Chapter 2639
The army of the fairy world continued to advance, and within a little effort, they arrived at the former fairy world camp.

Li Ming was a little surprised that the Immortal World camp was intact.

Not only Li Ming was surprised, but these immortals were also surprised.

It stands to reason that after Brother Zhu and the others evacuated the Immortal World Camp, they should have destroyed the Immortal World Camp.

Seeing this, I only heard the coach say: "Everyone check around, in case there is a trap here."

"Yes." Several lieutenants responded.

Immediately, several people checked the inside and outside of the Immortal World Camp.

However, no traps were found.

Hearing this, the coach couldn't help hesitating for a while, and said: "It's really weird, they didn't destroy the Immortal World Camp."

"Could it be that they didn't evacuate in time, and they didn't have time to destroy it?" said a lieutenant general.

The coach shook his head and said, "It doesn't look like that, everyone, be more careful, set up camp first, and enter the palace of the Underworld in three days' time!"

"Yes!" All the immortals responded.

Li Ming couldn't help feeling a little anxious when he heard that they were going to attack the Great Hall of the Underworld in three days.

This time, the army of the Immortal Realm has been dominated by elites, and the Zhurong and Gonggong clans account for half of them.

They are going to attack the Great Hall of the Underworld in three days, and they must be preparing to eradicate the Underworld in one fell swoop.

Li Ming didn't dare to act rashly now, so he could only hide in the shadow of the flag and wait for the opportunity.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

The army of the fairy world marched towards the main hall of the underworld.

Along the way, I didn't see a single ghost, it was like entering a land of no one.

This makes these immortals very strange, why can't they see half of the ghosts?

Li Ming was also very strange. It stands to reason that Qin Guangwang and the others had already made preparations. Could something have happened in the past few years since he left?
Li Ming didn't dare to speculate casually now, he just waited until the main hall of the underworld.

A few days later, the army of the fairy world rushed to the main hall of the underworld.

However, at this moment, the Great Hall of the Underworld is empty.

"What's going on?" The commander of the Immortal World Army frowned and asked.

"Could it be that they withdrew early when they knew we were going to attack them?" a lieutenant speculated.

Hearing this, the coach frowned fiercely, and said in a low voice: "Send spies to track down the whereabouts of King Qin Guang and others."

"Yes." All the immortals responded.

Li Ming, who was hiding in the shadow of the flag, was suspicious for a while, why is there no one in the underworld?

The army of the Immortal Realm was in vain and could only temporarily withdraw to the Immortal Realm Camp.

Li Ming remained calm and continued to hide in the shadow of the flag.

Shen Yu whispered his thoughts and asked: "Li Ming, what's the situation now? Why don't you see half a ghost?"

"I don't know either, maybe something happened to King Qin Guang and the others." Li Ming Chuannian said.

"Then what should we do now?" Chen Yu asked.

"Don't worry, just hide it for now, and wait until we figure out the situation." Li Ming Chuannian said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chen Yu responded obediently.

The army of the fairy world sent a large number of spies, but two months passed in a blink of an eye, and there was no trace of the ghost fairy.

However, the commander of the Immortal Army found a problem. Two of the spies who went to the northwest to investigate failed to return.

I only heard that the commander-in-chief of the Immortal World Army ordered: "Search the northwest direction with all your strength, and report immediately if there is any disturbance."

Immediately, all the spies of the Immortal Army searched in the northwest direction.

However, after two, nothing was found.

This caused the Immortal World Army a headache.

However, at this time, abnormal power fluctuations appeared in the northeast direction.

At this time, the commander of the Immortal Army knew that he had been tricked, and immediately asked the spies to go deep into the northeast to investigate.

This investigation really found the traces of the army of ghosts and immortals hiding in Manghei Mountain.

Knowing the location where the army of ghosts and immortals is hiding, the commander of the fairy world directly led all the immortals to kill Mangheishan, in order to calm the disaster of the underworld as soon as possible.

A few days later, the army of the fairy world came to Python Black Mountain.

Sure enough, the army of ghosts and immortals is hiding here.

I only heard a lieutenant general stepping forward and scolding, "Where is King Qin Guang?"

"Your grandfather Taishan King is here!" A burly figure flew out of Python Black Mountain.

It is none other than Taishan King.

"What are you? We want to see King Qin Guang." The lieutenant shouted angrily.

"I'm your grandfather, if you want to see my elder brother, pass me first!" King Taishan shouted angrily.

"I don't know what to do!" The lieutenant shouted angrily, and drew the bow and arrow on his back.

Then, with a whoosh, the deputy general shot an arrow.

King Taishan's complexion changed, he could feel that the arrow was extraordinary, and immediately used all his strength to resist it.

There was only a bang, and the arrow exploded directly in front of King Taishan.

I saw that the ghost shield condensed by Taishan King was directly blasted, and Taishan King stepped back several steps in a row, and spit out a big mouthful of black blood with a wow.

Obviously, the injury was not minor.

Seeing this, the deputy general burst out laughing, and said, "Do you still dare to speak fiercely now? Call King Qin Guang to come out quickly!"

King Taishan wiped the black blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Is my elder brother someone you can see whenever you want?"

"Looking for death!" The deputy general was furious, so he drew out another fairy arrow, ready to shoot and kill King Taishan.

At this time, the commander stretched out his hand to stop the deputy general, and then said: "King Taishan, I know that your elder brother is about to break through the emperor's realm. But, is it so easy to break through the emperor's realm? You let him come out, I have something to say to you." He said."

"There's nothing to say. Even if my underworld is wiped out, I won't surrender." King Taishan said deeply.

Hearing this, the commander-in-chief of the Immortal World Army couldn't help but turn dark, and said in a low voice: "King Taishan, don't make mistakes, this matter has already alarmed the God of Nine Heavens, surrender is your only way out."

"Don't lie to us, I'm afraid you will kill us mercilessly after we hand over the Sutra of Rebirth." King Taishan sneered.

Hearing this, the corner of the Immortal World's coach couldn't help but twitch.

I only heard a lieutenant general pleading for orders: "Commander, I have nothing to say to them, just kill them directly."

"Yes, kill them directly!" Another lieutenant said.

The coach thought for a while, and said: "To keep King Taishan alive, we must find out the whereabouts of King Qin Guang, and we must not let him break through the emperor's realm."

"Yes." Several lieutenants responded.

Immediately, the army of the fairy world attacked Manghei Mountain.

Seeing this, King Taishan's face darkened, and he shouted: "Let's fight!"

"Dong dong dong..."

The beating drum shook the sky, and the sky and the earth resounded.

In the blink of an eye, the army of the fairy world fought against the ghosts led by King Taishan.

However, the strength of the army of ghosts and immortals led by King Taishan was not comparable to that of the army of the fairy world, and they were blown away by the army of the fairy world after a single encounter.

Seeing that he was outnumbered, King Taishan immediately shouted: "Retreat!"

"Chase!" the commander of the Immortal World Army ordered.

Immediately, several Immortal Venerable Realm chased after King Taishan.

Seeing this, Li Ming's expression darkened. Should he make a move or not?

(End of this chapter)

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