Chapter 239

Li Ming was a little disappointed that he didn't know what he wanted.

The elder Wu Dian saw Li Ming's thoughts and said, "You have become an elite disciple, so you will have the opportunity to learn a supernatural power, including the supernatural power of cultivating the primordial spirit. When your primordial spirit matures, you can go to the Choose to practice."

"Cultivating supernatural powers?" Li Ming was surprised, and asked in amazement: "No one has mentioned this to me."

"Nine times out of ten, the disciples of the Medicine God Sect know it, and you are the only fool who doesn't know it." The elder Wu Dian said angrily.

Li Ming smiled embarrassingly, a little embarrassed.

I only heard the elder of Wudian patiently preached: "My God of Medicine Sect has a total of 21 supernatural powers, but each elite disciple can only choose one to practice..."

Li Ming listened attentively, and he benefited a lot after the elders of Wu Dian finished speaking.

"I just said it roughly. If you have time, you can borrow a book about the description of supernatural powers. With your current status, you can borrow it. However, I suggest you that supernatural powers are best practiced in the middle stage of Jindan .” The elder Wu Dian reminded.

Li Ming was startled, although he didn't understand it very well, he still responded: "I would like to follow the elder's instruction."

"Go, I know you are in a hurry to borrow books now." Elder Wu Dian said empathetically.

Li Ming smiled, and went to the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

Sure enough, as an elite disciple, Li Ming easily borrowed a copy of "Supernatural Powers and Spells".

It turns out that the full name of Shentong is Shentong Spell.

Supernatural powers are spells, and spells are magical powers.

However, supernatural powers sound powerful.

Therefore, later people called powerful spells supernatural powers to distinguish them.

As for entering the ancient world, Li Ming is not worried.

Although the number of people entering the ancient world is only 300 in total, the number of disciples within three years of entry has reached [-], which shows how much the Medicine God Sect values ​​new disciples.

Of course, these fifty disciples are not only promoted from the bottom disciples, but also include the sons of the elders of the various halls, as well as the disciples who entered the gate in the name of geniuses.

The elders and heirs of each hall occupy most of the places, as many as [-] to [-]%.

It's not intentional favoritism, but it's easier for them to step into the golden core realm!

In addition, those who worshiped the God of Medicine Sect in the name of genius disciples accounted for [-] to [-]%.

Furthermore, they are low-level disciples.

In three years, the transition from low-level disciples to elite disciples is very rare, less than [-]%.

It can be said that Li Ming is completely an exception.

In previous years, almost none!

After learning about supernatural powers, Li Ming felt that it was important to practice one kind of supernatural power right now.

Supernatural powers are also the patent of elite disciples.

There are a total of 21 supernatural powers in the Medicine God Sect, but each person can only choose one to practice. Unless they have made extraordinary contributions to the sect, they will be licensed to practice two or even three supernatural powers!
A person's energy is limited, and the same is true for monks. Cultivating the three supernatural powers is the limit. It is almost impossible to practice the four supernatural powers, otherwise you have to rely on external forces!

However, once a monk enters the Nascent Soul, these supernatural powers will not be of much use.

Therefore, one or two supernatural powers are enough, and learning more is not very helpful.

Of course, if you stay at the Golden Core and cannot break through the Nascent Soul Realm, your supernatural powers will be different. If you compete in the same realm, those with more supernatural powers and skilled artists will naturally have an absolute advantage!
21 kinds of supernatural powers, namely three heads and six arms, returning to the sky and returning to the sun, calling the wind and calling the rain, longitudinal golden light, overturning the river and the sea, pointing to the earth to become strong, subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, standing upright without a shadow, transforming into a strange shape, being as big or small as you want, following the sky and the earth, wandering the gods and controlling the spirit, and separating Seeing from the wall, diving into the abyss and shrinking the ground, flowers blooming in an instant, leading out of Yuanyang, flying and dragging, rebirth with a broken arm, King Kong is not broken, shaking the mountain and shaking the ground, nine breaths of admiration.

After reading the "Supernatural Powers and Spells" in detail, Li Ming has a certain understanding of these 21 kinds of supernatural powers.

Among them, the large and small white jade Jinglin pythons practiced.

Apart from being able to arbitrarily increase or decrease the size of the body, the other has no major effect, and it is a supernatural power.

Li Ming doesn't know how to learn, even if he wants to learn, he doesn't need to learn from Yao Shenzong, as long as Brother Zhu wakes up, he can learn.

Three heads and six arms, the law of the sky and the earth, subduing the dragon and the tiger are all close-combat supernatural powers, and the three heads and six arms grow three heads and six arms, and the law of the sky and the earth can make the body bigger and stronger at the same time. The momentum, the fighting is shocking!
As for fetal transformation, wandering gods and qi, and flying body dragging traces, they are all supernatural powers of primordial spirits.

But after reading the explanation carefully, Li Ming felt that it was rather tasteless, not as powerful as he imagined!

The abnormal shape of the fetus is completely a defensive method. It is to condense the primordial spirit and become the primordial spirit seed. If you do not believe in the death of the physical body, the primordial spirit seed will come out of the body and join other monks.The primordial spirit seed absorbs the spirit of the host, and when the time is right, it will be reborn.

This kind of supernatural power is very ruthless, and few monks can practice it.

As for wandering gods controlling qi and flying body dragging traces, they are also cultivating the primordial spirit. One focuses on strengthening the primordial spirit and can walk away from the physical body to control qi, while the latter focuses on hiding the body and hiding traces.

Other supernatural powers have their own merits, which are unimaginable.

After Li Ming finished reading "Supernatural Powers and Spells", he truly realized the bizarre and strange things in the world of cultivation.

But, which one should I choose?

Li Ming thought about it left and right, but he still couldn't make a decision.

According to the description in "Supernatural Powers and Magic Records", a supernatural power is a wise man.It takes at least three or fifty years to comprehend the essence.Fools, it takes five or sixty years, or even a hundred years.

It is almost impossible to count the number of pieces in a few months!

Li Ming thought for a long time before he understood Elder Wu Dian's advice.

Why it is better to practice supernatural powers in the middle stage of Jindan, that is because it takes a long enough time to think, because once the supernatural powers are settled, it means which direction to develop in the future, at least in the Jindan state!

Therefore, many monks will not make a choice until the middle stage of the Golden Core.

However, Li Ming has no background, and the most powerful treasure is just the three-pointed two-edged sword issued by the sect.

Going to the ancient world is full of dangers.

If one has supernatural powers, the chances of surviving and winning treasures will undoubtedly increase greatly.

Thinking of this, Li Ming made a decision in his heart, and secretly said: "Since it is to prepare for fighting, then practice one of the three supernatural powers, the three-headed and six-armed, the law of the sky and the earth, and the subduing dragon and subduing the tiger."

Among them, the supernatural power of three heads and six arms is to put it bluntly, to bully the few with more, but it is a pity that Li Ming does not have many magic weapons at hand, even if he has practiced this supernatural power, he cannot bring out its beauty.

As for subduing dragons and subduing tigers, one cultivates momentum, using momentum to coerce the opponent, making the opponent dizzy, distracted, or hallucinating, and taking this opportunity to defeat or kill the opponent.

Li Ming's true essence has its own thunder attribute, which has a similar effect.

Obviously, in the end, only the supernatural power of Fatianxiangdi is left!

(End of this chapter)

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