Chapter 2613
Although King Qin Guang knew that Li Ming would not unite with the Immortal Realm, he had to be careful in everything, so he still went to see Li Ming. After all, Qing Xueluo told Li Ming about Li Ming.

Li Ming was stabilizing his cultivation, when he sensed the arrival of King Qin Guang, he couldn't help but stop his cultivation and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Have you seen Qingxueluo?" King Qin Guang asked.

"Well, I've seen it." Li Ming said.

"What did she say?" King Qin Guang asked.

"It's nothing interesting, it's just asking me to take refuge in the fairy world." Li Ming said directly.

There is nothing to hide about this, anyone can guess it.

"How did you reply to her?" King Qin Guang asked.

"If I join hands with the fairy world, do you think you still have the opportunity to stand here and talk to me? If nothing else, the old devil can make the entire army of ghosts and immortals fall on their backs, right?" Li Ming said bluntly.

"I didn't mean that, I just asked casually, and I heard that the Immortal World Camp sent people to give treasures." King Qin Guang said.

"I'm here to deliver something, but it's not a treasure, but an empty ring." Li Ming said, and then took out the ring.

Seeing this ring, King Qin Guang couldn't help being startled, and Fox asked, "It's just this thing?"

"Is it necessary for me to lie to you?" Li Ming asked with a frown.

"No, it's not necessary." King Qin Guang quickly apologized.

"Okay, rumors only stop with wise men, I think King Qin Guang can't fail to see that this is a counter-measure by the army of the fairy world?" Li Ming said.

"Of course, I just understand the situation, and I don't doubt you at all." King Qin Guang said.

Li Ming nodded and continued: "King Qin Guang, there is nothing important and I will continue to strengthen my cultivation."

"Okay, okay, then I won't bother you." King Qin Guang said quickly.

Ever since he had seen the tricks of the old devil, Qin Guangwang became more and more afraid to offend Li Ming.

What's more, now Li Ming himself has broken through the Immortal Venerable.

Although it is only the early stage of Immortal Venerable, the power of Thunder and Fire Dual Cultivation should not be underestimated.

After King Qin Guang left, he felt relieved.

If Li Ming assured him in every possible way, he might still have doubts.

But after seeing Li Ming's attitude, King Qin Guang knew that he had guessed correctly.

Li Ming continued to consolidate his cultivation and was ignorant of worldly affairs.

However, rumors did abound, and they were all about it.

King Taishan and the others were very disturbed and fearful all day long, always thinking that Li Minghui would really betray them.

Only King Qin Guang was calm and ignored these rumors at all.

With King Qin Guang under pressure, the other Kings of Hades could only choose to trust Li Ming.

In a blink of an eye, half a year passed, and the rumors gradually subsided.

Immortal camp.

Kualong Xianzun frowned, and said in a low voice: "It's useless? This King Qin Guang can really hold his breath."

"What should we do now?" Tu Mie Xianzun asked.

Kualong Xianzun thought for a while, and said after a long time: "Since you can't attack your heart, let's give it up for now. After years of painstaking cultivation, we have cultivated a kind of fairy grass that is suitable for the underworld, and the next is the harvest season. Don't make trouble, everything will be discussed after harvesting the seeds."

"Yes." Immortal Venerable Tu Mie replied.

The rumors were self-defeating, Taishan King was really relieved, and said: "It's still the big brother who has sharp eyes, and can tell at a glance that this is a conspiracy by the underworld. Fortunately, we didn't fall for it."

"Okay, don't mention this matter again, so as not to be disgusted by Li Ming." King Qin Guang said.

"Yes." King Taishan and others responded.

"What's the move of the Immortal World Camp recently?" King Qin Guang asked.

"It's not a big move, but they seem to have cultivated the fairy grass that is suitable for the environment here, and it's the harvest season." King Chujiang said.

"There is such a thing?" King Qin Guang couldn't help but startled, then frowned.

I only heard that King Chujiang said worriedly: "The camp of the Immortal World has been hiding their courage all these years, and now they are finally allowed to cultivate the fairy grass that is suitable for the environment of the underworld. What should we do?"

"If I'm not mistaken, their next step is to sow seeds everywhere." King Taishan said.

King Qin Guang frowned more and more, and finally said deeply: "No, they must be stopped."

Hearing this, the eyes of the Hades suddenly became fiery.

I only heard that King Qin Guang gave an order: "The order will go on, the army will be rectified for one day, and tomorrow will set off for the camp in the fairy world."

"Yes." King Chu Jiang and others responded.

Immediately, the army of ghosts and immortals moved into action, ready to go.

Li Ming also received an invitation from King Qin Guang, ready to fight against the army of the fairy world.

The next day.

The army of ghosts and immortals marched to the camp of the fairy world.

As soon as he left Jiangyun Mountain, the Immortal World Camp received news.

Hearing this, Kualong Xianzun's complexion darkened, and he said: "The army sets out immediately, be sure to block the army of ghosts and immortals in the middle of the road, and never let them approach the fairy camp."

"Yes." The lieutenant replied.

Immediately, the army of the fairy world broke out of the base camp.

One day later, the army of ghosts and immortals met in Heishui River.

The two armies faced each other across the shore, staring at each other.

I only heard that Kualong Xianzun was driving the evil dragon, baring his teeth and claws and sarcastically saying: "King Qin Guang, you are so courageous this time, you dare to leave Jiangyun Mountain. I thought you would stay in Jiangyun Mountain for the rest of your life."

"Haha, Kualong Xianzun, don't laugh at ten steps, you have been hiding in the fairyland camp all the time." King Qin Guang retorted.

"Stop talking nonsense, take my move!" Kualong Immortal shouted coldly, and killed King Qin Guang.

"It's just in time. I just got itchy hands recently, so I'll use you to practice!" King Qin Guang shouted.

The battle was about to break out, and with the fight between Kualong Xianzun and Qin Guangwang, other people also killed one after another.

For three consecutive days, the army of the immortal world and the army of ghosts and immortals were evenly divided.

I saw Kualong Immortal Venerable asking with a dark face: "King Qin Guang, why didn't Li Ming make a move?"

"Haha..." Hearing this, King Qin Guang suddenly laughed, and said: "On the day I led the army of ghosts and immortals to set out, I received the news that you led the army of the immortal world to leave the camp of the immortal world. I know you will go all out to kill us. Stop halfway so that the grass jelly can be harvested successfully.

So, I secretly changed my mind and asked Li Ming to go to your fairy camp secretly.At this time, I'm afraid that those fairy grasses you have painstakingly cultivated have been completely burned by Li Ming, right? "

Hearing this, Kualong Immortal Venerable was not surprised, but laughed instead, and said, "King Qin Guang, I have seen your methods and suffered losses before, how could I make the same mistake again this time?"

Qin Guangwang's complexion could not help but change slightly.

I only heard Kualong Immortal Venerable continue to say: "If Li Ming doesn't go, let him go. If he dares to go, let him go and never return."

"What did you do?" King Qin Guang asked with a frown.

"I didn't do anything, just left three immortals to guard the camp!" Kualong Xianzun said proudly.

Hearing this, King Qin Guang's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately sent an order: "Second brother, third, fourth, fifth brother, you all go quickly to meet Li Ming."

"Want to pick him up? No way! Leave them all to me!" Kualong Immortal Venerable shouted angrily.

King Chu Jiang and others were held back by the Nine Suns Immortal Venerable, and they couldn't get away at all.

(End of this chapter)

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