The best immortal emperor

Chapter 236 Choosing a Weapon

Chapter 236 Choosing a Weapon

Further up, the number of monks is getting rarer and the power is greater.

The gatekeeper disciple in the weapon room seemed to know Li Ming, so he couldn't help smiling at Li Ming.

Li Ming was taken aback, a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't ask much.

I only heard the disciple in the weapon room muttering: "Miss Qin has really good eyesight. I didn't expect you to enter the Golden Core so soon. You are indispensable to enter the ancient world this time!"

Hearing this, Li Ming finally realized that the other party knew that he was Miss Qin's sword servant.

I only heard that Li Ming smiled sheepishly, and said modestly: "Brother, I love you. There is a competition for the place to enter the ancient world. I am new to Jindan, and I am afraid that the winning rate is not high."

"No, no." The disciple of the Weapon Room shook his head and said, "You still don't understand the rules of our God of Medicine Sect. The value of a disciple is not measured by strength, but by potential. Like you, you can break through the gold medal after a few years of entry. Disciples in the alchemy realm are bound to become the key training targets of the sect. After you receive the benefits, you can go to the Martial Palace. Once there, you will know."

Li Ming nodded and said, "Thank you, brother, for your suggestion."

"You're welcome, my name is Zhang Meng, maybe we can still meet in the ancient world." Said the disciple of the weapon room.

"En?" Li Ming was startled, he didn't expect Zhang Meng to be so confident.

While talking, Zhang Meng led Li Ming into the weapon room.

All the weapons in the weapon room are heavy treasures, and the treasures are the lowest entry level. Li Ming can only choose low-grade treasures, which are located around the mouth of the weapon room.

Entering a collection room, I only heard Zhang Meng say: "The treasures here are all low-grade treasures, you pick the ones that are convenient, and then register with me."

After speaking, Zhang Meng signaled Li Ming to go in and choose.

Every treasure in the weapon room is registered, and no one can take it without permission, otherwise they will be charged with the crime of theft.

This is no honorable sin!
When Li Ming walked into the weapon room, he felt a faint smell of blood.

Most of the weapons in this weapon room are freshly baked, but some have been slaughtered.

The faint fishy smell came from these weapons.

Li Ming looked around, reckoning that there were at least six or seven thousand magic weapons, all of which were low-grade treasures.

The reason why a treasure is called a treasure is because it has some special attributes attached to it.

Fanqi is to develop the sharpness of the weapon to the extreme.

The magic weapon is to bless the true energy in the monk's body.

Treasures are weapons with certain attributes.

An attribute, a low-grade treasure.

Three or three attributes are middle-grade treasures.

Four or more are top-grade treasures!

Of course, there are exceptions!
There are many conditions for refining treasures. In addition to special materials, spars with attributes are also required.

In addition, it is necessary to describe the magic circle and integrate the attribute spar with the material in order to exert the spar's attributes.

Once the attribute spar is exhausted, or collapsed, the treasure will no longer be a treasure!

Unless you change the spar, but this is a very troublesome process, no less difficult than refining a treasure!
Li Ming looked at the countless low-grade treasures, and really didn't know which one to choose.

Slightly startled, Li Ming asked, "Senior brother Zhang Meng, are these low-grade treasures arranged according to their attributes?"

"Not this one, many of them are randomly placed, what kind of treasure do you want?" Zhang Meng asked.

"Fire attribute, or thunder attribute." Li Ming said.

(End of this chapter)

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