The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2620 Sun Explosion

Chapter 2620 Sun Explosion (Third)

"Hmph! That day. You just took advantage of the large number of people. What is there to be proud of? Today, I came with a large army, so I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Said the Kualong Immortal Venerable with a dark face.

"Haha." King Qin Guang laughed for a while, and then said: "Kualong Immortal, you are not afraid of me, but have you forgotten that master? Two of the three immortals of the Zhurong family died tragically under him. hands, are you not afraid?"

Hearing this, Kualong Immortal Venerable's complexion changed immediately, and then he hummed and said, "King Qin Guang, don't lie to me. If those masters were here, would you still be so cautious?"

"You don't believe me?" King Qin Guang was taken aback, and then reminded: "That master is Li Ming's elder, I know why you galloped here, but I advise you to go home and don't beat Li Ming. idea, or you will die miserably!"

"Stop bluffing me! Everyone follow me!" Kualong Xianzun shouted angrily.

Immediately, the army of the fairy world rushed over desperately.

Seeing this, King Qin Guang's face darkened, and he shouted: "Stay on strict guard, and never let any immortal step into the valley."

"Yes." All ghosts and immortals responded.

Immediately, a fierce battle was about to break out, and the two sides fought.

These immortals knew that this battle was most likely to be their last battle. If they couldn't kill Li Ming and regain the resources on Li Ming, even if they returned to the fairy world, their fate would not be so good.

Therefore, no one held back in this battle, and all means were used, and there was a tendency of breaking the boat!
King Qin Guang didn't expect that the army of the fairy world was so determined to kill this time, and they didn't leave a way out for him at all.

However, at this time, the old devil who had been lurking in the dark made a move.

Because the old devil has been out of the customs several times, his cultivation base has fallen behind Brother Zhu, only the later stage of Xianzun.

However, even in the late stage of Xianzun, Kualong Xianzun and others are not able to parry.

As soon as the old devil made a move, several immortals fell one after another.

Seeing this, Kualong Immortal Venerable was terrified, that master was really there, King Qin Guang did not lie.

King Qin Guang saw the frightened look on the face of the Kualong Immortal, and couldn't help being proud, and said with a smile: "How about the Kualong Immortal? I didn't lie to you!"

"Damn it!" Kualong Xianzun shouted angrily.

"I reminded you, it was you who didn't believe it! Today, this is where you will perish!" King Qin Guang laughed loudly.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!" Kualong Immortal Venerable immediately sent an order.

It turned out that these immortals were still determined to die and were ready to fight.

However, seeing the inexplicable demise of several immortals, I panicked.

And when he heard Kualong Xianzun's order to retreat, his face turned dead, knowing that something was wrong.

In war, one fights for strength and compares treasures.

But momentum is also essential.

Once the Qi is weak, it will be defeated, like a bereaved dog.

Sure enough, not long after Kualong Immortal Venerable issued the order to retreat, the army of the Immortal Realm was defeated and torn apart.

Seeing this, the old devil couldn't help but stop, and said: "King Qin Guang, I will leave the rest to you. The old man is going back to retreat."

"Senior, go slowly." King Qin Guang said respectfully.

Afterwards, the old devil returned to the main hall of the underworld.

Li Ming is still swallowing the sun, and now he is penetrating.

Three days later, Li Ming successfully penetrated the second round of the sun.

Seeing this, Brother Wen Zhu asked, "How do you feel? Is there any conflict?"

"It feels good, there is no conflict at all, and it seems that I can swallow another round of the sun." Li Ming murmured.

"Can you swallow another round?" Master Liu was really surprised, and looked at Li Ming in disbelief.

However, Brother Zhu was not too surprised, just said: "If you think you can swallow another round, then swallow another round. Remember, don't force it, otherwise everything will become meaningless. "

"Well, I know." Li Ming nodded in response.

Afterwards, Li Ming continued to sit cross-legged, and began to swallow the third sun.

When swallowing the third round of the sun, it went smoothly at first.

However, when Li Ming swallowed the third round of the sun into the fairy body, troubles began.

The riots of Xianyan, Xianyan, and the first two rounds of the sun far exceeded Li Ming's expectations. They seemed to be extremely repulsed by this round of Xinyang.

Li Ming ran his immortal consciousness crazily, suppressing it as much as possible.

However, the effect is not too ideal.

Brother Zhu, who was standing by the side, saw Li Ming's aura fluctuate abnormally, his complexion changed immediately, and he said immediately: "Quick, if the fairy body can't hold it, spit it out as soon as possible!"

When Li Ming heard Brother Zhu's words, he tried to spit out the third round of the sun.

However, it was too late, and the third round of the sun had already fought with them.

Li Ming's face was painful, and his fairy body began to tremble violently.

Seeing this, Sect Master Liu was startled, and quickly asked: "Master, what should we do now?"

"Quickly, follow me to move the remaining rounds of the sun away from the valley. Don't let Li Ming's turbulent breath detonate them, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Brother Zhu said solemnly.

"Then what about Li Ming?" Sect Master Liu asked.

"The only one who can save him now is himself, we can't help him." Brother Zhu said helplessly.

Hearing this, Clan Master Liu could only frowned helplessly.

Immediately, Brother Zhu and Master Liu moved the remaining six suns out of the valley.

Li Ming crazily suppressed the three suns of Xianyan, Xianlei, and Tunna.

However, all efforts seem to be in vain.

Li Ming's fairy body trembled more and more violently, and sweat the size of a bean permeated from his forehead.

Unknowingly, the true nature of Xuanwu behind Li Ming emerged.

At this time, Brother Zhu and Master Liu had already moved away the remaining six suns, and were watching Li Ming anxiously.

Master Liu was very worried, and wanted to ask several times, but finally held back.

Brother Zhu also frowned, he could feel Li Ming's pain, and he could also feel the threat of death.


Xuanwu Truth let out a deep roar, but with the passage of time, this roar began to turn into mourning, contemplation, and pain.

Finally, the third sun burst, and the majestic power filled Li Ming's whole body.

I saw the immortal robe on Li Ming's body vanished in an instant, and at the same time powerful immortal flames emerged from his body.

The fairy flame is extremely powerful, and it burns more and more vigorously.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ming was wrapped up.

Xuanwu's true self was burned by the fairy flame, and he let out a painful roar.

Master Liu couldn't help it, and asked, "Master, is Li Ming still alive?"

Brother Zhu shook his head slightly, and said: "I'm not sure, the third round of the sun exploded, and the huge power has filled his whole body. Whether he can survive can only depend on his own good luck."

"Can we just watch?" Sect Master Liu asked unwillingly.

Brother Zhu didn't speak, but nodded slightly.


Burned by the flames of the sun, Li Ming let out a painful roar, and his whole body was almost cracked.

 Tomorrow, I will go to another MRI report on the 31st. If the result is not good, I will have an operation.Let me tell you first, if I am accompanying you in the hospital, I will not be able to update.

(End of this chapter)

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