The best immortal emperor

Chapter 253 The Art of Transforming the Rainbow

Chapter 253 The Art of Transforming the Rainbow ([-])

I saw Li Ming pulled Niu Wudi, and said in a low voice: "This supernatural power is good, it can increase the flying speed several times!"

"So powerful?" Niu Wudi asked in surprise.

"Otherwise, why would it be called supernatural power?" Brother Zhu asked back.

Niu Wudi isn't angry with Brother Zhu either, it's important to learn the art of turning the rainbow well!
This golden jade slip is not a one-time-use jade slip, it can be used many times.After Li Ming poured into his consciousness, a huge amount of information flowed into Li Ming's mind.

Li Ming sat on the spot and absorbed it for half a month before fully digesting it.

Afterwards, Niu Wudi released his consciousness and learned the art of turning the rainbow.

As expected of a divine beast that awakened the blood of the ancient demon ox, it only took three days to memorize it all!

In the following days, Li Ming and his party practiced the art of turning the rainbow while on their way!
It is said that it is hurrying, but it is actually flying aimlessly, all relying on candles.
Brother observes the sky and is full of purple air.

The art of turning the rainbow is a mid-level flying supernatural power. After learning this supernatural power, monks at the early stage of Golden Core will have a speed comparable to that of monks at the middle stage of Golden Core under normal circumstances!

However, learning the technique of turning the rainbow is not an easy task. It requires quite high requirements for the use of true essence and flying skills.

After more than three months of continuous exploration and practice, Li Ming finally touched the door!
But Niu Wudi can already use it quite freely!

Li Ming's talent is absolutely superior among monks, but compared with Niu Wudi, it is not enough!
Just when Li Ming and Niu Wudi were keen on practicing the technique of turning the rainbow, Brother Zhu suddenly heard a voice, "Wait!"

Li Ming and Niu Wudi stopped immediately, and asked cautiously, "What's wrong?"

After a slight pause, brother Zhu pointed in a direction and said, "There are many monks gathered there, and there are still many monks rushing there."

Li Ming thought for a while, and asked, "Why don't you go and have a look?"

"It's better to be careful, there are many Nascent Soul experts!" Brother Zhu reminded.

"Are there monks from the Great Jin Dynasty?" Li Ming immediately became vigilant.

"That's not clear. I can only sense the other party's cultivation, but I can't tell who the other party is." Brother Zhu said.

Li Ming nodded and said to Niu Wudi: "Then let's be careful!"

"Don't be afraid, my skill of turning into a rainbow is quite promising!" Niu Wudi said disapprovingly.

"Idiot, with your level of cultivation, even if you have mastered the art of transforming the rainbow, you are still no match for the pursuit of the strong Nascent Soul!" Brother Zhu said angrily.

Niu Wudi was angry for a while, but he could only be taught.

Afterwards, Li Ming and Niu Wudi quietly sneaked in the direction pointed by Brother Zhu.

I only heard Brother Zhu reminded me again and again, saying: "If the situation is a little bad, run away immediately! Do you understand?"

"Understood." Li Ming replied.

After flying continuously for more than half an hour, Li Ming and Niu Wudi finally arrived at the place Brother Zhu said.

Sure enough, a lot of monks gathered in this place, each sect, sect, dynasty, family.

Standing in the distance, Li Ming could see a big pit surrounded by everyone, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the pit.

Obviously, that pit is a bit unusual.

Li Ming approached quietly, and Chuannian asked, "Brother Zhu, can you sense something strange about that pit?"

After a slight pause, Brother Zhu said: "Not yet, but so many people are here, it means that there must be something wrong with this pit. You stand by the side to see the situation first, and then make a decision at that time!"

"I know." Li Ming replied.

(End of this chapter)

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