Chapter 2286
That mid-stage true immortal beast was also unlucky, it had just escaped from the hands of several immortals, but unfortunately it was bumped into by Li Ming.

Seeing that he was seriously injured, Li Ming beheaded him unceremoniously.

At this time, I heard Li Ming say: "This one hunted and killed a hundred immortal beasts, enough to practice for a while. Dragon Emperor, find a place for me, and I will settle down in the Shentian space."

"Okay!" Shenwu Dragon Emperor responded.

Immediately, Shenwu Dragon Emperor found a relatively safe place for Li Ming.

Afterwards, Li Ming took out the Kanda Space and settled it down.

In order to prevent other immortals from discovering the Kanda space, Li Ming deliberately piled up some rocks on the Kanda space as a cover.

After completing these, Li Ming entered the Kanda space after confirming that there was no one around.

Shenwu Dragon Emperor stayed outside to protect Li Ming.

Entering the Kanda space, Li Ming took out a hundred fairy beasts.

Then, Li Ming started to deal with these fairy beasts, skinned them, deboned them, and removed their internal organs.

Hundreds of fairy beasts took Li Ming four days.

After finishing these, Li Ming released the fairy flame and started roasting these fairy beasts.

After ten days, all the baking is done.

Then, Li Ming could calm down and start to retreat and practice!
Immortal beasts are not the best training resources, but they are not bad either.

Li Ming cultivated much faster than absorbing immortal energy.

The advantage of practicing the Xuanleihuo Fortune Art is that there will be no bottlenecks, so at this moment Li Ming can absorb and refine these fairy beasts.

The flame immortality and lightning immortality in Li Ming's body grew rapidly, and his cultivation could be regarded as a thousand miles a day.

However, there were only ten thunder-attributed beasts, and when Li Ming devoured them all, the Thunder and Lightning Immortal Yuan stagnated for the time being.

There are still quite a few fire-attributed beasts, so Li Ming cultivated the Flame Immortal Yuan for the time being.

In a blink of an eye, six months have passed.

Li Ming's cultivation has made great progress. Although the Flame Immortal Yuan has not yet reached the level of the late true immortal, the distance is not far away.

Coming out of the Kanda space, I heard Li Ming say to Shenwu Dragon Emperor: "Dragon Emperor, this time pay more attention to the lightning-attribute fairy beasts."

"Okay." Shenwu Dragon Emperor responded.

Immediately, Li Ming started hunting again.

Although the number of immortal beasts in the beast garden is huge, they cannot withstand such a large-scale hunting by immortals.

Coming out of the Kanda space this time, Li Ming clearly felt that the number of fairy beasts had decreased, especially the fairy beasts in the early stage of true immortality.

At this time, only Shenwu Dragon Emperor said: "There are fighting sounds in the front right, go and have a look."

"Okay." Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming restrained his breath and flew to the front right.

After flying for a while, Li Ming also heard the sound of fighting. It was several immortals hunting and killing immortal beasts.

Li Ming had no intention of fighting for it, but just wanted to see it.

However, after Li Mingfei approached, his expression couldn't help changing, and he said secretly: "It's actually a disciple of Yunlian Immortal Sect!"

If it was a disciple of other immortal sects, Li Ming would leave directly.

But now, Li Ming stopped.

The Yunlian Immortal Sect once attacked Li Ming. Although Li Ming had already beheaded Song Qinglin, it didn't mean the debt was over.

Li Ming watched quietly, not intending to make a move for a moment.

After all, Li Ming didn't know if Elder Sun was nearby.

Elder Sun is a Jinxian-level immortal, and Li Ming has no chance of winning against him.

What's more, these disciples of Yunlian Xianmen are not so easy to kill.

At this time, the situation of the battle was already very clear, and the disciples of Yunlian Immortal Sect relied on the large number of people to successfully injure the immortal beast in the middle stage of true immortality.

Through observation, Li Ming roughly grasped the strength of the five Yunlian Xianmen disciples.

Among them, three are in the middle stage of true immortality, and the other two are in the early stage of true immortality.

After figuring out their strength, Li Ming immediately had an idea in his mind.

At this time, the fairy beast was also beheaded by the disciple of Yunlian Xianmen.

One of them breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What a powerful guy. Not only is he strong, but he also has amazing defense. Fortunately, we have a large number of people, otherwise we might not be able to beat this guy."

"Indeed, the fairy beasts here are stronger than the fairy beasts in the same realm outside." Another disciple of Yunlian Xianmen said.

"Don't talk about that, let's divide this fairy beast first."

"Okay!" The others responded.

Immediately, five disciples of Yunlian Xianmen divided up the fairy beast.

I only heard one of them say: "I don't know what Elder Sun's situation is now, has he successfully hunted down the golden immortal beast?"

"I hope it will succeed." Another disciple of Yunlian Xianmen said.

"By the way, Elder Sun asked us to pay more attention to the news of Senior Brother Song. Have you received the letter from Senior Brother Song?" asked a disciple of Yunlian Immortal Sect.

"Did you forget that you can't send fairy cards here?"

"I really forgot, and I don't know how Brother Song is doing now?"

"Forget it, let's ignore Senior Brother Song for now. I heard that someone saw Li Ming's companion, Sun Xiaosheng and others two days ago. We might as well pay more attention to them."

"Watch what they do?"

"You forgot the waste material on Li Ming?"

"That's right, if you can find Sun Xiaosheng and the others, you can ask about Li Ming's whereabouts."

Li Ming, who was lurking in the dark, heard all this. Originally, Li Ming was still hesitating whether to kill them. After all, these people did not go to Yulan Market to besiege him.

However, hearing what they said at this time, Li Ming seemed to have sentenced them to death!
Shenwu Dragon Emperor sensed the fluctuating killing intent on Li Ming, and couldn't help asking, "Do you have a festival with them?"

"En." Li Ming nodded in response, and then briefly explained the matter.

Hearing this, Shenwu Dragon Emperor thought for a while, and said: "For the time being, it's better not to make a move, there is almost no chance of winning, after all, there are three true immortals among them in the middle stage."

"I know." Li Ming replied.

Then, Li Ming asked Shenwu Dragon Emperor to leave a thought on one of the early true immortals, and then left quietly.

Everything has to wait for Li Ming's strength to improve again!

However, upon hearing them mentioning Senior Brother and the others, Li Ming was sure that Senior Senior Brother and the others were safe for the time being, but he didn't know where they were now.

If you can join up with the elder brother and the others, the efficiency of hunting immortal beasts will be greatly improved, and maybe you can try to hunt immortal beasts in the late stage of true immortality.

Li Ming abandoned distracting thoughts, and continued to hunt and kill immortal beasts under the guidance of the Dragon King of Divine Martial Arts.

The number of immortal beasts has dropped sharply, so we can only choose some immortal beasts in the middle stage of true immortality.

Li Ming's strength is stronger than that of ordinary true immortal mid-stage beasts, but the fairy beasts here are somewhat different, and Li Ming cannot occupy an absolute advantage.

At this moment, Li Ming stared at a purple electric cloud crane under the guidance of the Dragon King of Divine Martial Arts.

However, Li Ming did not rush to make a move, but followed secretly, waiting for the opportunity of a sneak attack.

This Zidian Yunhe was very vigilant. For half a month, Li Ming didn't find a chance to attack.

It wasn't until this day that Zidian Yunhe was looking for food, and the opportunity came!

(End of this chapter)

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