The best immortal emperor

Chapter 2707 Conversation

Chapter 2707 Conversation
After calming down, I heard Li Ming say: "Heisheng Taoling, do you know how your mother Heilong Immortal Venerable died?"

After waiting for a long time, there was no response from the Taoling Black Sage.

Li Ming couldn't help shouting again: "Heisheng Taoling, do you know how your mother Heilong Xianzun died?"

After shouting like this four or five times, the voice of the gluttonous spirit black saint finally sounded.

Heisheng Taoling said: "Li Ming, don't play tricks, I won't believe anything you say."

"Don't believe it?" Li Ming paused slightly, then sneered, "Heisheng Taoling, you don't have the courage to know the truth, do you?"

"The truth?" The Taoling Black Sage paused slightly, then hummed and said, "It's as if you know it."

"Indeed, I know." Li Ming said.

"You know?" The Taoling Black Sage couldn't help being startled.

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "Heisheng Taoling, I know you don't believe it, but I can tell you that there is a place where your mother's death is recorded. If you want to know, you can check it yourself."

The Taoling Black Sage paused, and asked, "Where?"

"The scripture cave in Gonggong's underwater city." Li Ming said.

"The scripture cave?" The Taoling Heisheng hesitated for a moment.

"Yes, the scripture cave. I sneaked into the scripture cave before in order to find a way to break through the Heifeng Immortal Prison. There happened to be a book called "Legend of the Water Mirror" that recorded the death of your mother, the Black Dragon Immortal Venerable. The situation." Li Ming explained.

Hearing this, the Taoling Black Sage couldn't help but fell silent.

I only heard that Li Ming continued: "In addition to the death of your mother Heilong Xianzun, I also know that you like to eat four-horned dragons, and once because of stealing four-horned dragons, Immortal Emperor Shuijing cut off a dragon horn. Later, you Transformed into what it is now."

"How do you know?" The Taoling Black Sage was very surprised.

"These are all recorded in the legend of the water mirror." Li Ming said unhurriedly.

Hearing this, Taoling Heihei was silent again, and asked after a long time: "Anything else?"

"There are many, such as how the Emperor Shuijing tamed you, and you once liked a girl named Gonggong Shui from the Gonggong family, but later that girl betrayed you and married a fairy named Hongshou guy."

"How do you know?" The Taoling Black Sage asked.

"It's all recorded in the legend of Shuijing." Li Ming said unhurriedly, and then said: "Oh, by the way, you may not know how the girl named Gonggong Shui died, and by whom? Killed?"

"By whom?" the Taoling Black Sage asked.

"I won't tell you. If you want to know, go to the Buddhist scripture cave to see for yourself, so as not to think that I, Li, deceive you." Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"Tell me! Tell me quickly!" the Taoling Black Sage roared.

"Don't tell me." Li Ming said.

"Are you going to tell me?" The Taoling Black Sage said threateningly.

"Don't threaten me, I, Li Ming, didn't scare me too much." Li Ming said unhurriedly, and then said: "If you really want to know the answer, go to the scripture cave in the underwater city."

"You think I don't want to go? But how easy is it to enter the underwater city? I have been in Gonggong for so many years, but I have never found out how to enter the underwater city." Taoling Heisheng said rudely.

"Oh, that's your business, it has nothing to do with me." Li Ming said unhurriedly.

"You..." The Taoling Black Saint was suddenly dumbfounded.

After a slight pause, Li Ming said: "Last time besides me, there was another guy named Gonggonghe who also entered the underwater city together. He also read the classics in the Buddhist scripture cave, but I don't know if he is still alive." .You find him, maybe you can know the answer you want."

"Why don't you say it yourself?" Taoling Black Sage asked.

"Will you believe me when I tell you? But I can kindly remind you that the result will be far beyond your expectations. In fact, you and I are not enemies. On the contrary, we can become comrades-in-arms." Li Ming said.

"Nonsense!" The Taoling Black Sage said bluntly.

"That's all for now, believe it or not." Li Ming said indifferently.

Hearing this, the Taoling Black Sage couldn't help but fell silent.

Li Ming didn't say any more, because he knew that the Taoling Black Sage would definitely look for the answer.

After the Taoling Black Sage finds the answer, he will naturally no longer be his enemy.

Therefore, Li Ming began to practice in the Sleepy Heaven Palace with peace of mind.

Immortal Emperor Fu Hai and Long Zu blamed themselves very much. They didn't expect to fall into the trick of the Taoling Black Sage, and they even harmed Li Ming.

I only heard that Emperor Fuhai asked worriedly: "Longzu, what should we do now? If there is something wrong with Li Ming, how can we explain it to Brother Demon Emperor?"

Long Zu also frowned, and said helplessly: "No one thought that such a thing would happen, but I don't think Black Sage Taoling may be able to kill Li Ming?"

"How do you say that?" Immortal Emperor Fuhai asked.

"Li Ming is proficient in the shadow killing technique of the eldest brother of the Devil Emperor. Hei Sheng, the gluttonous spirit, should be able to kill him. Otherwise, why would he spend this week trying to lure us into the bait?" Long Zu said.

Hearing this, Immortal Emperor Fu Hai nodded and said, "Although there is some truth, I always feel that something is wrong."

"Don't panic, let me think about where the Taoling Black Sage will go." Long Zu said.

"En." Immortal Emperor Fuhai responded.

Thinking slightly, Long Zu said: "The Taoling Black Sage was cultivated by Shuijing Immortal Emperor. He captured Li Ming, and he will probably send Li Ming to the Gonggong Sect. We might as well go to the Gonggong Sect to have a look." .”

"Okay." Immortal Emperor Fuhai replied.

Immediately, the two hurried to the clan land ruled by the Gonggong clan.

This place is not very far from the Gonggong clan, within five days' effort, Immortal Emperor Fuhai and Long Zu came to the clan of the Gonggong clan.

I only heard Fuhai Xiandi said in a deep voice: "We have to find a way to sneak into Gonggong City."

"Stupid?" Long Zu shook his head and said, "Gonggong City's current defenses have been strengthened many times. It is even more difficult to sneak in than ascend to the sky."

Indeed, since Li Ming and others sneaked into the Buddhist scripture cave, Gong Gong's precautions were much stricter than before.

"Then what should we do?" asked the Immortal Emperor Fuhai.

Long Zu thought for a while, and said: "Well, you and I will lurk outside the city to see if there are any heavyweights out of the city to handle errands. If there are, we will follow secretly, capture him alive, and force him to ask about Li Ming's situation."

"Okay." Immortal Emperor Fuhai replied.

The heavyweight that Long Zu mentioned was the Immortal Emperor of the Gonggong Clan.

But after waiting for half a month, no heavyweights left the city.

Seeing this, Immortal Emperor Fu Hai couldn't help frowning, and asked: "Old Dragon, do you want to wait any longer?"

Long Zu shook his head and said: "In this way, I will go forward to call for battle, and you will attack secretly. If we can capture an immortal emperor of the Gonggong clan, we will have the capital to negotiate, at least to ensure that they will not dare to easily attack Li Tomorrow."

"Okay, then be careful." Immortal Emperor Fuhai reminded.

"En." Long Zu responded.

Immediately, Longzu flew to Gonggong City, ready to fight!
 ps: Calvin, there is only one chapter today.

(End of this chapter)

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