your rescuers are doing, but they are also wearing a sunset cloud red robe, do you want to deceive me again?"

Immediately, the leader took out his spear and killed the woman.

Seeing this man coming to kill without any explanation, the woman couldn't help but change her face, and asked: "My dear friend, what do you mean?"

"Stop talking nonsense, take three shots from me before talking!" the leader said arrogantly.

Immediately, the person in charge stabbed out unceremoniously.

Seeing this, the woman's complexion changed again and again, and she shouted: "Friend Immortal, don't stop, don't blame this fairy for being rude!"

"Stop bluffing me, do you think you can scare me with your sunset cloud red robe?" the leader snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay!" At this time, the woman was completely irritated, and she turned her palms up and offered red flames to ask her heart.

Seeing this, the leader couldn't help but look stunned, and asked in disbelief: "Are you a disciple of the Chiyan Immortal Sect?"

It turned out that the leader regarded this woman as Li Ming's accomplice, pretending to be a disciple of Chiyan Xianmen.

However, I never expected that this woman would actually sacrifice the Chiyan Questioning Heart Sword!
This woman is indeed a disciple of Chiyan Immortal Sect. She passed by here and happened to see Li Ming wearing the sunset cloud red robe.

However, he happened to meet these people, and they killed him without saying a word.

At this time, the woman was already annoyed, and said in a low voice: "Isn't it too late to know that I am a disciple of the Chiyan Immortal Sect?"

As she said that, she unhesitatingly cut out the Chiyan Questioning Heart Sword in her hand!

As soon as the Chiyan Wenxin sword was released, a curtain of heavenly fire rolled in like the wind, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, unstoppable.

Seeing this, the leader's expression changed drastically, and he shouted: "Quick back!"

Immediately, several people retreated immediately.

"Want to leave?" The woman didn't intend to stop at all, she held the Chiyan Wenxin Sword and killed her.

The wave of swords swept across, very huge.

This woman's strength is not ordinary, she has already reached the mid-stage of true immortality.

Those people were severely injured, but they still managed to escape with their lives.

At this time, the woman came to Li Ming, looked Li Ming up and down for a while, and asked after a while, "Who are you? Why is my Sunset Cloud Red Robe from the Scarlet Flame Immortal Sect?"

(End of this chapter)

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