The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2615 Looting the camp

Chapter 2615 Looting the camp
The sky-opening ceremony came, and it has the reality of opening up the sky and the earth.

Li Ming frantically operated Thunder Fire and Xuanwu's true form, ready to forcibly take the blow of Tu Mie Xianzun.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Li Ming's ears, cursing: "Idiot, did you forget about the shadow kill I taught you?"

Hearing this, Li Ming suddenly reacted, and immediately performed Shadow Kill.

"Where is the person?" Immortal Venerable Tu Mie was startled, seeing that Li Ming was about to hit Li Ming with the Sky Opening Ceremony, but Li Ming suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

There is nothing to chop with the sword move, and its power continues to decrease sharply.

Seeing this, Immortal Venerable Tu Mie felt anxious, this was already his strongest blow.

Li Ming performed Shadow Kill and hid in the shadow of Tu Mie Xianzun.

Since Tu Mie Xianzun didn't know, he couldn't find Li Ming.

"Immortal Master Yanyu, can you see where Li Mingzang is?" Immortal Venerable Tu Mie asked anxiously.

Immortal Yanyu shook his head for a while, frowned and said: "I only saw his figure flash, and then disappeared, did he escape?"

"Escaped?" Immortal Venerable Tu Mie was taken aback, his face full of confusion.

The power of the Sky Opening Ceremony has weakened, and it can no longer pose a threat to Li Ming.

At the same time, the immortal essence in Tu Mie Xianzun's body was also emptied.

Immortal Venerable Tu Mie frowned, and said in his heart: "I can't stay any longer, if Li Ming comes back, it will be troublesome."

Immediately, I heard Tu Mie Xianzun say to Yanyu Xianzun: "Yanyu Xianzun, I have to go back to the fairy world in a hurry, you tell Kualong Xianzun to be careful about Li Ming."

After finishing speaking, Tu Mie Xianzun flew towards the passage of the fairy world.

However, at this time, Li Ming, who was hiding in the shadow of Tu Mie Xianzun, suddenly made a move.

The current Li Ming is no longer what it used to be. He is already as powerful as the Immortal Venerable, and the fusion power of the Immortal Flame and the Immortal Thunder is astonishing, directly killing the Tu Mie Immortal.

Tu Mie Xianzun didn't know where Li Ming hid and how he killed him until his death.

Seeing Li Ming's sudden appearance, Immortal Yanyu's complexion changed suddenly, and he said in surprise, "You didn't escape?"

"Running away is not my style!" Li Ming said solemnly.

"Arrogance!" Immortal Master Yanyu was furious, turned his palm and offered a piece of inkstone, and buckled it towards Li Ming.

Li Ming's complexion changed, and his intuition told him that it is not easy to put this inkstone.

Immediately, Li Ming performed Shadow Kill and hid in the shadow of Misty Rain Immortal.

"Where is the person?" Immortal Master Yanyu was startled, his face full of disbelief, and at the same time, the immortal consciousness kept searching the surroundings, trying to find Li Ming.

However, all efforts were in vain, Li Ming seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Seeing this, Immortal Venerable Yanyu couldn't help panicking, and secretly said: "That's not good!"

However, at this moment, Li Ming's immortal flame and immortal thunder bombarded, and the unstoppable Yanyu Immortal Venerable was directly pierced through the immortal body by lightning.

Immediately, I saw Immortal Venerable Misty Rain's celestial body being torn apart, followed by his celestial consciousness disintegrating.

Li Ming couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief after Hong killed Immortal Yanyu.

At this time, the old devil showed his figure.

I only heard that Li Ming said gratefully: "Thank you, Lao Mo, for reminding me in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

"Sometimes you are shrewd, and sometimes you are confused. Facing the two immortals, how can you go head-to-head?" the old devil blamed.

"The old devil taught me the lesson, this junior will remember it." Li Ming said.

"Okay, I'm going to go back now." Lao Mo said impatiently.

"En." Li Ming nodded in response.

Immediately, the old devil returned to the main hall of the underworld.

Li Ming raised his hand and shot out a celestial flame, burning these celestial grasses that were about to mature.

Then, Li Ming unscrupulously raided the Immortal World Camp.

After Qingxueluo left, Immortal Venerable Tu Mie and Immortal Misty Rain were beheaded by Li Ming. Now the fairy world camp is empty, and no one can interfere with Li Ming's search.

Li Ming unceremoniously plundered the Immortal World camp, and then swaggered away.

When Kualong Xianzun saw the big camp on fire, his face suddenly changed, and he asked, "What's going on? Why is the camp on fire?"

"Report, Immortal Qingxue left, Immortal Tu Mie and Immortal Yanyu both fell." A spy came to report immediately.

Hearing this, Kualong Xianzun's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately shouted: "Get out, get out!"

Immediately, Kualong Xianzun quickly led the army to retreat.

"Want to retreat now? Don't you think it's too late?" King Qin Guang was furious, and shouted, "Chasing, give me a relentless pursuit!"


The army of ghosts and immortals was excited, and the kings of Hades took the lead.

The army of the fairy world was defeated and fled in embarrassment.

It wasn't until the immortal army returned to the camp that the ghost and immortal army gave up.

At this time, although the fairy camp was full of flames, King Qin Guang didn't dare to go deep into it rashly. Who knows if there is a lore formation in this camp.

I only heard that King Qin Guang said: "Return to the army Jiang Yunshan!"

In this battle, the army of ghosts and immortals can be said to have won a complete victory.

Not only destroyed the fairy grass that the army of the fairy world painstakingly cultivated, but also beheaded several immortals and countless immortals of the ancient fairyland.

Back in Jiangyun Mountain, King Qin Guang held a banquet to celebrate, and said, "In this battle, Li Ming has contributed the most. If Li Ming hadn't destroyed the immortals and burned the camp, the army of the immortal world would not have been defeated like this. I will offer you a toast."

After speaking, King Qin Guang drank it down in one gulp.

Li Ming also said straight away, "King Qin Guang, although we have won this battle, the army of the fairy world is still in the camp, watching it fiercely, so it is not appropriate to relax too much, in case they suddenly attack."

"If they dare to come, we dare to kill them without leaving a piece of them." Taishan King said deeply.

"Seventh brother, don't be rude." King Qin Guang said.

Hearing this, King Taishan immediately shut up.

I only heard King Qin Guang say: "What Li Ming said is true, I will withdraw the banquet after drinking three cups."

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded.

Immediately, all the ghosts and immortals drank three cups in a row, and then withdrew the banquet.

Kualong Xianzun and others finally extinguished the fire, and after counting the losses, Kualong Xianzun's company was green.

Not to mention the destruction of the fairy grass outside the camp, all the supplies in the camp were swept away.

"Damn it! What a Li Ming, I will never die with you!" Kualong Immortal Venerable roared.

The faces of the immortals were very ugly, all the supplies in the camp were gone, and they had no capital to fight.

At this time, I only heard Jiuyang Immortal Venerable ask: "Cualong Immortal Venerable, what should we do now?"

"Do you want to ask for some more from the fairy world?" A deputy general suggested.

"Ask for it? Who is going to ask for it? Most of the camp was destroyed last time, so I had to bite the bullet and ask for it. Now there is nothing left, how can I have this face?" Kualong Immortal Venerable shouted angrily.

"What do you do? How can you fight this battle without supplies?" said the immortal who proposed to ask for supplies from the fairy world, frowning.

Hearing this, Kualong Immortal Venerable frowned for a while, and remained silent for a long time.

I only heard Jiuyang Immortal Venerable say: "If there is really no other way, we can only withdraw the troops."

"Withdraw the army? At the beginning, we issued a military order to Emperor Cang'er, and we will never return to the fairyland if we don't step down the underworld of the Yin Division." Kualong Xianzun said in a low voice.

Hearing this, Nine Suns Immortal Venerable was helpless for a while, let alone leveling the underworld of the Yin Division, even maintaining the normal operation of the army of the Immortal Realm would not be able to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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