The best immortal emperor

Chapter 272 Giant Waves

Chapter 272 Giant Waves
Following Lu Changsheng's sound, the fairy ship buzzed and trembled, rising from the sea, only then was it freed from the possibility of subversion!

In a short while, the fairy boat rose to hundreds of meters above the sea, away from the huge waves in the sea, it seemed that it should be safe for the time being!

Everyone stood on the edge of the ship's side, overlooking the huge waves rising and falling below, feeling lingering fear for a while. If this was photographed by the huge waves, they still don't know what the consequences would be?
All of you present are people who have seen the world, but they have never seen such a turbulent huge wave.

Zhang Heng was surprised and said, "Why is there a wave suddenly in this sea, and it's so huge."

"Indeed, there are no waves without wind. The speed here is normal, but the waves are huge. It's really weird!" Another monk said.

Guan Bin pondered slightly, and said: "Could it be that there are big monsters traveling in the sea, and the huge waves are so huge?"

"There is such a possibility, everyone stay vigilant and don't take it lightly." Lu Changsheng said.

Immediately, a group of monks released their spiritual consciousness to explore the sea, and Li Ming was no exception.

However, after a while of busy work, his consciousness went hundreds of meters into the sea, but he found nothing, let alone the trace of the big monster.

Lu Changsheng hesitated slightly, and said in surprise: "I can't see any abnormalities in the hundreds of meters in the sea. Could it be that the big monster is in a deeper sea?"

"Why don't you go to the sea to find out?" Zhang Heng asked.

Lu Changsheng shook his head, and said: "A monster that can make such a huge wave is by no means simple. At least it is a Jindan late stage cultivation base, or even a Nascent Soul monster! You can't take risks with your body in a numbness."

Guan Bin nodded, agreed, and said, "So and so, I can only use the Xuanguang Mirror."

"Indeed." Lu Changsheng replied, and then said: "Bu Xiao Zhou Tianyan Formation."

"Okay!" Zhang Heng and others responded.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi didn't understand this formation, so they couldn't help, so they could only retreat to the side.

At this time, Lu Changsheng took out an ancient bronze mirror, which was the Xuanguang mirror.

At the same time, a handful of finely divided metal particles appeared in Lu Changsheng's hand.

I saw Lu Changsheng throwing up these finely divided metal particles, Guan Bin, Zhang Heng and others shot out their true energy, and operated the small Zhou Tianyan array! "

Immediately, the fine particles formed a circle, reflecting light from each other.

This big round thing fell into the sea under the control of several people, and slowly deepened.

Lu Changsheng held the Mysterious Light Mirror and poured his true essence into it. The Mysterious Light Mirror suddenly lit up, and a strong light shot out towards the surface of the sea.

At this time, the picture of the seabed actually appeared in the Xuanguang mirror.

Li Ming doesn't know how this treasure is made, but he understands its principle. Those fine metal particles are like a small camera. This porch environment is a display screen. Standing on the boat, one can see everything on the bottom of the sea clearly.

Guan Bin and the others controlled the big circle formed by the metal particles to slowly penetrate into the bottom of the sea. When they dived nearly a thousand meters, they suddenly shouted and cast their true energy.

I saw the big round metal particles in the sea spread out and move around a certain point in a circle.

This is the Little Zhou Tianyan Formation!

Each metal particle represents a camera, and the trajectories of each movement are different, which can collect almost all the information of this sea area.

The little Zhou Tianyan formation operated by itself, Guan Bin and others gathered around the Xuanguang mirror in Lu Changsheng's hand, expecting to find something.

However, until now, the bottom of the sea is calm and there is no abnormality.

Li Ming thought for a while, taking advantage of everyone's attention on the Xuanguang mirror, he secretly asked, "Brother Zhu, what's on the bottom of the sea?"

(End of this chapter)

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