The best immortal emperor

Chapter 267 Going Empty, Returning Empty

Chapter 267 Going Empty, Returning Empty

"You kid is not mean enough. I asked you to go back to Zong to find me a drink, but you didn't go." Lu Changsheng said a little unhappy.

Li Ming smiled wryly, and said, "I want to go drink with you, but the sect is so big, where can I find you?"

"Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you... No, I went to the Spirit Beast Hall to recruit you to join the group. You were not here. Before I left, I told the elders of the Spirit Beast Hall to tell you to come to Baiyun Palace to find me. Didn't he tell you?" Lu Changsheng said in surprise.

"Not really." Li Ming said.

The elders of the Spiritual Beast Hall really didn't say anything about this matter, but they thought they were smart enough to join the Huayang Zhenjun Seal Contest team.

"Not yet? This elder of the Spirit Beast Hall, seeing that I don't discipline him when I go back, dare not take my confession to heart!" Lu Changsheng said quite angrily.

Li Ming smiled and said nothing. Looking at Lu Changsheng's appearance, he knew that Lu Changsheng had some background in the God of Medicine Sect. Elder Sun naturally didn't want him to make friends with such a person, so he would not pass the news on his behalf.

I only heard Lu Changsheng said: "Forget it, I won't mention the previous things, now we meet, how about joining us?"

"Yes, join us!" Zhang Heng also said enthusiastically.

Last time in the Zhiyang Mountains, Li Ming made great efforts to hunt and kill monsters at the early stage of the fourth-rank Golden Core, so Zhang Heng and others had a good impression of Li Ming!

Guan Bin kept squinting his eyes, uncertain about the weather, but he didn't speak in the end.

Facing Lu Changsheng's invitation, Li Ming hesitated slightly, turned his head to look at Niu Wudi, only to hear that Niu Wudi said: "I listen to elder brother."

Li Ming nodded, and then said: "Thanks to Senior Brother Lu for looking up to me, my two brothers are willing to join!"

Earlier, when he was in the God of Medicine Sect, Li Ming did not form a team because he had some concerns.

Now, it's the main planet of the ancient world, and Niu Wudi is already in the late stage of Jindan.

Lu Changsheng and others are only at the early stage of Jindan, and they are absolutely unable to detect the details of Niu Wudi.

The biggest worry was eliminated, and Li Ming had been wandering aimlessly in the ancient world, lacking information, and he had already formed a team.

At this moment, it was Lu Changsheng's invitation again. After all, he had dealt with him before and his character was pretty good.

Naturally, how can there be any reason to refuse?
Seeing Li Ming's agreement, Lu Changsheng laughed heartily and said, "With Junior Brother Li joining us, it will definitely be even more powerful!"

Li Ming smiled slightly and asked, "Senior brother Lu, where are you going now?"

"Before we got news that the tribal underground palace was discovered, and we were about to rush there." Lu Changsheng said.

"Tribal underground palace?" Li Ming was startled.

"What? Junior brother Li also heard about it?" Lu Changsheng asked in surprise.

Li Ming nodded and said, "To tell the truth, Senior Brother Lu, I have not only heard about it, but also been there."

"What? Have you been to the tribe's underground palace? How did it turn out?" Lu Changsheng asked nervously.

Li Ming spread his hands together, with a helpless expression on his face, and said, "Go empty-handed, return empty-handed."

"How could this be? There should be a lot of funerary objects in the tribal underground palace." Zhang Heng said in surprise.

Li Ming shook his head and said: "The situation is not as simple as we thought. After entering from the entrance of the underground palace, there are some passages, and there are several forks in the passage. Said that the passage is laid out according to the Qimen Dunjia, and there are thousands of variations. It is impossible to break through without external force. I have been groping for a long time before I found the exit, otherwise I am still trapped in the tribal underground palace. "

These words are false and true, some are true and some are false!
(End of this chapter)

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