The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2583 Adventurous Attack

Chapter 2583 Adventurous Attack
Hearing this, Ye Wudao couldn't help but nodded, and said: "You're right, it's best to lose both, otherwise no matter who among them survives, it will be a great threat to us."

The two hid far away, quietly waiting for the end of the battle.

I thought that the battle between the lord of the Promise Palace and the ghost fairy Muye was coming to an end, but I didn't expect this battle to last for nine days and nine nights.

Moreover, the winner has not yet been decided.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help but sighed for a while, and said: "The Immortal is the Immortal, and there are many ways to save one's life."

"Indeed, looking at the situation, it will take another three to five days to see the outcome." Ye Wudao said.

Li Ming nodded, and continued, "It's about time."

"Huh?" Ye Wudao looked at Li Ming suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean?"

Li Ming smiled evilly and asked, "Shouldn't we do something?"

"What do you mean?" Ye Wudao suddenly understood, but frowned and said, "Is this too risky?"

"I don't know how many treasures are on the Master of the Promise Palace, not to mention, if he can get rid of the Master of the Promise Palace, it will be a big trouble." Li Ming murmured.

Hearing this, Ye Wudao couldn't help but take a deep breath.

After a while, Ye Wudao seemed to have made a difficult decision and said, "Listen to you, just do it!"

"En." Li Ming responded.

Immediately, the two quietly returned to the previous mountain col.

I heard Li Ming Chuan said: "Brother Ye, my thunder fire will do great damage to ghosts and immortals. I am responsible for sneak attacking that ghost fairy Muye, and you will sneak attack the owner of Wuji Palace."

"Okay." Ye Wudao responded.

After dividing the tasks, the two had quietly lurked beside the col where the battle was fought.

I saw that the face of the Palace Master of the Promise Palace was ashen, and his breath was vain, and he was already at the end of his strength.

On the other side, Guixian Muye's situation was not much better.

Seeing the situation between the two sides, Li Ming couldn't help but smiled, Chuan Nian said: "Both of them have been seriously injured, it's the best for us. But, don't rush to do it now, wait."

"En." Ye Wudao responded.

After another two days like this, the face of the Mistress of the Promise Palace became worse and worse, and her aura became weaker and weaker.

The same is true for Ghost Immortal Muye on the other side.

However, Makino's situation is slightly better.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help saying: "Brother Ye, it's time, you and I will fight together."

"En." Ye Wudao responded.

Immediately, Li Ming and Ye Wudao used Shadow Kill and approached quietly.

At this moment, the Mistress of the Promise Palace and the Ghost Immortal Muye were all focused on each other, completely unaware of Li Ming and Ye Wudao who were approaching.

At this time, the ghost fairy Muye said solemnly: "Palace Master Wuji, you can't hold on for long, the Burning Soul Art has already started to bite back, at most half a day, you will suffer the consequences."

"Muye, don't be complacent, even if I die, I will drag you on my back." The Mistress of the Promise Palace said solemnly.

"Stubborn!" Makino snorted.

At this time, Li Ming and Ye Wudao were already in their positions.

I only heard Li Ming silently preaching: "Shoot!"

Immediately, Li Ming and Ye Wudao shot together.

I saw Leihuo suddenly attacking from Makino's back, Makino was completely unprepared and was hit directly by Leihuo.

At the same time, Ye Wudao also resorted to his unique skills.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the immortals in the ancient fairyland to hurt the immortal.

But now, Li Ming and Ye Wudao gave these two immortals a fatal blow.

At the end of the battle, Muye and the owner of the Wuji Palace both fell down and died tragically.

"Are they dead?" Ye Wudao asked incredulously.

"Don't panic, make up a few more knives." Li Ming said. |
"En." Ye Wudao responded.

Immediately, Li Ming and Ye Wudao made up a few knives.

After confirming that Mu Ye and the owner of Wuji Palace were dead, Li Ming and Ye Wudao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I only heard Li Ming say: "Search for the treasures on them, and leave this place as soon as possible."

"En." Ye Wudao responded.

Immediately, Li Ming and Ye Wudao looted all the treasures and resources from Mu Ye and the owner of Wuji Palace.

Afterwards, the two fled quickly.

The way of death like Mu Ye and the master of Wuji Palace is probably the most embarrassing way to die.

Leaving the place where the battle was fought, Li Ming and Ye Wudao searched for a place, entered the Underworld and counted their gains.

The Immortal Venerable is worthy of being an Immortal Venerable, and there are many treasures and resources.

Moreover, they are all extremely precious.

One of them, the fire spirit stone, is suitable for Li Ming's cultivation.

When the old devil saw so many resources, he couldn't help being excited, and said: "This time, we will definitely break through the ancient fairyland in one fell swoop!"

"Are you going to break through the ancient fairyland?" Li Ming couldn't help being surprised.

"It's still a little short, but it's not far away, at most three months." Lao Mo said, and then said: "Old Zhu is coming soon, at most half a year."

"So fast?" Li Ming was startled.

"It's nothing. If the resources were sufficient, we would have broken through to the Ancient Wonderland." Brother Zhu murmured.

"Don't worry, when I break through the ancient fairyland, I will take you to hunt and kill some immortals for fun. The treasures and resources on those immortals are very fat." The old devil murmured.

"Hunting and killing the immortal?" Li Ming and Ye Wudao couldn't help but gasped.

This time Li Ming and Ye Wudao were able to kill the palace lord of the Wuji Palace and the ghost fairy Muye, it was pure luck.

If one of them keeps vigilant against the outside world, neither Li Ming nor Ye Wudao will succeed.

At this time, the old devil said: "Don't be surprised. I created Shadow Killer to deal with those stronger than me. When I break through the ancient fairyland, I will show you the true power of Shadow Killer."

"Can you hunt and kill the Immortal Emperor?" Ye Wudao asked curiously.

"The ancient fairyland is not enough, but it is possible to reach the peak of the immortal venerable." The old devil said.

"Want to reach the peak of the Immortal Venerable?" Ye Wudao couldn't help but pause, and the fox asked: "Then why can you assassinate the Immortal Venerable when you first entered the Ancient Immortal Realm?"

"The Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Venerable are two completely different realms. The Immortal Venerable only cultivates his own world. The Immortal Venerable has touched the world of all things, and his perception of everything around him is more than a thousand times better than the Immortal Venerable. Although my Shadow Killer It’s a unique skill, but it’s hard to escape the wise eyes of the Immortal Emperor.” Laomo explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming and Ye Wudao nodded to express their understanding.

At this time, Brother Zhu said angrily: "Don't listen to his nonsense, he made his name with this shadow killing back then, and many little gods died at his hands."

"Ahem..." The old devil coughed hastily, signaling that Brother Zhu should not expose his background.

I only heard that Li Ming asked curiously: "Brother Zhu, the little god should be better than the immortal emperor, right?"

"Of course, even the smallest god is stronger than the Immortal Emperor, and not just a little bit stronger." Brother Zhu said noncommittally.

Hearing this, Li Ming and Ye Wudao couldn't help but secretly nodded. At the same time, they had a better understanding of shadow killing. It is indeed the old devil's unique skill, even gods can assassinate!

(End of this chapter)

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