Chapter 246
Afterwards, Tissot returned to the voyage to pretend to be the last batch of disciples!
Li Ming did not form an alliance with anyone, nor did he go to find Lu Changsheng, and led Niu Wudi forward.

After all the disciples of the God of Medicine Sect had dispersed, and there was no one in sight for tens of miles, Niu Wudi transformed into a human form.

However, in order not to be so eye-catching, Niu Wudi deliberately shrunk his height a little, making him about the same height as Li Ming.

Li Ming took out the robes of elite disciples prepared for Niu Wudi earlier, and let Niu Wudi wear them.

Now, Niu Wudi looks like an elite disciple of the God of Medicine Sect!

This robe of an elite disciple, Li Ming bled so much that he almost wiped out his entire family, so he exchanged it from the exchange hall for this one!
It's also Li Mingqiong, just one elite disciple's dharma robe, who is richer, which one is not two or three?

After all, when you go out, you always have to change your clothes.

It's always the same thing, if others don't get tired of it, you will get tired of it yourself!

Niu Wudi put on this magic robe, looked left and right, and kept praising: "Not bad!"

Li Ming smiled and said nothing, he knew that Niu Wudi was full of curiosity about everything now!
After walking for a while, Niu Wudi asked, "Brother, where are we going now?"

Niu Wudi has relied on Li Ming since he was a child, but now that he has transformed into a human, he simply recognizes Li Ming as his elder brother.

In this regard, Li Ming did not refuse!
Li Ming thought for a while, and said: "Earlier, I tried to find out about the ancient world, but everyone kept secret about it and kept silent, so I don't know much about the ancient world."

"So we're just wandering aimlessly now?" Niu Wudi asked.

"No." Li Ming said.

"What is that?" Niu Wudi suddenly became curious.

Li Ming murmured: "Any well-known development is inseparable from the water source. We can try to find the water source, or the traces left by the water source, and maybe we will gain something."

Indeed, if fame wants to develop, the environment must be suitable for people to survive.And all things cannot survive without water!
Niu Wudi nodded, and replied: "Brother, you are right, Shuiyuan!"

Immediately, the two searched for the water source or traces left by the water source on the main star of the ancient world.

When he was in the army, Li Ming had learned some geology, which would come in handy now.

In addition to looking for water sources, Li Ming is more concerned about the ancient fame itself.

How did it rise and why did it fall?
When he was in the God of Medicine Sect earlier, Li Ming tried to look up classics and documents about the ancient times.

However, it failed.

Either the qualifications are not enough to check, or the description is unknown!
It seems that there is something deliberately hidden about the ancient fame!

Desolate ancient times, that is a very distant era, far before ancient times!
It can be said that Huanggu is the era of the beginning of the era.

Since then, practice has become popular.

Before that, it may have existed, but it was not prevalent.

The Star Realm has gone through five eras in total, ancient times, ancient times, middle ancient times, modern times, and the present after modern times!
In ancient times, no one knew what happened.I only know that that era was very strong, not only people, but also monsters were very strong.

Perhaps, those strong men in the ancient times were gods in a certain sense!

The end of the ancient era is the funeral of the gods!

In the future, it is the ancient times, the relics of the ancient times are rampant, the gods and beasts rise together, and the human race is on the decline!

In the Middle Ages, the gods and beasts became extinct or disappeared, and human beings began to rise and create various cultivation methods.

In recent times, human beings were powerful, conquered continuously, and there were many sects.

After that, the dynasty rose and the sect was hidden from the world.

Until now, the four dynasties dominate the world, and the sect is in a weak situation!
As for what was before the ancient times, few people know, and there are even fewer records in the literature!
(End of this chapter)

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