Chapter 2581
The army of the Immortal Realm chased all the way to the west, encountered a few small ghost troops on the way, and the palace master of the Promise Palace led the lieutenant general to slaughter them all.

Seeing this, the Mistress of Wuji Palace couldn't help humming and said: "These ghosts are nothing more than that."

"Palace Master, don't underestimate the enemy. The ghosts that our vanguard army encountered before were very powerful." The vanguard officer reminded him kindly.

"Hmph! You still dare to mention this to me? I will hand over the vanguard army to you. It's fine if you failed to kill the ghosts and immortals. Instead, you were ambushed by the ghosts and caused heavy casualties." Said angrily.

The Pioneer Officer's face was livid for a while, very ugly, but he didn't dare to refute half a sentence.

I only heard that the Palace Master of Wuji Palace continued to give orders: "Keep moving forward, be sure to annihilate the main army of ghosts and immortals!"

"Yes!" All the immortals responded.

However, at this time, the rear army suddenly sent a signal for help, and was attacked by the army of ghosts and immortals.

Hearing this, the face of the Mistress of the Promise Palace changed drastically, and he shouted: "Rush back immediately for reinforcements."

Immediately, the army of the fairy world turned around and rushed towards the rear army.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up.

I saw an army of ghosts and immortals suddenly burst out in the darkness.

Seeing this, the face of the Mistress of Wuji Palace suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Meet the enemy immediately!"

But this army of the fairy world just surrounds and does not attack, and if the army of the fairy world takes the initiative to attack, it also avoids but does not occupy.

Seeing this, the Vanguard Officer said: "Palace Master, these ghosts and immortals surrounded and did not attack, in order to delay us and prevent us from reinforcing the rear army."

"Do you need to say that? Can't I see it?" The Mistress of the Promise Palace said angrily.

The vanguard officer slumped and shut his mouth immediately.

On the other side, the rear army was raided. Although there were two ancient fairyland immortals sitting in the town, there were six or seven ancient fairyland ghost immortals.

Li Ming and Ye Wudao made a move based on the truth, but in the end they gave up.

Because even if you make a move, you won't be able to change the ending, but will expose yourself instead. ,

Li Ming can't expose himself now, once exposed, he will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Taking advantage of the scuffle, Li Ming and Ye Wudao left quietly.

Seeing the immortal army escorting supplies being massacred one by one by ghosts and immortals, Li Ming sighed helplessly in his heart.

I only heard Ye Wudao said: "It's not our fault, we have saved them once before, it's because the master of Wuji Palace didn't feel vigilant."

Li Ming nodded and said, "I don't want to do this, let's go."

"Well, it's just a pity that those elixirs and medicines..." Ye Wudao looked regretful.

Afterwards, the two left quickly.

The million-strong army led by the owner of the Promise Palace was severely damaged, and the army escorting supplies was the first to be slaughtered.

The main force lost its food and grass supplies, and it undoubtedly became a battle of trapped beasts.

The army of ghosts and immortals is well aware of this, and has always been besieging but not attacking, and is ready to wait for the army of the fairy world to be exhausted, and then kill them with one blow.

At this time, only a few lieutenants asked for orders: "Palace Master, quickly send a signal for help to the other immortals."

"No, how can I ask for help from others? What's the face of spreading the news about my Mistress of the Promise Palace?" The Mistress of the Promise Palace said angrily.

Hearing this, several lieutenants were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

The Mistress of the Promise Palace has no general talent, and is very happy with his achievements. At this time, he still can't bear to ask for help.

I only heard that the vanguard official asked angrily: "Master, do you want us to be trapped here alive?"

"Shut up! If you dare to say anything more, you will be dealt with by military law!" the owner of Wuji Palace said angrily.

The vanguard's face froze, and he said in a deep voice: "Master of the Wuji Palace, I rushed to Longtai Mountain to meet you at the beginning, not your subordinates. Now, you don't care about my life, and we are determined not to follow you anymore. "

"Bold, make a change before the formation, beheaded!" The Mistress of the Promise Palace was furious, and even wanted to behead the vanguard officer.

"Palace Master think twice, if you want to behead, I will be beheaded as well." Several lieutenants said in unison.

"You think I dare not?" The Mistress of the Promise Palace shouted angrily.

"Of course the palace master dares, but how can you convince the immortals and follow you?" the vanguard officer said forcefully.

"You..." The Mistress of the Promise Palace was speechless.

"I implore the Palace Master to seek help from other immortals." The vanguard officer and the lieutenants said in unison.

The corner of the Palace Master's mouth twitched, he could raise his hand to kill these guys.

However, as they said, they will lose their hearts, and it will be difficult to command everyone in the future.

After weighing again and again, the owner of the Promise Palace finally asked his friend Tianjian Xianzun for help.

Heavenly Sword Immortal Venerable was also straightforward, saying that he would come as soon as possible.

After receiving the reply from the Heavenly Sword Immortal, the vanguard officer and the lieutenant general could not help but secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the army of the fairy world shrank its formation and took a defensive attitude, waiting for the rescue of the Heavenly Sword Immortal.

At this time, the army of ghosts and immortals found that the army of the fairy world, which had been trying to break through, suddenly shrank its formation, guessing that the army of the immortal world was waiting for reinforcements.

Thus, the army of ghosts and immortals launched a full-scale attack.

Seeing this, the faces of the immortals couldn't help but change.

The army of the fairy world and the army of ghosts and immortals have confronted before. Although the army of ghosts and immortals has been avoiding and fighting, there is inevitably some friction.

Judging from the performance of the ghosts and immortals, they are not weaker than the army of the fairy world.

Especially the general who commands the army of ghosts and immortals is even more powerful than the master of the Promise Palace.

Seeing the army of ghosts and immortals approaching, the owner of Wuji Palace yelled angrily, and said, "It's a good time to make meritorious deeds, everyone follow me to kill this ghosts and immortals!"

At this time, there is no way out, and they can only fight with their backs.

The battle is imminent, but Guixian clearly has the upper hand.

Although the palace lord of the Wuji Palace suppressed the generals of ghosts and immortals, it was only suppression and could not be executed.

After two days of fighting, the Immortal Realm's army was on the verge of being defeated.

Seeing this, several adjuncts immediately ordered: "Evacuate, evacuate immediately, count as many as you can escape."

"Shut up! Who allowed you to give the order?" The owner of the Promise Palace was furious.

However, a group of immortals had already begun to break out and flee.

Seeing this, the Mistress of the Promise Palace couldn't help but sink in his heart, he knew that the situation was over.

Helpless, the Mistress of the Promise Palace could only retreat.

"Don't go!" Gui Xianlin came to shout angrily, and immediately chased after the owner of Wuji Palace.

"How dare you chase me? Looking for death?" The Mistress of the Promise Palace shouted angrily, and directly killed a carbine.

The ghost general seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and unexpectedly escaped the surprise attack of the owner of the Wuji Palace.

There is no support from Heavenly Sword Immortal Venerable yet, but the army of the Immortal Realm has already suffered heavy casualties.

The owner of Wuji Palace didn't dare to love to fight, so he fled while fighting.

After Li Ming and Ye Wudao left, they wanted to find another army from the fairy world to take shelter.

However, after searching for several days, no other immortal army was found.

However, at this moment, suddenly two figures flashed past in front of him.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, and asked, "Was the one who escaped just now the Master of the Promise Palace?"

"It seems to be." Ye Wudao is not sure, after all, the speed of the two is too fast.

"Go, follow and have a look." Li Ming said.

"En." Ye Wudao responded.

Immediately, Li Ming and the two chased in the direction where the owner of the Promise Palace fled.

 Are there any readers from Nantong Rugao area?May I ask which orthopedic hospital in Rugao is good, you need to look at the feet, if you know, you can leave a message in the comment area, or add the hero's qq group 136214093.

(End of this chapter)

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