Chapter 24
It's just that the whole body of the golden thread-bellied spirit snake is poisonous, and if you eat a piece of it, you will be poisoned and die. It must be detoxified before you can take it, and it needs to be mixed with other medicinal materials to exert its maximum medicinal effect.

Li Ming went to the Chinese medicine store to buy some medicinal materials, and happened to see a century-old ginseng, so he came back casually.

Ginseng is a great tonic, which is of great benefit to cultivation.

After preparing the necessary medicinal materials and casserole, Li Ming returned to the small courtyard and began to deal with the golden thread-bellied snake.

It is impossible to remove the poison from the Golden Thread Belly Spirit Snake by soaking, and it still needs to be stewed, but this will also lead to the loss of part of the medicinal effect.

But now Li Ming can only bite his flesh and watch the effects of these medicines go away.

After stewing for two hours and changing the water three times, Li Ming didn't feel the toxicity was basically gone until the fourth time.

But proceed carefully, Li Ming caught a mouse to test the medicine.

Li Ming fed the mouse a spoonful of stewed soup. The unlucky little white mouse stomped on the spot and died.

"The toxicity is still so strong?" Li Ming frowned, and if he changed the water and simmered, the medicinal properties of the golden thread-bellied snake might be exhausted.

But now that the mice were poisoned to death, Li Ming didn't dare to test the medicine with raw ones, so he could only change the water and continue to cook.

I changed the water twice, caught another mouse, and used it to test the medicine again.

This time, the mouse that drank the soup was safe and sound, and Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, put the purchased medicinal materials and the century-old ginseng into it and boil them together.

Li Ming didn't put all of the century-old ginseng in, but only cut a part, but the medicine was too powerful for his body to fully absorb it.

Sliced ​​ginseng can better stew its medicinal effect.

After boiling for three hours, a casserole full of water was finally boiled into a small bowl. The potion was as black as ink and exuded a strange smell.

Looking at the small bowl in front of him, Li Ming frowned and muttered to himself: "Will you eat dead people? It doesn't seem very good?"

You can't take medicine indiscriminately, if you take it wrong, you will die.

Li Ming didn't have much experience in boiling the golden thread-bellied spirit snake. The ingredients he added were all selected based on his experience in boiling the elixirs recorded in the Little Yellow Book. As for the final effect, Li Ming himself was not sure. Notice.

In the end, Li Ming decided to use mice to test the drug.

This time, the little white mouse drank the proprietary medicine fed by Li Ming, and became manic for a while, as if going crazy, running around and biting things.

Looking at the unlucky little white mouse, Li Ming frowned, and said to himself depressedly: "No way? I've been busy all day for nothing?"

After a full hour, the frenzied little white mouse finally calmed down. Although his breath was a little disordered, there was no sign of weakening for a long time.

"Hey, I'm not dead!" Li Ming's eyes lit up immediately, and he looked at the bowl of medicine frantically, wishing to drink it immediately.

However, Li Ming finally held back and decided to observe for a few days before making a decision.

If the little white mouse dies in a few days, wouldn't it be a trap for himself?

After waiting patiently for a week, the mice used to test the medicine not only did not die, but became more and more energetic. Li Ming also became more and more confident in the medicine he brewed, so he decided to take it tonight.

night, very quiet.

Li Ming warmed up the medicine a bit, drank it all in one gulp, even ate the meat dregs of the golden-thread-bellied spirit snake and ginseng slices, without any waste.

The warm medicine flowed into the stomach along the esophagus, and the stomach suddenly felt hot, and then spread throughout the body, warm!

Li Mingchang exhaled, and secretly said: "It seems to be pretty good!"

The effect of the medicine began to take effect, and Li Ming felt his body getting hotter and hotter, and finally it seemed to be on fire.


Li Ming exhaled heavily, as if he could spew out flames.

"No way? Why is it so hot? Could it be that he drank too much medicine?" Li Ming looked strange and depressed: "Will he be burned to death?"

Li Ming rushed into the bathroom and flooded his body with cold water, but it didn't seem to have any effect.

The effect of the medicine became stronger and stronger, and Li Ming felt hotter and hotter, as if he was going to burn to death!
"Wait, it's said in the little yellow book that after taking the medicine, you need to meditate quietly to refine the power of the medicine into qi." Li Ming suddenly remembered the few words mentioned in the little yellow book, and immediately sat down cross-legged, calmed down, and meditated.

Under the control of Li Ming's thoughts, the warm current finally merged into one ball, and the whole body didn't feel so hot.

The warm current rushes to the Du channel, and the blocked Du channel trembles. The silt in the meridian begins to loosen under the action of the warm current, and is finally excreted with sweat.

There are less and less obstructions in the Du Channel, and Li Ming feels that the Du Channel is getting clearer and smoother, and he feels more and more comfortable.

"Is this going to open up the Du Channel?" Li Ming secretly rejoiced, as the warm current washed away again, the stagnant debris in the Du Channel was finally completely discharged from the body, unimpeded.

When the governor vessel is connected, the qi of the five internal organs can circulate unimpeded, which can be used to refine the heavenly cycle.

Taking advantage of the effect of the medicine, Li Ming went all out to practice Zhou Tian!
Zhou Tian, ​​round also.

Li Ming could only see that the qi of the five internal organs in the body circulated along the smooth tendons of the whole body, forming a circle, which was Zhou Tian.

The circle is not big, so it is regarded as a small circle.

The effect of the medicine has not faded, and it has been integrated into the qi of the five internal organs, and the qi of the five internal organs has become more pure and thick, shining with a glistening light, as clear and crystal clear as jade dew nectar.

Li Ming is ecstatic, this is internal energy!
The eight meridians are unobstructed and the heavenly circle is practiced, the heavenly circle is completed and the inner qi is generated!

Right now, Li Ming is just a little circus, and it is impossible to raise it to inner qi according to normal conditions, but the medicinal effect of the golden thread belly spirit snake is very strong, directly sublimating the qi of the five internal organs into inner qi.

The inner qi is formed, and a thin film is condensed on the meridians, and the whole body is extremely refreshing.

This is the endometrium, which monks have.

Gradually, the effect of the medicine faded, and the temperature on Li Ming's body gradually dropped, but his skin was still red.

"It's done, it's finally done! I'll be a monk from now on!" Li Ming thought to himself, feeling full of strength all over his body, he could kill an elephant with one punch.

"Taoism? That's right, Xiao Huang said that inner qi is generated and Taoism is applied, so let's try the invisibility technique!" Li Ming impatiently performed according to the description in Xiao Huang's book. A layer of air film wrapped Li Ming's whole body and concealed his figure.

The air film is very thin, like a bubble, it will burst with the slightest movement.

After trying hundreds of times, Li Ming became proficient in controlling the air membrane, and was able to walk slowly without the air membrane breaking.

However, if the movement is slightly larger, the air film will burst, or if there is a breeze, the air film will also burst!

"This invisibility technique is really not easy!" Li Ming murmured to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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