The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2579 Huotou Camp

Chapter 2579 Huotou Camp

I only heard Li Ming said: "Since the ghosts of the Underworld dared to lure the army of the Immortals to come here, they must be very sure to kill the army of the Immortals. We can take this opportunity to see the strength of those ghosts, and we can also see the strength of the Underworld. Variety."

Hearing this, Ye Wudao nodded.

Sure enough, as Li Ming expected, the army of the Immortal Realm was hit hard.

Among them, [-]% of the immortals fell in this valley, and [-]% of those who escaped were also severely injured.

Seeing this, Li Ming took a deep breath and said, "The strength of ghosts and immortals in the underworld is far beyond my expectations. I thought that at least half of this army of [-] immortals could escape, but I didn't expect that almost the entire army was wiped out." .”

"Isn't this good for us?" Ye Wudao asked.

Hearing this, Li Ming was silent for a long time, full of guilt.

Intuition told Li Ming that a catastrophe had gradually begun.

At this time, deafening drumming sounded from three sides.

"It should be that the support army has arrived. Li Ming said.

Sure enough, only three immortal armies of 5 people came from three directions.

Seeing this, the ghosts and immortals in the valley fled in all directions.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help saying: "Go, get mixed up with the army of the fairy world."

"En." Ye Wudao nodded in response.

Having seen the strength of ghosts and immortals in the underworld, Li Ming and Ye Wudao knew that acting alone is definitely a dangerous thing.

The three immortal armies converged and strangled all the ghosts and immortals in the valley.

Li Ming and Ye Wudao also managed to sneak into the three armies.

After the three armies strangled all the ghosts and immortals, they began to integrate. I only heard one of the leading immortals say: "Some time ago, the master of the Promise Palace sent an order to let us go to Longtai Mountain to join forces. The ghosts and immortals of the underworld are far stronger than that." Our expectations must be united in order to form an advantage."

"Okay, let's go to Longtai Mountain now." The leader of another army said.

Immediately, the three immortal armies set off to Longtai Mountain.

Hearing this, Li Ming's complexion couldn't help changing, and he said in a low voice, "We're going to meet up at Mount Longtai, you and I have to be more careful, once the Lord of the Promise Palace finds us, we will be dead."

"Understood." Ye Wudao responded.

Afterwards, Li Ming and Ye Wudao went to Longtai Mountain in the army of Immortal Realm.

Longtai Mountain is not too far from here, ten days away.

Along the way, the wind was howling, which made people very uncomfortable.

When they arrived at Longtai Mountain, more than [-] immortal troops had already arrived.

After Li Ming's army of immortals arrived, they quickly unpacked and reorganized the army according to the characteristics of each immortal.

Li Ming showed his flame immortal essence, so he was assigned to the Immortal Flame Army.

Ye Wudao cultivated the Qingdi Jue, according to the normal arrangement, he would be assigned to other camps.

However, Ye Wudao successfully avoided the formation by relying on the shadow kill.

After entering the Xianyan Army, Li Ming was assigned again to a team called Huotouying.

Huotouying is in charge of food, and everyone's strength is not high. It's just the Golden Fairyland, which is perfect for Li Ming.

It has been said that immortals are fine if they do not drink or eat, but this is the Underworld, and there is no immortal energy here. Immortals cannot absorb immortal energy from the outside world to supplement their own consumption, and can only rely on food.

Once food is in short supply, the military situation will be in a hurry.

In the next month, seven or eight immortal armies of 3 people arrived one after another.

A few days later, spies came to report that they found traces of the army of ghosts and immortals in Huaiyin River.

I only heard that the Palace Master of Wuji Palace gave an order: "The army is ready to move out, and the vanguard army rushes to the Huaiyin River first. Remember, if you find traces of the army of ghosts and immortals, follow them secretly, and don't attack rashly."

"Yes." The vanguard officer replied.

Immediately, the vanguard army went in the first place.

The immortals in the vanguard army are all very powerful, and the weakest are all ancient fairyland.

On the same day, the rest of the Immortal World army marched to the Huaiyin River.

However, the advancing speed of the large army is not considered fast. After all, everyone's strength is uneven. In order to care about those golden immortals, the advancing speed is not considered fast.

Li Ming followed the rules in Huotouying and did everything according to the orders.

On this day, Huotouying was busy with food, and one of them sighed and said: "I really envy those immortals in the battle camp, who can go to battle and kill the enemy."

"What's there to be envious of? It's not bad for us to stay in Huotou Camp, and we can be lazy in our spare time. The most important thing is that all the food has to pass through our hands first."

"No matter what you think, anyway, I regret coming to this underworld. At first, I thought that all underworlds were just little ghosts, and they could be killed at will. Now I just hope to save this little life."

"It's all the fault of Li Ming who stole the Sutra of Rebirth, otherwise there would be no such catastrophe."

"Yes, Li Ming should bear all the responsibilities."

"I feel that I should thank Li Ming. After this battle, the Immortal World will reshuffle the cards."

Li Ming on the side listened to their conversation seriously, but he didn't reveal anything.

Li Ming himself knew that this catastrophe was caused by himself.

But he was also pressed by the Wuji Palace. Before that, Li Ming never thought of giving the Sutra of the Past to King Qin Guang.

The army moved forward, and half a month later, they received news from the vanguard army, saying that the army of ghosts and immortals was going up along the Huaiyin River, and the army could go straight to Huayin Peak to intercept.

Immediately, the Mistress of the Promise Palace changed her route and took the lead in going straight to Huayin Peak to intercept it.
In order to successfully intercept the army of ghosts and immortals, the palace master of Wuji Palace once again divided the army into two groups, the front army and the rear army.

The front army is the immortals above the Xuanxian Realm, and the rear army is the immortals of the Golden Immortal Realm.

The front army hurried as soon as possible, and the rear army escorted food, equipment, and equipment to catch up as soon as possible.

Li Ming hid in Huotou camp, living his little life leisurely.

Once the Mistress of the Promise Palace left, she no longer had the slightest worry.

This time a battle broke out between the Immortal World and the Underworld, and the entire Immortal World was involved.

Although the Immortal Emperor did not go out in person, he also bestowed a lot of immortal treasures and supplies for the army of the Immortal Realm to spend as usual.

Because of Qingxueluo's behavior of defending Li Ming before, Qingxue Palace was forced to bear more than half of the expenses of the immortal army.

Although Emperor Qingxue was dissatisfied, he could only accept it silently.

The situation of the Nine Flames Sect is also not very good, a group of disciples were incorporated into the stormtroopers, the head of the Liumen Sect.

To put it bluntly, it is to let the people of Jiuyanmen go to die.

If he can survive the battle in the underworld, he will forget his past mistakes, and he will be fine if he dies.

On this day, the rear army marched to the area of ​​Shengyin Mountain, and stopped for a while to rest and replenish Xianyuan.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

The dark wind is strong, and the devil's cry is especially in my ears.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

At this time, I only heard the leader of the rear army shout loudly and say: "The enemy's situation, end the formation!"

Immediately, a group of immortals quickly formed an formation, ready to meet the enemy.

 There is only one update this morning, and I will go to the hospital later, and the remaining update will be made up in the afternoon or evening.

(End of this chapter)

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