The best immortal emperor

Chapter 27 I Have a Son?

Chapter 27 I Have a Son?
The next day, Li Ming woke up early to get ready, even though Tan Xiaoling made an appointment with him at noon.

It was a set of shirts, pants, and shoes that Tan Xiaoling had chosen for him.

Whether it's shirts, trousers, or shoes, they are not as expensive, good, or classy as the ones Lin Ruyu chose for him.

The clothes Lin Ruyu chose were too formal, which invisibly gave people a sense of pressure, while Tan Xiaoling chose more ordinary clothes, but undoubtedly more suitable for Li Ming.

Tan Xiaoling also got up early, painted her eyebrows and put on makeup in front of the mirror, hiding all her shortcomings.

Today, Siming was very excited, and his cousin Xiaoxiao was also very excited because he was going to the water park.

The cousin smiled, in fact, he was not much older than Siming, only two years older, and he was also a kid!
Tan's mother and Tan Qingjiang were worried for a while, and wanted to go to see the heartbroken man together, but Tan Xiaoling was very persistent, and she promised again and again that she would make it clear to Li Ming, so they could only wait for the good news in the hotel.

After Tan Xiaoling dressed up meticulously, it was already past ten o'clock, and hurriedly took Siming and Xiaoxiao to have some brunch, and when it was close to eleven o'clock, she took a taxi to Venice Water Park.

Li Ming also set off early and didn't want to be late.

Li Ming finally arrived first, and after waiting for about 10 minutes, Tan Xiaoling got off a taxi, holding a child by the hand.

Tan Xiaoling searched in the crowd for a while before seeing Li Ming. Seeing that he had bought all the clothes she was wearing, she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, and Lian Shan couldn't help but smile.

He didn't pay any attention to the woman in Li Ming's family.

She has decided that she will tell Li Ming everything today, and she will silently accept the result.

Even if Li Ming is really unwilling to take responsibility, she will tell Li Ming with tears in her eyes: You must be happy!

Tan Xiaoling led a child in one hand and walked up to Li Ming. The two of them just looked at each other without saying a word.

In the end, it was Li Ming who broke the silence and asked, "How are you doing recently?"

"Well, what about you?" Tan Xiaoling responded.

"Well, that's fine." Li Ming answered concisely.

"I'll go buy the ticket and go in first." Tan Xiaoling didn't intend to be so abrupt and told Li Ming that she gave birth to a son for him, and she planned to get along with her for a long time before talking.

"I'll go." Li Ming said, a man like paying the bill should do his part!
"No, I'll go." Tan Xiaoling said firmly, irresistible.

Li Ming was silent and only hummed.

Tan Xiaoling knew that Li Ming's economy was not good, otherwise she would not have advanced her salary to Manager Liu when she came to work in her bar, and Li Ming was not alone, there was also a woman, her daily expenses must be high, so she should be in short supply, Venice Water Park There are more than 200 tickets for each ticket, plus half a ticket for children, it will cost seven or eight hundred.

In fact, she didn't know that Li Ming was very rich, and those who were rich could buy the entire paradise.

Tan Xiaoling went to buy tickets, Li Ming looked at the two children and murmured in his heart, what are he and Tan Xiaoling doing?Cheating?
But how did she bring the child here?
Do you still want to have an affair with yourself in front of the child?
Li Ming had never taken care of children before, so he didn't know how to talk to them. He just stood there blankly and watched the two children, not letting them get lost.

Siming and Xiaoxiao had never seen this strange uncle before, but just now Tan Xiaoling told them to listen to what the uncle said and not to run around, and just stood there obediently.

Perhaps because they were bored, the two little guys started chatting.

"Brother Xiaoxiao, let me tell you a secret." Siming smiled mysteriously.

"Secret? Did your father send you a gift from Mars again?" Xiaoxiao asked innocently.

"No." Siming deliberately did not say.

"What is that? Tell me quickly." Xiaoxiao asked.

"Hey, I'll see my dad soon." Siming smiled happily.

"Your father? He came back from Mars?" Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

"Well, grandma told me." Siming said seriously.

"Wow, your dad is back, that's great, can you ask him to give me an Ultraman Mars too?" Xiaoxiao said enviously.

"Yes, no problem!" Siming said very generously.

"But do you know your father? If you don't, you won't recognize him even if you see him." After all, Xiaoxiao is two years older, so she has a lot to think about.

"This... I don't know, but I know my father's surname is Li!" Siming's face was very serious, as if he was talking about something very important.

"Oh, how do you know?" Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

"Of course my father told me. Brother Xiaoxiao, don't worry. Although I don't know my father, my mother does." Siming said.

"Yes, aunt knows." Xiaoxiao replied: "Remember, you owe me an Ultraman Martian!"

"Yes." Siming replied very seriously.

Li Ming standing next to him had a black line on his forehead, Ultraman Mars?Well, the world of children, I really don't understand!
At this time, Tan Xiaoling came back after buying the ticket and said, "Let's go, let's go in."

"Mom, who is this uncle?" Siming looked at Li Ming and asked curiously.

Li Ming was embarrassed, the child asked who he was?

Tan Xiaoling suddenly became nervous, looked at Li Ming, then at Siming who was curious, took a deep breath, and mustered up the courage to tell the secret hidden in her heart: "He is your father!"

After saying these words, Tan Xiaoling felt light all over, as if the boulder that had been pressing on her chest for many years had been lifted off.

Li Ming, who heard this, froze all over. This child is actually his own son?
"This is... my son?" Li Ming asked in disbelief.

"Yes, when you went abroad, I was already pregnant for a month, and I insisted on giving birth to the child later." Tan Xiaoling said, and then said to Tan Siming: "Siming, call me Dad."

"Dad." Tan Siming shouted timidly.

Li Mingmeng, this is actually his son?

After a long time, Li Ming came back to his senses and hugged Tan Siming, "I actually have a son, and they are so big!"

(End of this chapter)

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