The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2690 Gonggong River

Chapter 2690 Gonggong River

"However, let's talk about it first. If there is nothing you want in the scripture cave, you are not allowed to mess around!" Li Ming reminded.

"Naturally, I don't want to die like this." Gong Gong's Immortal Venerable said.

"This is the best!" Li Ming said, and then asked: "Where can I find Gonggongchuan?"

"Gonggong Chuan likes to drink on weekdays. You go to the restaurants in the city. If he is not in the restaurant, you can go to Chuanfu." Gonggong's Xianzun said.

Hearing this, Li Ming nodded secretly, and then remembered that he still didn't know his name, so he couldn't help asking: "What's your name?"

"Gonggong River." Said Gonggong's Immortal Venerable.

"Oh." Li Ming responded without paying too much attention.

Soon, Li Ming visited several restaurants in the city.

However, Gong Gong Chuan was not found, and instead attracted the attention of some people.

However, Li Ming quickly disappeared from their sight, so there was no arousal.

Following Gonggonghe's guidance, Li Ming and his party soon arrived at Chuanfu, Gonggongchuan's mansion.

There are guards in front of the gate, but they are nothing more than two immortals from the ancient fairyland.

Even if Li Ming and the others walked past them, the two guards couldn't find it.

Sure enough, Li Ming and his party walked into the Sichuan mansion in a grand manner.

Li Ming learned from Gonggong River Estuary that the strength of Gonggongchuan has reached the peak of Immortal Venerable, only half a step away from Immortal Emperor.

However, Gonggongchuan has not been able to break through these years.

It is said that the underwater city can help him break through.

However, Gong Chuan was not eligible.

After years of disdainful efforts, Gonggongchuan finally succeeded and got the place to enter the underwater city.

However, in the end, for some unknown reason, it kept getting stuck.

Therefore, Gonggonghe asked Li Ming and the others to look for Gonggongchuan.

If Gonggongchuan can enter the underwater city, Li Ming and the others can enter the shadow of Gonggongchuan and take the opportunity to enter the underwater city.

Entering Chuan Mansion, Li Ming only heard a burst of beating and scolding.

The voice came from the backyard, and Li Ming and the three walked away after hearing it.

"Do you have eyes? What I want is a gold stone inkstone, not a gray stone inkstone." A stern voice came.

"My lord, I know I'm wrong, so I'm going to fetch the gold and stone inkstone." The servant who was kneeling on the ground said hastily.

"No need, I cut off my own eyes as punishment." The man said rudely.

"My lord, please forgive me, I know I was wrong." The servant hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Can't you hear what I said? How dare you disobey me?" the man said bluntly.

The servant was so frightened that he trembled, and finally had no choice but to cripple his eyes.

Seeing all this, Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and thought to himself: "This person is so ruthless, it's just that he took the wrong inkstone, and his eyes will be disabled."

"Wait, this person's strength has reached the pinnacle, reaching the peak of Xianzun. Could it be that this person is Gonggongchuan?"

Li Ming paused in his heart, and couldn't help but look at this person secretly.

Sure enough, it is almost the same as what Gonggonghe described.

It seems that this person is Gong Gong Chuan!
At this time, I saw Gonggong Chuan asking another maid to get the inkstone.

After a while, the gold stone inkstone was taken over.

I saw Gonggong Chuan pick up the brush and start writing.

Not to mention, the characters of Gonggongchuan are really good, with strokes and paintings, calm and vigorous.

However, there is a trace of hostility faintly at the edge of the pen.

Maybe it has something to do with his temper.

As it was written, Gong Gongchuan suddenly became irritable and threw away the brush in his hand.

Then, he slapped the table in front of him to pieces.

The maid serving beside her was so frightened that she quickly knelt down on the ground, not daring to say a word.

Gonggong Chuanyu was still angry, grabbed the maid who was kneeling on the ground, and asked, "Why? Why don't you let me enter the underwater city?"

Hearing this, Li Ming and the others suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Gonggongchuan was so hot-tempered. It turned out that it was because of the underwater city. "

Li Ming and the others remained calm and watched quietly from the sidelines.

With the help of Qin Guangwang to cover up the aura, Gong Gongchuan could not find Li Ming and Ye Wudao.

At this time, a servant came in and reported: "My lord, the people from Tianqin Pavilion are here."

"Please, hurry up." Gong Gongchuan said hastily.

Immediately, Gonggongchuan asked people to clean up the place.

After a while, the servant came in with a few people.

Seeing Gonggong Chuan far away, he greeted: "Brother Ri, I haven't seen you for a long time, so don't come here without any problems."

"Thanks to Brother Chuan, everything is fine." The visitor said with a smile.

This person was named Gonggong Ri, and it was said that the sun was shining brightly when he was born, so his father named him Gonggong Ri.

There are many strange names like Gonggong, such as Gonggong fish, Gonggong turtle and so on.

Tianqin Pavilion is not outside the gate, but an institution composed of members of the Gonggong clan, which is used to examine the xinxing of the clansmen.

Especially those disciples who are about to enter the underwater city, or have already obtained the qualification for the underwater city, will be strictly checked by Tianqin Pavilion.

Gonggongchuan was unable to enter the underwater city precisely because of his lack of character.

In fact, Gong Gongchuan knows that xinxing is just an excuse.

The real reason is that he squeezed out Gonggong Ben, who is the grandson of the emperor who is in charge of the underwater city.

After exchanging pleasantries, I only heard that Gonggong Day said: "Brother Chuan, how are your preparations going?"

"You can accept the test at any time." Gong Gongchuan said.

"Okay, let's start then." Gonggong Day said.

It turns out that Gonggong Day is here to assess Gonggongchuan's character. No wonder Gonggongchuan's attitude immediately reversed when he heard that Tianqin Pavilion was coming.

I saw Gong Gong took out a black and white chessboard and said: "This is the exam question for this year. After three days, if you can solve it, you can enter the underwater city smoothly. If you can't, I hope Brother Chuan will not blame me. Just follow the rules."

"Brother Japan is serious, I can understand." Gong Gongchuan said.

"Then you start." Gong Gong Ri handed his hope to Gong Gong Chuan, and then stepped aside.

Gong Gongchuan placed the chessboard on the newly added stone table, and then began to play chess.

This is an endgame, Gonggong Chuan is in charge, and he will go first.

I saw Gonggong Chuan staring at the chess game for a while, and then slowly dropped a word, looking steady and thoughtful.

In fact, it is not the case, my heart is turbulent, looking forward and backward, hesitating.

As soon as the sunspots landed, the white ones followed closely behind, with a tendency to press every step of the way.

It was Gonggongchuan's turn to play chess again, and he was deliberating again for a while before making a move.

Gonggong Day standing aside did not urge him, but just watched from the sidelines.

After half a stick of incense, Gonggongchuan gave birth to his second son.

As soon as the sunspots fell, the white ones followed closely behind.

Gong Gongchuan took a deep breath, calmed down his inner anxiety, and thought about how the third son would fall.

On the board, it is very unfavorable for the black pieces, and there is a tendency of being trapped to death by the white pieces.

No wonder Gong Gongchuan kept frowning, because once he lost, this assessment would mean failure!

If you fail, you will not be able to enter the underwater city, which is unacceptable to Gonggongchuan.

(End of this chapter)

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