Chapter 265

Li Ming nodded, even if Brother Zhu didn't say anything, he would stay and find out!
At this time, I saw that the pedestrians had a clear division of labor, one guarded the entrance, one took out the lighting stone, one drew something on the ground, and one walked under the trapped dragon pillar.

As soon as the lighting stone was taken out, the whole space became shiny.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi hastily cast invisibility and hid themselves.

Fortunately, these monks were all focused on other things, so they didn't notice Li Ming's existence.

It's also because they are confident that no one will get here ahead of them!

The monks were busy for about half an hour, only to hear one of them say: "Get the spiritual water!"

Immediately, the monk who was in charge of guarding the entrance took out two large buckets of pure spiritual water, one bucket was sprinkled on the ground, and the other bucket was sprinkled on the trapped dragon pillar.

Li Ming was curious, Chuan Nian asked: "Brother Zhu, what are they doing?"

"Missing, the old man turned out to be blind!" Brother Zhu sighed to himself.

"What do you mean?" Li Ming asked puzzled.

"You'll know when you look down." Brother Zhu didn't explain too much, and Li Ming didn't ask any more questions, just watched quietly.

At this time, the pure spirit water was sprinkled on the ground and the trapped dragon pillar, and a puff of white smoke rose immediately.

"Quick, put away the lighting stone." One person said.

Immediately, that person put away the lighting stone.

However, the light in this space did not disappear because of this, the rising white smoke actually ignited light, although it was very faint, it did emit light.

"Everyone pay attention to memory, the existence of white smoke is very short." One person reminded.

"I know." The others responded.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi were very surprised, and approached cautiously.

However, they dare not stick too close, there is a Nascent Soul strong among these monks!
At this time, some characters appeared in the rising white smoke, but Li Ming didn't recognize any of them.

Seeing these characters, Brother Zhu was startled immediately, and said in surprise: "It turned out to be the long-lost Heaven-Suppressing Curse."

"Suppressing Heaven Curse?" Li Ming was slightly surprised, Chuan Nian asked, "What is that?"

"Don't ask, I read a sentence and you read a sentence, how much you can remember depends on your luck!" Brother Zhu said.

Li Ming didn't ask any more, just responded, "Okay!"

Immediately, Brother Zhu read it.

Li Ming read along, but it was very jerky and difficult to pronounce, like babbling.

However, Li Ming still tried his best to read it correctly.

The Sky-Suppressing Mantra, as the name suggests, is a mantra used to suppress the heavens.

What kind of god is imprisoned here?Actually used the Sky-Suppressing Curse?
Gradually, Li Ming seems to have found the feeling, the pronunciation is getting closer and closer, and more and more standard!

Although Niu Wudi didn't know what these were, he knew that they must be good things, so he followed suit.

Those monks were all focused on the words written by Baiyan, and they didn't notice Li Ming and Niu Wudi in the corner at all.

However, they don't know all of the Baiyan characters, they only barely understand them.

And the task assigned to them by their family is to record those unfamiliar words and bring them back.

To this day, their family has not fully read these Baiyan scripts, they only know that it is a very heaven-defying exercise!
As for what kind of skill it is, and to what extent it is against the sky, it is not clear.

The white smoke formed quickly and disappeared quickly, and it was short-lived and fleeting.

"How do you remember?" one of them asked.

 Fourth update, asking for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, tipping, still writing, there will be five updates today.In addition, let me talk about the reading group number of this book, which was finally established: 423476430.Heroes are waiting!If you like this book, please add it.

(End of this chapter)

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